Recent content by Clairol

  1. Clairol

    Taking ASL class

    I'm in Canada and payed the same price. I can guarantee it's worth it! Just the immersion it gives is very powerful. It encourages my Deaf friend, my Hearing girlfriend and I (who is Hearing too) to use ASL more and more in our daily lives.
  2. Clairol

    How much do you know about religion?

    Psychometrics!!! :dance:
  3. Clairol

    An accidental homosexuality experiment?

    Indeed not very logic. Homosexuality is not a "practice" no more than heterosexuality is. It is a combination of attitudinal, behavior, emotional and cognitive caracteristics. Being exclusively homosexual doesn't make someone "truly" homosexual. Being gay or bisexual is a question of how the...
  4. Clairol

    How different ASL/CSL??

    Ok, so there's MSL and ISL, which I didn't know. Very interesting indeed! I knew about ASL and LSQ, but not of any other SL within Canada. About the CSL sunny_signs refered to, I'm guessing it's like ASL but you add more "U"s when you spell the words XD
  5. Clairol

    How old were you...

    Wow, you surprise me! I'd love it if more Christian people thought like you. Instead of blaming and judging other people, you make your own decisions that only concern you. However, I have to say it's a mystery to me how did God work into your life to tell you to stop being gay? It's...
  6. Clairol

    Pedestrian's Guide to Canada

    I'm from Montréal people and I'm afraid this is all true.
  7. Clairol

    Why Do Farts Stink??

    XD Farts are inclusive!
  8. Clairol

    25 Signs You Have Grown Up...

    This prooves that I'm a grown-up at 23! Off to buy a stray hat and Barbra Streisand CDs!
  9. Clairol

    An accidental homosexuality experiment?

    No studies support this view. The vast majority of raped people are straight girls... that remain straight. Your friend's case is exceptionnal and does not apply to the vast majority of LGB people. Anyway, no there is no thing as an "opposite sex" since males and female have more similarities...
  10. Clairol

    An accidental homosexuality experiment?

    Being a learned characteristic does not imply that it is chosen. A characteristic can be learned and yet not be a choice (ex. tastes, opinions, religious beliefs). Medical evidence is far from supporting that sexual orientation is innate. Many studies show no biological differences between...
  11. Clairol

    Meat eater VS vegetarian/vegan

    Maybe some vegetarian or vegan groups say that, but that's a minority. The important thing is proportions. A carnivore cannot simply stop eating meat, but he or she sure can eat less and be more careful with where the meat comes from. If everybody did that, the impact would be huge animal-wise...
  12. Clairol


    Yes. A heartbreaking, but necessary dilemma.
  13. Clairol

    A Question For Homosexuals

    Ok I understand what you both mean. "Homosexual" indeed sounds clinical and is not really a term you identify with. I never use that word myself, I identify as lesbian. We could say the same about "heterosexual", most people use straight. Same goes for hearing impaired indeed, good comparison!
  14. Clairol


    I would lie I said that this does not shock me. But I know that research on fetal alcohol syndrome needs to be done one way or another... I guess I'm becoming sensitive because I feel like my rats are my children ^^
  15. Clairol

    ASL in the fall...accomodations?

    I'm taking ASL 1 (we call 101 in Canada) this fall and I'm very nervous. What I love about the course though is that everything will be silent so I can fully immerge in the deaf culture. It makes me happy and nervous at the same time. What if I unpurposedly do something that is innapropriate in...