10 Good Reasons to Avoid Sodas


Active Member
Apr 20, 2003
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10 Good Reasons to Avoid Sodas

Sodas provide the human body with empty calories that lack any nutrients, and these calories are generally converted into fat. Sodas also rob the body of nutrients by replacing milk, juices and water, and soft drink consumption is thus associated with lower intake of numerous vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Participants in a study of school children, who had high soft drink consumption, consumed less milk and fruit juice compared with those whose soft drink intake was low.

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I am still alive,my body gets everything it needs. :D
It's still good reason to not give soda to kids until 12 years old or whatever. Then body will probably take good care extra longer healthy in future. That's my theory way I look up to the parents.
Good to see you're still alive, but the article doesn't imply that drinking soda will affect you immediately. It's like eating food that is high in fat and cholesterol, which you can consume for many years... You may pay for it in time...
I'm still soda lover, it won't stop it.

Interesting thread, anyway.

Other way, young children shouldn't drink soda.
I would like to add the point about teeth issues. Root Beer is far safe on teeth, because it come with only ONE flavor while all rest soda have more than 10 or 20 flavors enough to effect on teeth.
Root beer does cause the least amount of damage to teeth, while lemon/lime sodas cause the most damage to teeth cause of the citrus acid I think. Read it in Reader's Digest a long while back. Cokes/Pepsi's are in between.

I won't stop drinking sodas in general. I try to drink more natural sodas, sodas made with pure sugar instead of high frutose corn syrup and no caffeine. I still drink some Pepsi or Dr Pepper, but I limit those.
Diet sodas don't have calories and they taste way better than water.
I don't drink soda much so I'm fine. I usually drink orange juice, water, milk, etc.
*smh* Look guys, all you need to drink at least eight glasses of water per day to avoid being chronically dehydrated!

(drank after 8th glasses of water) Oh wow! Look at my urinate... It's clear as a whistle! :thumb:
It's funny reading how people are "trying" to limit the intake of soda. It's really not difficult to quit soda drinks for good. I stopped drinking them one day and haven't looked back since then. That was around 3 years ago.
It's funny reading how people are "trying" to limit the intake of soda. It's really not difficult to quit soda drinks for good. I stopped drinking them one day and haven't looked back since then. That was around 3 years ago.

What? Sodas are like cigarettes, hard to quit!
This thread seems familiar..didnt we discuss this before??
i think it was started by PePe LePew, wasnt it?...maybe im
wrong but i think it got locked up..heh.:dunno2: