Family must sell home to fund implant for deaf daughter

The real reason for this is the parent's failure to accept Deafness. Acceptance is the cheapest and most rewarding solution than selling house. RME!

I agree with you. To my way of thinking, the first priority is to make sure that your child has shelter, food, clothing, and communication.
The family is learning ASL so they must have some idea about the Deaf community? It seems like they were informed of the Deaf community and ASL but still desperate for a CI? That's the feeling I got.

I gotta admit...the CI can benefit from some children as I am seeing this year with one of my students with her CI. Oh man..that girl can hear a lot! Makes me sppechless!!! LOL!

You are too funny!:giggle: You have to consider too, that they are from a culture that has a different view of deafness. Many of the subcultures from Trididad see any form of disabiltiy as something that brings shame to the entire family.
Not true. In UK, New Zealand and Australia children are prioritized and get their CIs quickly under the socialised medical system. It's adults that have to wait years.

I'm not sure if I would sell the family home under such circumstances - I'd have to think about it. I agree as well that the expectations on the girl to be a success would be tremendous, which is a concern.

Agreed, R2D2. The high expectations are a cause for great concern.
Sounds to me like the family is extremely self focused on what they believe is "normal." i wonder if the child wants CI
Well, the cost of the implant is far less than the child would end up NOT earning in the marketplace were she deaf.. studies have confirmed this..

I applaud the act that her parents have done, but as we need to realize, there are more sides to the story and many unanswered questions.. how much equity was in their house? Are they able to get a good price for it? Are they planning on staying in the Miami/South Florida area? What was the reason for the denial of coverage?.. the list of questions could go on and on..

They could probably sell their home (if they found a buyer) for much more than what they bought it for especially if they bought it over 5 years ago! With the equity they would gain they would be able to get a CI for their daughter as well as potentially have money left over for a down payment on a new house... and since the housing market has tanked over the past year or so.. I would assume though may assume to much that they were unable to get refinanced to pull the equity OUT of their house...

Again.. these comments I have stated only leave more questions in their wake.. I just hope everything works out..

Really? That's odd cuz all the teachers who are deaf at my work have no CIs and those who have CIs are all teacher's aides. Who is making more money?
Really? That's odd cuz all the teachers who are deaf at my work have no CIs and those who have CIs are all teacher's aides. Who is making more money?

Regular teachers made more money than teacher aides.
Just think about this, suppose they, the family decided to buy another house, then 18 years later, that child scream at his or her parents.... I want that implants OUT of my head. Will parents be willing to sell house again? This is gonna be interesting!

Sounds to me like the family is extremely self focused on what they believe is "normal." i wonder if the child wants CI
Just think about this, suppose they, the family decided to buy another house, then 18 years later, that child scream at his or her parents.... I want that implants OUT of my head. Will parents be willing to sell house again? This is gonna be interesting!

Oh boy, that would not be good!
Just think about this, suppose they, the family decided to buy another house, then 18 years later, that child scream at his or her parents.... I want that implants OUT of my head. Will parents be willing to sell house again? This is gonna be interesting!

yes it would be interesting.. i guess we will have to wait n see..but will we ever find out later on?? hmm..
Although the family, originally from Trinidad and Tobago, has medical coverage through the father’s employer, coverage was denied for Erika because of her pre-existing condition. Social Security said no. The family doesn’t qualify for state-sponsored Medicaid or KidCare assistance, either.

ah not american citizen originally... so wonder if they are still "immigrant" and still has few years to become citizen? If that's the case, then it would make sense why they were denied by those they contacted.
Really? I think that Germany offers free medical center, as universal health center.

In USA, medical center isn't free, you are required to have insurance or pay yourself in alot of money.

Yes they offer free medical for citizens and legal immigrants who are out of work.

We as employees are obligate to pay social insurances (health, unemployment, nursing care, etc) and taxes out of our monthly wage slip.
ah not american citizen originally... so wonder if they are still "immigrant" and still has few years to become citizen? If that's the case, then it would make sense why they were denied by those they contacted.

I would assume that they are naturalized citizens. After all, they carried a mortgage ontheir house. The reason they did not qualify for assistance from SS or Medicaid is because they owned the house and owned to much in financial assets. They could not have received a mortgage from either a mortgage company or a bank unless they were citizens. And the father is employed with benefits for health insurance. They were turned down on the premise of pre-existing condition.
This is pretty sticky...

I understand the desire to have their child hear like them, but that's being selfish in a way.

There are other alternatives and not everything goes the way we expect them to be.

While the child may hear again, there might be financial hardships in the future in regards to the home and other issues.

Look at us in the past. Many of us grew up without cochlear implants and we're doing fine today.

Bingo!!! :gpost:
I would assume that they are naturalized citizens. After all, they carried a mortgage ontheir house. The reason they did not qualify for assistance from SS or Medicaid is because they owned the house and owned to much in financial assets. They could not have received a mortgage from either a mortgage company or a bank unless they were citizens. And the father is employed with benefits for health insurance. They were turned down on the premise of pre-existing condition.

Yes that´s what I thought so.

This situation remind me of movie "John Q." I have DVD here... It´s almost similiar situation... very, very sad... I would recommend you to rent or buy DVD to watch that movie.
Yes that´s what I thought so.

This situation remind me of movie "John Q." I have DVD here... It´s almost similiar situation... very, very sad... I would recommend you to rent or buy DVD to watch that movie.

es, I've seen that movie. It is excellent.
ah not american citizen originally... so wonder if they are still "immigrant" and still has few years to become citizen? If that's the case, then it would make sense why they were denied by those they contacted.

thats what i posted in previous posts as they are not american citizen as they are from South America. that explains? hmm