Recent content by Omnimaxus

  1. O

    Were you deaf and 'gifted' ?

    I can relate to much of what's being said here. Growing up, I felt "different" in some ways from other deaf kids that I went to school with, and often am mistaken as a hearing person by deaf people who I initially meet (and no, I wasn't born hearing, but deaf). My I.Q.'s been tested at 138...
  2. O

    Malls, hotels next victims in new mortgage crisis

    This is of concern to me. Goes to show that our economic infrastructure is too heavily based on the concept of lending and credit; now that money is short in coming into financial institutions' coffers, there's no way they can sustain that much credit without any kind of stimulus whatsoever...
  3. O

    Black Friday: What Did You Buy?

    I didn't go shopping at all. The economy is bad enough as it is, so I've had to restrict myself somewhat to purchasing necessities instead of luxury items.
  4. O

    Curious: what do our deaf members do for a living?

    I work as a vocational rehabilitation counselor, and am also a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (C.R.C.) and a Licensed Professional Counselor (L.P.C.).
  5. O

    Deaf Women: What's Up With Them and Men?

    Beachie: I'm single, yes. I choose to be single. Not afraid of relationships. Don't get me wrong; I do go out and socialize, of course. I'm as "normal" as you could find a guy to be. But I've seen enough "deaf drama" to know that I don't want any of it, which means being careful in not...
  6. O

    Silliest gossip about you

    Some people got around to thinking I was gay because I have some gay and lesbian friends. Ridiculous.
  7. O

    Deaf Women: What's Up With Them and Men?

    At the risk of stepping on some toes by writing this on, this is something as a deaf man I feel needs to be brought out into the open for what I sincerely hope will lead to a productive dialogue. The subject is deaf women and the choices they make in deaf men for long-term...