Evolution vs. Creationism

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Sometimes I even wonder why I try. . .

I never brought up the origin of life as an argument in this thread. I'm simply telling you that evolution is not about origin of life, thus cannot be discussed in this thread.

People seem to think that the origin of life, and evolution are one in the same.

There is no belief involved.

Expanding on that, evolution is an observed phenomenon. The Theory of Evolution is an attempt to explain the said observed phenomenon. Biological evolution is the product of mutation, heredity, and competition in living things. Those are the observed events, no one can deny them.

The Theory of Evolution is a more or less coherent conglomeration of examples, argument, hypothesis, experimental results, and ideas concerning the phenomenon.

Remember, your belief is based on faith. (I'm assuming you know the definition of faith as opposed to empirical evidence)

Yep. I will explain some thing to you in my next post after this. :)

This isn't what evolution is about.

It is something that will never be definitively PROVEN, but nothing in Science is. There really are no laws of science, it must ALWAYS be open to revision or it loses its magnificence.

Plus it's an insult to scientists for you to claim they make it up by guessing. Try finding out how they came to that conclusion rather than parroting popular creationists sayings.

Well, it's an insult for scientists to tell people that it is million or billion years old. That's not accurate age. They insulted people's intelligence for believin' them to make people stupid for not knowin' the facts behind it. No body is tellin' the truth. I mean, no one, except God Himself. I feel an insult from them when they tell me it was a million or billion years old. :roll: I think that's ridiculous and mockery.

So many points you brought out, but they're all misinformation and things easily learned by reading up. (Not from a creationist site, mind you)

I will say this though, Evolution dispel the myth of "Adam". How so?
Fossils. Older. Than. Adam.
List of hominina fossils - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Talkin' about Adam via Fossils. I will say my pieces in my next post after this.
Ok, now ... Did you know that God is Light, right ? Ok, what did the " Light " do ?

Look at the light bulb and its electricity. Think hard, if you could. ;)
I will respect that. :)

Many of my friends have the same beliefs as u do. As long as my friends and I respect each other's beliefs, we r cool. :)

U know..it is weird..I was baptized Catholic but never practiced it...I don't agree with a lot of the Catholic beliefs but yet I have many friends who r devout Carholics themselves including my best friend from PA. Maybe there is some connection there..who knows?

I was raised in AZ...strong Catholic state during my childhood times due to a lot of Mexicans living in my area...then I moved to MD..a lot of Christian beliefs. Interesting...LOL

Yes I second that.

I was also baptized Roman Catholic, too and was not pay the attention to any beliefs until I learn from school, my strict Roman Catholic Grandparents, muslim friends and JW friends and travel nearly half world and learn their different beliefs. I find interesting to learn where they come from but we respectfully debate in agree to disagree... We all accept the fact why we agree to disagree and still remain friends. I has a little knowledge about Christianity until I registered Alldeaf in 2004. I was like :eek3: which is total different than I know the people from different beliefs because they never said to me "If you do not accept Jesus or God then go to hell, etc." or never angry, offense or upset when we have different point of view as them.

I had the feeling after read any religion threads that some Christians don´t have knowledge enough about their belief. No offense please. Some Christians are different than other beleivers who have a lot of knowledge over the bible and talk logic etc. I had a good and interesting debate with them. They gave me many positive logic answer to my many questions. I tried to question Christians here but I do not get satisfy answer. Oh Well...
Creationism but I almost got believe into evolution. Thank to the biology class from the public school. :rl:


I thought you are glad or what?

I thought the same as you as well until I wake up and saw the logic... I am glad to see the logic and make decision what I believe to.

I thought the same as you is Creationism and slow turn into Evolution. I was raised to learn more Creationism than Evolution. I was not pay my attention to Evolution until I married and live in Germany. I noticed many Germans including my hubby believe in Evolution... Of course I questioned them.... We have good and respectfully debate.... I was surprised that my both sons have 2 different teachers is Religion and Evolution at school... They asked us for permission to expose my son into Religion and Evolution. We agreed because we want to let our sons see logic themselves... and give our sons positive answers... My sons look up to us because I beleive in Creationism and my hubby beleive in Evolution. My hubby & I do not agrue to prove us wrong but respectfully debate... My sons choose to beleive in Evolution and debate with us... Show us the school books ,etc... until I saw the logic... I never forget my oldest son´s question why we have different blood group when we came from Eve and Adam creation? Of course I need beleivers support here in AllDeaf forum how to answer my son´s question... Nope!!!!!!!!!!! That´s how I depend on Evolution more and more to neglect Creationism.
XBGMER, your post#64 is interesting one because I have seen some people like this who born to black, chinese parents... I will be back for further post on this.
I will respect that. :)

Many of my friends have the same beliefs as u do. As long as my friends and I respect each other's beliefs, we r cool. :)

U know..it is weird..I was baptized Catholic but never practiced it...I don't agree with a lot of the Catholic beliefs but yet I have many friends who r devout Carholics themselves including my best friend from PA. Maybe there is some connection there..who knows?

I was raised in AZ...strong Catholic state during my childhood times due to a lot of Mexicans living in my area...then I moved to MD..a lot of Christian beliefs. Interesting...LOL

MD is out of bible belt, not much as in Atlanta does.

In before 1970's, LA metro is used to be mostly Christians due high percent of population are non-hispanic whites then it's change alot and now is mostly Catholic due mostly latino live in here.
Enough with the whining. He can take care of himself.

First you have to prove that God exists. No one has been able to do so yet.

One last thing, it wasn't an accident, despite me saying it in a rhetorical question in that post.

Ony 7% of leading scientists believe in a personal God, and that number continues to fall.

Leading Scientists Still Reject God

Robert John Russell was anti-Christ. It was false doctrine!
It's Coming

Creation Seminar on video by Dr. Kent Hovind
His 7-tape video set supports these points in extensive detail and challenges Christians to get this information out to counter Satan's lies about evolution and dinosaurs which create such confusion for school children.

God created the earth about 6 thousand years ago; 4400 years ago there was a world-wide flood; dinosaurs are not millions of years old but even exist today.

Big Daddy?

In The Beginning...Soup? - by Thomas F. Heinze

Evolution's 'Proofs' Rapidly Vanishing
It's Coming

Creation Seminar on video by Dr. Kent Hovind
His 7-tape video set supports these points in extensive detail and challenges Christians to get this information out to counter Satan's lies about evolution and dinosaurs which create such confusion for school children.

God created the earth about 6 thousand years ago; 4400 years ago there was a world-wide flood; dinosaurs are not millions of years old but even exist today.

Big Daddy?

In The Beginning...Soup? - by Thomas F. Heinze

Evolution's 'Proofs' Rapidly Vanishing

This media is BS!!!

Earth isn't created by God, though.
Earth isn't created by God, though.

That's your opinion, but it doesn't make your opinion correct.
Ok, let's see.. most Christians believe that evolution is a myth even though they are TERRIBLY uneducated about the evolution theory and they have nothing to prove that creationism occurred. They don't have any evidence to support their belief.

Most scientists, spending many years with science, believe that evolution does occur and considers it a fact. Why? They were educated. They learned through education and observation and experiments. They have evidence to support that theory.

I'd rather pick education over ignorance anytime.
Ok, let's see.. most Christians believe that evolution is a myth even though they are TERRIBLY uneducated about the evolution theory and they have nothing to prove that creationism occurred. They don't have any evidence to support their belief.

Most scientists, spending many years with science, believe that evolution does occur and considers it a fact. Why? They were educated. They learned through education and observation and experiments. They have evidence to support that theory.

I'd rather pick education over ignorance anytime.

Yup, I had learned about evolution when I was in 3rd grade.
I don't mention that my opinion is correct or wrong.

Look at history of Earth.
History of Earth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It doesn't approve that God created it, also it was from Christian's views.

If anyone said that then it's their opinion. ;)

Pacman, I don't need you to show me otherwise, I know who created the earth, God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth had no form. It was empty, covered with darkness and water. The earth does not created itself. End of the discussion. ;)
Pacman, I don't need you to show me otherwise, I know who created the earth, God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth had no form. It was empty, covered with darkness and water. The earth does not created itself. End of the discussion. ;)

That's your opinion.

None of them are fact, though.
That's your opinion.

None of them are fact, though.

That's not my opinion, it's fact proven according to the bible, and I for one believe it. ;)
That's not my opinion, it's fact proven according to the bible, and I for one believe it. ;)

No, it's not fact, though.

According on wikipedia, they are fact based on scientist.

If said proven from bible, that's views and it doesn't make fact.
No, it's not fact, though.

According on wikipedia, they are fact based on scientist.

If said proven from bible, that's views and it doesn't make fact.

Pacman, look at this way, You believe "Encyclopedia" and I believe "The Bible" as evidences of fact of life. so therefore it doesn't make yours any correct than what I believe. So just leave it alone.
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