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  1. BigDog33

    what is your favorite alcoholic drink?

    I used to drink jack daniels, after shock, capatin morgan, etc... out of bottle, but not anymore.... i drink once a while and it would be budweiser. I'm more of pot smoking type :thumb:
  2. BigDog33

    Opinion needed on a peircing

    I'm nice :) yeah go gophers!
  3. BigDog33

    Wells Fargo Card Services dont have working TDD number

    Yea best way to call is use the relay with the regular phone number. I NEVER used the company's TTY numbers... never liked it sometimes people dont know how to use it. So using the relay is the best way.
  4. BigDog33

    Opinion needed on a peircing

    :crazy: :booty: :laugh2:
  5. BigDog33

    Opinion needed on a peircing

    Fuzzy..... Like u would try :roll:
  6. BigDog33

    Holidays that you can't bear, and that you hate very much?

    I cant stand thanksgiving and xmas and maybe easter too thats when the families get together. I never liked it anymore cuz NO ONE in my families talk to me at all, I even tried to chat with them they end up "oh hold on i m talking with someone or whatever" blah. Those holidays SUCKS. My favorite...
  7. BigDog33

    Opinion needed on a peircing

    Go for it, if I had some kids of my own... I would let them do whatever they want when they are 15, 16. I was like that when i was 15, 16 i did whatever i wanted. Laws------ :gives: :fu: the laws
  8. BigDog33

    What are you going to do with your tax return money?

    XBOX 360!!! :mrgreen:
  9. BigDog33

    Play Lottery!!!

    No problem :mrgreen:
  10. BigDog33

    Play Lottery!!!

    5 16 23 35 47 powerball 33 12 27 33 46 50 powerball 16
  11. BigDog33

    Hopefully someone can help me out with cable problems

    Hi all... I got DVR today for my tv, its sweeet thing but there is one problem.... :confused: The movie channels, the CC would get messed up, but the rest of channels no problem. Anyone had that experience or know how to solve it? let me know Thanks