Deaf Women: What's Up With Them and Men?


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Apr 28, 2008
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At the risk of stepping on some toes by writing this on, this is something as a deaf man I feel needs to be brought out into the open for what I sincerely hope will lead to a productive dialogue. The subject is deaf women and the choices they make in deaf men for long-term relationships.

Before anyone starts to gear up their proverbial guns to shoot off a few rounds at me, listen. Anyone who’s in the deaf community and has an ounce of pride in it knows what I’m talking about here. It’s not exclusive to deaf people, too. Black women struggle with this issue, too. It’s even been acknowledged by and discussed in the mainstream media as a significant cultural phenomenon within the black community, so it’s got some validity to it.

As a deaf man who values character, principles, and intelligence above all else, it has been personally frustrating to see deaf women make choices in deaf men that are, frankly speaking, less-than-ideal, especially when there are other choices available, however few they might be (relatively speaking). I’ll be honest here and say that, yes, my being single is a slight motivator for my writing this, but in no way is it meant to be seen as a “pithy” piece.

This is all about being a deaf man and having some pride in my community and culture.

Many’s the time I’ve seen deaf women be with a guy who’s been a complete asshole or simply don’t “get it” on an intellectual level. And even when deaf women are with guys who do seem decent, but are otherwise lacking in qualities that would normally constitute a fuller breadth of character and maturity, these relationships, including ones with the kind of guys that I mentioned just now (from what I have seen) tend to end in divorce; sometimes with children involved in the mix.

It’s only then when these women say, “Gee, he wasn’t for me,” and realize they could have done much better with guys in the areas of maturity, intellect, as well as that of the ability to “get it” on a level that is more satisfying to them (the women). Then there’s deaf women who just don’t learn from their past experiences or mistakes. They keep making the same choices in guys again and again; sometimes with enough variability from one to the next to provide a sense of freshness without realizing that they’re the same choices after all.

Yes, hearing women do have this happen to them, too, but apparently with less frequency. Maybe the ratio of failure compared between deaf and hearing women is similar; only that the issue has blown up to a larger degree of prevalence among deaf women because of the smallness of the deaf community itself? I don’t know. I want to emphasize here that it doesn’t matter if a guy has a college education or not; they’ve got to be “men” per se, and know how to treat women right and do things the responsible way, yet be smart enough to simply “get it,” and prove themselves to be viable, long-term partners.

In any case, as I sit here and type this piece, I still wonder “why” and mull over the mechanisms of what could be going through deaf women’s minds over how they’re attracted to certain deaf guys. Is it due to lack of prior experience? Is it furtive desperation from the shortage of qualified deaf guys? I really don’t know. Only the women know. Thoughts?
Oh trust me......this is not seen JUST in the Deaf Community. I have to say that I think there's no one cause of this. One might be mainstreaming. Yes, I know we debate back and forth about mainstream, but it's a fact that the gross majority of mainstreamed kids don't have great social skills. Maybe they are so desperate for love and affection that ANY kind of love or affection seems good to them.
This is something that occurs in all populations. It is not an issue of hearing status that leads to poor choices. Nor is it an issue of minority status.

There are numerous reasons for making poor relationship choices, and this applies to men who make poor choices as well as women. The reasons are usually individual, and cannot be broken down into a 1 or 2 category explanation. There may be some tedencies that are universal, but, for the most part, our ability to make good choices is dependent upon the cummulative total of our life experience. We must be taught to make good choices. It is not something that is innate. If we have never been provided with an opportunity to observe alternatives, we don't know they exist. Likewise, self esteem and self concept has a huge impact on the choices we make, not just in realtionships, but in the rest of our life. Someone who is consistently making poor choices in a partner is no doubt making poor choices in many other areas of their life as well. When an individual feels that their life choices are limited, they tend to make less effective choices overall.
If you changed the wording from she/her to he/him, it describes exactly what I am mulling over Deaf men too.
It's called love my friend and there are some that say that it's blind. Perhaps it is deaf too?
From what I've seen, it's because they don't love the person as they are, they love him/her as they could be - and they try to "fix" or change him/her to fit that ideal. What they don't understand is, that's impossible. Some will change, but most will not - they'll resist it.

I've heard of adults who had parents who were heavy drinkers - they learned to take care of the parents. Then when they grew up, they got into relationships with alcoholics for the same reason - and I have heard of the same child of alcoholics who then left relationships after their S.O. sobered up.

Who ever understands these things but for God? *shrug*
At the risk of stepping on some toes by writing this on, this is something as a deaf man I feel needs to be brought out into the open for what I sincerely hope will lead to a productive dialogue. The subject is deaf women and the choices they make in deaf men for long-term relationships.

Before anyone starts to gear up their proverbial guns to shoot off a few rounds at me, listen. Anyone who’s in the deaf community and has an ounce of pride in it knows what I’m talking about here. It’s not exclusive to deaf people, too. Black women struggle with this issue, too. It’s even been acknowledged by and discussed in the mainstream media as a significant cultural phenomenon within the black community, so it’s got some validity to it.

As a deaf man who values character, principles, and intelligence above all else, it has been personally frustrating to see deaf women make choices in deaf men that are, frankly speaking, less-than-ideal, especially when there are other choices available, however few they might be (relatively speaking). I’ll be honest here and say that, yes, my being single is a slight motivator for my writing this, but in no way is it meant to be seen as a “pithy” piece.

This is all about being a deaf man and having some pride in my community and culture.

Many’s the time I’ve seen deaf women be with a guy who’s been a complete asshole or simply don’t “get it” on an intellectual level. And even when deaf women are with guys who do seem decent, but are otherwise lacking in qualities that would normally constitute a fuller breadth of character and maturity, these relationships, including ones with the kind of guys that I mentioned just now (from what I have seen) tend to end in divorce; sometimes with children involved in the mix.

It’s only then when these women say, “Gee, he wasn’t for me,” and realize they could have done much better with guys in the areas of maturity, intellect, as well as that of the ability to “get it” on a level that is more satisfying to them (the women). Then there’s deaf women who just don’t learn from their past experiences or mistakes. They keep making the same choices in guys again and again; sometimes with enough variability from one to the next to provide a sense of freshness without realizing that they’re the same choices after all.

Yes, hearing women do have this happen to them, too, but apparently with less frequency. Maybe the ratio of failure compared between deaf and hearing women is similar; only that the issue has blown up to a larger degree of prevalence among deaf women because of the smallness of the deaf community itself? I don’t know. I want to emphasize here that it doesn’t matter if a guy has a college education or not; they’ve got to be “men” per se, and know how to treat women right and do things the responsible way, yet be smart enough to simply “get it,” and prove themselves to be viable, long-term partners.

In any case, as I sit here and type this piece, I still wonder “why” and mull over the mechanisms of what could be going through deaf women’s minds over how they’re attracted to certain deaf guys. Is it due to lack of prior experience? Is it furtive desperation from the shortage of qualified deaf guys? I really don’t know. Only the women know. Thoughts?
Maybe they do not have self displicine alike I do when I was younger.
It's called love my friend and there are some that say that it's blind. Perhaps it is deaf too?

LOL! That's a good one!

I am a deaf woman. I was in a controlling marriage by a hearing guy cuz I had absulotely no self-esteem and self-awareness of what I was getting myself into. I grew up oral and mainstreamed so I never developed the skills to stand up or advocate for myself. I learned that in order to keep the peace or keep the attention away from myself, I always did what hearing people told me what to do so it was natural for me to get into a relationship with a man who controlled me. No, he didnt physically abuse me nor kept me isolated but he did put me down in order to make me feel inferior to him. Thank god, he cheated on me so it was a wake-up call for me.

After that, I was single for 4 years and also had found the Deaf community. Dated different guys and through all the different experiences of dating different men, I learned about myself and what kind of relationship/man I wanted.

Thanks to the experience, I am married to a wonderful guy who doesnt make me feel inferior. He is always reminding me that I have every right to disagree with him. The reason for that cuz sometimes, my old behaviors or way of thinking will return. Luckily, he wont allow me to fall back into the same old habits cuz he doesnt want to control me. I feel so blessed.

As for other deaf women...some have great relationships, others have lousy relationships but I cant speak for the ones who remain stuck in lousy relationships/marriages.
It comes down to this: women in general pick men that resemble their fathers or the main male role models they had in their lives. (IE Stepfather, Godfather, etc)

If their father was abusive and controlling then that is the likely choice they will make in a partner.

If their father lacked intellect then they will pick a man of similar intellect.

If their father was a well educated loving hard working man with the ability to 'get it' then they will choose that with their future partners.

But as said before - if a woman chooses man believing that she will change him is going to be in for a sad lousy relationship becuase you can't change a person or their habits overnight, and 99.99% of the time they will be met with resistance.
From what I've seen, it's because they don't love the person as they are, they love him/her as they could be - and they try to "fix" or change him/her to fit that ideal. What they don't understand is, that's impossible. Some will change, but most will not - they'll resist it.

I've heard of adults who had parents who were heavy drinkers - they learned to take care of the parents. Then when they grew up, they got into relationships with alcoholics for the same reason - and I have heard of the same child of alcoholics who then left relationships after their S.O. sobered up.

Who ever understands these things but for God? *shrug*

You are correct. A child of alcoholic parents will develop a caretaker role, and that role is an integral part of their identity, having been developed as a child. As an adult, they seek out a partner that will provide them with the opportunity to fulfill the role on which they have built their identity. When the partner sobers up, they are no longer able to fulfill the role of caretaker in the relationship, and therefore no longer find it satisfying. They will continue to move on to other relationships that allow them to fulfill their need to function as caretaker unless they receive help for their dysfunction.
I know someone who picked her boyfriend because her boyfriend looks like her idol's husband. :roll:
The old saying seems to hold true too often:

“A woman chooses a man she hopes to change, and he doesn’t; a man chooses a woman he hopes will never change, and she does.”
Omnimaxius, does this answer your question about women and the men they choose? Many said it loud and clear and gave valid points.

Now the question remains... why are you single? fear of relationships? Afraid of rejection once in a relationship? Afraid to pick the wrong woman?

You and all of us can't live in fear. Just go out and meet people, don't go out looking. It doesn't work that way. I think people meet by accidents. People don't go out thinking I am going to meet my Mr. or Mrs Right. Many of us women choose men based on many reasons.

I met my husband via deafchat. At first, I was attracted to his words and his intelligence and humor. Many thought he was a jerk. He was online but in person, he's a teddy bear. Then, I needed a handyman. He was it.

Well..hope you go out and enjoy life and stop wondering about why women pick the men you think are jerks. Maybe you could tell us why deaf men pick bimbos and off the wall types of women. Then I will call it even here..
Omnimaxius, does this answer your question about women and the men they choose? Many said it loud and clear and gave valid points.

Now the question remains... why are you single? fear of relationships? Afraid of rejection once in a relationship? Afraid to pick the wrong woman?

You and all of us can't live in fear. Just go out and meet people, don't go out looking. It doesn't work that way. I think people meet by accidents. People don't go out thinking I am going to meet my Mr. or Mrs Right. Many of us women choose men based on many reasons.

I met my husband via deafchat. At first, I was attracted to his words and his intelligence and humor. Many thought he was a jerk. He was online but in person, he's a teddy bear. Then, I needed a handyman. He was it.

Well..hope you go out and enjoy life and stop wondering about why women pick the men you think are jerks. Maybe you could tell us why deaf men pick bimbos and off the wall types of women. Then I will call it even here..

Dear stranger friend, you couldn't have said it better here on the post! Great posting!
The old saying seems to hold true too often:

“A woman chooses a man she hopes to change, and he doesn’t; a man chooses a woman he hopes will never change, and she does.”

:lol: How true!!
Thanks GarnetTigerMom! By the way, you seem familiar. Been in deafchat before? If so, then hi again. I was beachgirl in those old days of deafchat.

Back to the posting... I heard that over and over by the men around here in california. Omni needed to get a life in order to get a woman. He needed to let go of that crazy thinking about women going after the wrong men. Men go after the wrong women. So hope he responds soon. I am curious what he has to say....

Omni... I am waiting. Don't be shy. I won't bite. I am actually nice.
Thanks GarnetTigerMom! By the way, you seem familiar. Been in deafchat before? If so, then hi again. I was beachgirl in those old days of deafchat.

Back to the posting... I heard that over and over by the men around here in california. Omni needed to get a life in order to get a woman. He needed to let go of that crazy thinking about women going after the wrong men. Men go after the wrong women. So hope he responds soon. I am curious what he has to say....

Omni... I am waiting. Don't be shy. I won't bite. I am actually nice.

Yes, I was and used to go to deafchat but I stopped for a while since I hardly chat much since I been so busy with my new baby girl. This is me GHL (GarnetHeartLady) and hi again, Wink!
GHL..know what you mean... besides deafchat got alittle boring for me. There are many I dont know in there and too many young ones. Enjoy your little girl. Babies grow up quickly. My last son is now almost 2 1/2 years old. I can't believe how big he has gotten so quickly.

It's good seeing you again.
i thought it was funny what some of you talk about your future partner who you are looking that is like father replacement?

My father was mean as he used to yell at us and controlled my mom with money etc. Yet when I was with my ex bf he was lot like my father. I left him as he cheated on me. i didnt want to stay in the relationship with him.

I thought it was weird when dixie said something about the your partner being lot like your father? i refused to stay in a relationship with someone who is like my father. Forget it. he was gay and does that make me a lesbian? I think not! LOL..