Recent content by Bliss DeCartha

  1. B

    Purple Day

    There is a difference between correction, and adding insult to injury. As well as a difference between competence and laziness. Just because I misspell a word, doesn't mean I don't know the right word's meaning.
  2. B

    Purple Day

    Instead of being insulting, you could just correct me.
  3. B

    Purple Day

    IT is to help us remember the Gay, Lesbian, and Bi people who have committed suicide due to persecution.
  4. B

    Purple Day

    Regardless of what you say, I will have a Bachelors, not because of you, but because of the hardworking Deaf teachers who have helped me along the way. Besides, what gives you the right to make such an accusation of me being illiterate when you know nothing about me?
  5. B

    Purple Day

    You may not want, or need my support, but I would give it if asked.
  6. B

    Purple Day

    No, what is it to you?
  7. B


    That really makes sense. From someone who is also hearing, I think it is unfair for us to try to fill shoes that are too big, not only for us, but for the person needing the interpreter.
  8. B

    Purple Day

    Fine, plum. You knew what I meant.
  9. B

    Purple Day

    Does plumb count as purple?
  10. B


    There is nothing wrong with being gay. It is something that you should be proud of. I'm Bi and have grown up in a family that has oppressed the gay community so I know that there are times when it is okay to keep it a secrete. I am not ashamed of who or what I am, but I do know that there are...
  11. B

    Gay Sex vs. Straight Sex = Okcupid data

    I think some of the stats are true, but I know exceptions.
  12. B

    Anyone from upper michigan

    I'm from middle mich. That's about the best I can do Rob. Sorry. I'm a Bi hearing girl, but I'm taking ASL and getting pretty good. ^_^ I would be happy to be your friend.
  13. B


    Wow that is awful. I can see why you were frustrated. I could see that frustrating me, especially since I'm not even certified. I feel it is wrong for us who are not certified to be forced to interpret. I, personally, feel uncomfortable interpreting when I am not certified.