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  1. C

    Hearing Impaired

    Sometimes I think that it really doesn't matter.... I like going by the name of Crystal..rather then the HoH woman or the girl with the interp. in class.,... i don't like hearing impaired because it offends the Deaf community and I want to be culturally aware of things like that...
  2. C

    How would you define ... ? :D

    Im not sure it even matters anymore I'm moderate to profound, depending on the area you are asking about... im not one or another.. go figure
  3. C

    Some Ethical Dimensions of Cochlear Implantation for Deaf Children and Their Families

    CI in Sudan.... doubtful The need for Americans and most non-third world countries to become ethnocentric is amazing... I am trying to picture a family in Sudan arguing the ethics of CI... considering they usually throw children away that are Deaf because it's considered to be evil.. as if the...
  4. C

    Hearies view on a CI kid... its a bummer

    :afro:Today I had the worst experience of listening to a woman talk about the child she supervises in a public school system. This middle school boy has a CI and is I don't know how other people feel about that issue and I guess it's a per person basis.. I just know that the...
  5. C

    CI Moments

    I can only relate to the CI moment with the HA moment.... I am still constantly surprised of how I can hear gum pop while I am feeling it pop..... my kids think I'm crazy when I can have so much fun just chewing gum... because I'm like "Wow, that gum popping sounds really cool and I can feel it...
  6. C

    "You're not deaf"

    by the time i was at the end of the blog... well i forgot what the blog was about... interesting..anyway, Deaf is Deaf??? I am learning in my Deaf culture class that there are several areas of Deaf and you are only core Deaf if you meet a certain criteria..otherwise you exist...
  7. C

    University of Tenn... Is it a good program

    Clarify interest in UT Hey again, Personally, I want to attend UT because they have the Teacher Education program.. I want to teach Deaf/HoH...and there are very few schools that offer a program to learn to specifically teach the D/Hoh.... is that clearer? c
  8. C

    you cannot hear yourself if you make any noise

    I think the only person I embarass is my son... If we are in the store he will jump when I talk and look alarmed..we worked out a way for him to tell me if I am yelling.. He makes V handshape over throat and moves downward...that way I can realize POLITELY that I am yelling... My fourteen year...
  9. C

    Family must sell home to fund implant for deaf daughter

    Sounds to me like the family is extremely self focused on what they believe is "normal." i wonder if the child wants CI
  10. C

    This is so Exciting

    Okay, this is the first time I've "met" so many people similar to me... so many stories that I've experienced to a degree or can totally relate with. It's amazing.. why don't HoH who relate to Deaf/Hearing live near me?? So, who am I.... My name is Crystal and I live in California. I am 35...
  11. C

    Hi All, Looking for people in East TN

    Hi there, Crystal here and moving to Knoxville next summer, God willing. I am taking up ASL III right now.. in community college. It's very different here in California;apparently, it does not cost nearly as much as you are paying. I have also been checking out Tenn School for the Deaf... I...
  12. C

    What communication tools was you raised in?

    I was mainstreamed.. apparently I'm a postie... Hoh is preferred term. I have always been HoH, I never put hoh..because I feel this is who I am.. I'm in the middle ground..never quite fitting in either culture.. anyway.. grew up speaking English... had speech therapy to teach me to say "pah"...
  13. C

    University of Tenn... Is it a good program

    i don't know what PM means... new to site. :)
  14. C

    What would you do?

    There was a Deaf man shot and killed in my town because he didn't hear the cop say "Turn Around." The Deaf guy was going through the trash can and probably never knew what hit him.. That totally freaks me out because when a Cali cop comes near me I say FAST...hard of lips..please...
  15. C

    University of Tenn... Is it a good program

    Hi ya'll.. Thinking about transferring to UT for Deaf Studies, Deaf Ed program..but most Cali people I know somewhat related to Deaf community say "where".... this isn't a good thing for me... I want to know what Deaf community says about the program.. I really don't want to go to CSUN. I've...
  16. C

    Tired of being in Middle.. hoh woman Cali

    You know this may be the only place I can honestly vent where it doesn't confuse ANYONE...about why I am venting... Okay.. I grew up in hearing family and did not know I was hoh until I was 32..Not intellectually anyway... It was "something wrong with me" syndrome I grew up with..Always...