Father's 4 Pit Bulls Kill His 22-Month-Old Son

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I'm sorry I honestly do not like pitbulls at all and I still believe they're the most dangerous dogs than any other breeds and I personally will not own a pitbull myself even if I don't have children because I'm really scare of those type of dogs as I've heard there are more than 280 cases where pitbulls attack other pets, adults and even children..Those pitbull dogs are not a family pet and I hope those parents out there will think twice before owning a pitbull dog to be sure they can take care of them and train them well....

I understand and do respect you and Sequoias's feeling regarding this but I'm not going to lie on how I feel about pitbulls...RoyalMajesty! :(
About the pitbulls, Just like you said, ALL dogs can be dangerous... I was just saying the same thing if you look at my other post. But.. I used to have two pitbulls, They were great dogs... Never snapped... its BECAUSE I raised on my own.. I didn't raise it to be dangerous.... all of our family and friends loved those dogs, even wanted to take them home with them... They were good dogs.. It all depends on the person how they raise it. Just like you said and I agree, ALL dogs are dangerous!!!!!!!

Another thing ~ About German Shepards Dogs.... I have 2 now... They are full blooded German shepards.. They aren't always mean or whatsoever. Mine are great boys! Found them BOTH at a pound! So not everything that you say is true, but again... Everybody has to make a choice before you get your pets from the pound! We get our pets tested out before we adopt them.. We have had our dogs for 3 years now! They are great DOGS!!!!!

Everybody is pointing at ONLY pits! Well its not fair to be honest~ there are a bunch of cruel dogs out there, because [B]its HOW people raise them! PERIOD![/B]

I plan on getting a white full blooded pitbull one of these days... Im raising it as a newborn.. EVERYBODY QUIT POINTING YOUR FINGERS AT PITBULLS!!!!!!!!!!!

Right, I agree about how they raise them. It's their responsiblity to train their dogs not to bite.
I'm sorry I honestly do not like pitbulls at all and I still believe they're the most dangerous dogs than any other breeds and I personally will not own a pitbull myself even if I don't have children because I'm really scare of those type of dogs as I've heard there are more than 280 cases where pitbulls attack other pets, adults and even children..Those pitbull dogs are not a family pet and I hope those parents out there will think twice before owning a pitbull dog to be sure they can take care of them and train them well....

I understand and do respect you and Sequoias's feeling regarding this but I'm not going to lie on how I feel about pitbulls...RoyalMajesty! :(

I respect your feelings towards pits, but please keep in mind that pits aren't the only dangerous dogs... There are a lot of dangerous dogs out there, and it's your choice on how you raise them.... its on the person.. But again I respect your feelings~

People can get pits when they are newborn, and it can be a lot better that way, instead of buying them adults or getting it from somebody else. You can raise them yourself. They are good dogs, I had 2 pits.. Any dogs can be just as bad as pitbulls!
What I'd like to know is:

WHAT would posess a father to leave his baby alone with not one, not two, but FOUR Pit Bulls???? Pit Bulls being the #1 aggressive dog in the country if not the world? It was a stupid move on the father's part and I have no pity for him. I do feel horribly for the baby....how tragic. :(

Furthermore, why would this man HAVE four pit bulls to begin with?????? Where was the child's mother? Why was nothing said or done?

I agree with RedheadGrrl, Pit Bulls are highly temperamental and are known to "snap," for no real reason at all. They are NOT family dogs. Children are unpredictable and cannot be relied upon to not behave in a manner that may set the dog off...i.e, pulling tail, etc.

I agree with you one hundred percent, I too don't like pitbulls dogs, I do think they're the most aggressive dogs, even when I watched Nancy Grace, they were talking about how Pitbulls get aggressive when they smell blood. It's a scary thought. :Ohno:
Here's a list of dogs that are more likely to be aggressive. So it's NOT only pitbulls.

Bull Terrier
Cocker Spaniel
Chow Chow
Doberman Pinscher
German Shepherd
Great Dane
Pit bull
Siberian Husky
Seq, but Pitbulls and Rottweliers have a bad rap report on bite attacks.
I have the link here:
the top “biting” breeds are Pit Bulls, German Shepherds, Huskies, Rottweilers, Doberman Pinchers and Chow Chows. Small, purebred dogs account for less than 20% of all reported dog bites.

Dog Bite(mono->remforcomail)

Despite the horror stories of free-roaming Pitbulls mauling children as they walk to school, the majority of bites occur in the owner’s home. The majority of bite victims are friends or members of the owner’s family. Sixty-one percent of dog bites occur in the home or a familiar place, and 77 percent of bite victims are family members or friends

Dog Bites

Ok here's the list for owning a pitbull...

PBRC makes these suggestions to pit bull owners:

"The very best situation for a PitBull is to be the only pet. The next best situation is to have a neutered male and a spayed female. If you get two females or two males together, chances are very high that they will not always get along.

NEVER leave Pitbulls unsupervised with other animals. When no one is around to supervise, the dogs should be safely crated or in separate rooms.

Always monitor the dogs while they play, and don't let things escalate.

Never leave at their disposal food, bones, toys, or anything that could trigger a fight. Note that in general, the first fight is an indicator of more to come. At this point, the dogs may need to be separated at all time.

ALWAYS have your Pitbull on leash when you take it for a walk.

Do not bring an adult Pitbull in a dog park or any other area where it may come into contact with other dogs that are off leash.

Remember that even if it's a non-Pitbull dog that starts the hostilities, the PitBull has the genetic to finish the fight, and will most likely pay the price in the hands of the authorities.

Early socialization *MAY* help, but is not a guarantee against your PitBull becoming aggressive at some point in the future. ALWAYS be prepared for it!"

Umm...Where did we say that pitbull dogs were the ONLY ones that are dangerous or aggressive than any other breeds?...

Did you know that pitbulls are on top of the list of the most dangerous and aggressive dogs?...
And you know this owner had 4 pitbulls and a child ends up dead, should have stick with one pitbull dog as stated in the PBRC suggestion, a life would be saved if they followed through. I don't understand why have more than one pitbull in the house when they have children or any other small animals? It just shows me that they care more about their pitbulls than their own children's welfare. :(
Not all Pit Bulls are alike!

~There are energetic Pit Bulls, and placid Pit Bulls.
~Hard-headed Pit Bulls, and sweet-natured Pit Bulls.
~Serious Pit Bulls, and good-natured goofballs.
~Introverted Pit Bulls, and Pit Bulls who love everyone.

There are plenty of adult American Pit Bull Terriers who have already proven themselves NOT to have negative characteristics. If you find such an adult, don't let "typical breed negatives" worry you.

When you acquire a puppy, you're acquiring potential -- what he one day will be. So "typical breed characteristics" are very important. But when you acquire an adult, you're acquiring what he already IS

Pit Bulls tend to be a rather debatable breed as far as their history, temperament, appearance and upkeep are concerned. Many people who cannot be considered experts in Pit Bulls mistaken believe them to be one of the most dangerous dog breeds. Mass media depicts them as representatives of the evil in the canine world. However, there is nothing that contributes more to this already formed misunderstanding than the one-sided approach.
The Pit Bull's notoriety of a fighting dog makes it undesirable as a family pet with children. Nevertheless, Pit Bulls do make wonderful companions and friends. These dogs are energetic and amiable. They are happy to please their owner and normally do well with children.
The Pit Bull's appearance standard is rather vague. First, the Pit Bull is the term applied to several separate breeds that have one background but separate lines. Secondly, Pit Bulls are working dogs. There have always been arguments as to what appeared first-standard appearance or working dog qualities. Pit Bulls (the American Pit Bull Terrier, the American Staffordshire and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the Old Family Red Nose strain) have originally been bred according to how well they perform a definite task. Their appearance was of the secondary importance.

For instance, any coat color is permissible in Pit Bulls. The American Pit Bull Terrier is versatile, athletic, persevering and courageous.

I don't give a FLYING crap if anybody doesn't like pits. It depends on the person who raise pit bulls just as well as other dogs. If I didn't know a dog outside, then I would be scared of it but if I know who's dog it is, then Im not afraid of it. But WHY in the world your pointing your fingers at ONLYYYYY pit bulls... Thats really mess up, have you had a pit bull? if not then you don't really know MUCH about them.... Sorry guys... I've had 2 BESTTT pit bulls! Loved them..... They were like my own kids, big boys! Once I get a farm or a land of my own, Im getting one again! I fell in love with pitbulls... Think about this, for those who got dogs, what IF your DOGS are bad? Never know? They can snap anytime! yup!! Its ALL on you! A friend of mine has this little bitty dog, and he bites other people somtimes.. Like if you pet him wrong or whatever..... Its allll the same! But gosh ~ Get you a pup and raise it on your own, I wouldn't be suprise if you fell in love with it. Right now don't JUDGE on pit bulls just because you "hear" gossip about them. See it for yourself. OKAY? I got one of my pits from my best friend, YES we were scared of it at first but we gave it a try and had him for YEARS! Never once bitten up or harm us! Of course he will protect the family if somebody would come around at night, (( like bad guys)) he would bark just like any dog. yes they are very strong but LOVEABLE! They love to play... and just like ANY OTHER DOG.... You think all you want, I respect your feelings.. REMEMBER OTHER DOGS CAN BE LIKE THAT!
And you know this owner had 4 pitbulls and a child ends up dead, should have stick with one pitbull dog as stated in the PBRC suggestion, a life would be saved if they followed through. I don't understand why have more than one pitbull in the house when they have children or any other small animals? It just shows me that they care more about their pitbulls than their own children's welfare. :(

You can have as many dogs you want... No matter what... but its the fathers fault.. Sorry but he shouldn't have left the kid alone in the house. You don't know HOW this person raised these dogs, Maybe he did it on purpose? Who knows what this person is thinking? He shouldve maybe closed the door while the kid was taking a nap or whatever, maybe taken him outside with him while he was talking to the landlord. SIMPLE... But you personally don't know how he raised these dogs, hate them all you want... But maybe it is his fault on how he raised it. I think it was wrong to leave a KID in the house by themself. PERIOD! He was just a 22 month old child.. Thats a big "no no"! Maybe they had these dogs before the child was born? Maybe then he was thinking about getting rid of the dogs? Who knows what goes on in this persons mind? Who knows!! Im sure he loved his child but he better think twice how to raise pitbulls! Its all on you on how you raise the dogs! ALL DOGS OR ANY AMINALS!

May he rest in peace!
Think about this, for those who got dogs, what IF your DOGS are bad? Never know? They can snap anytime! yup!! Its ALL on you!

As a former owner of four German Shepherds Dogs, I brought them up all same and equal.

Only one was evil - bited my husband.

Is it my fault?

No - I believe this dog need help like out of control children with ADD, is it their parent's fault?

We can't read their mind, only find out too late AFTERWARD!!

Come on, some are born with it!!!
It's Sweetheart typing;

I grew up with many dogs in whole of my life. Pitbulls could be dangerous, of course. But not always, know why? Because they choosed to live with wrong people like.. Drugs people, abusive people, etc like that. Pitbulls been suffer with bad people, they get hurt so they become mean, which is true. Also, when pitbulls live with wonderful people like my cousin or me or even you, they will be friendly that you ever see in your life... But, Dogs always can be MEAN if they want to... Or living with wrong people... I got bit by German Shepard and black lab mixed dog, is it pitbull? No it's not. And, I did get scartch on my back by husky dog, is it pitbull again? No, it's not. I never get attack by Pitbull in my life, not even in my family that I know of. And also with my friends... Then, what's your answer for this? So, my uncle worked at Police Department for training German Shepard Dogs to become MEANER, and even he taught me almost everything a-z about dogs. My uncle know which is more mean or not, which is more fear or not, which is more hyper or not, etc like that... He know what average of each breed dog have more personality that is more common for that breed than other... And, even he tested on each breed of dog that really hate kind, example: a kid pull the dog's ear, will they bite or growl or what? that's kind stuff that he DID test on almost all of breed dogs, he know which. And even, my uncle told me that Pitbulls HATE to getting tease by people and they might will bite people for that... Same like with you guys, you hate people pick on you and you will punch them right? Same like with Pitbulls! Pitbulls is almost like human! Use the common sense... :roll: I'm sick of people "point" at Pitbulls for being dangerous which they are very innocent for that crap, and please point at their owners which are not taking care of them, not love them, etc like that! I don't care if you don't agree with me, you will be sorry in a day for sure... And let me tell you something, my best friend's cousin attacked by GOLDEN RETREIVER dog!!!! It's Pitbull? NO! Wrong again! Geez! I know there's many cases about Pitbulls but no excuse for point them for that! POINT AT OWNERS!

Did you know that pitbulls are on top of the list of the most dangerous and aggressive dogs?...

Wrong, German Shepard are on the top of the list of the most dangerous and aggressive dogs. My uncle answered that 10 times since in whole of my life. And even, I asked my mom yesterday to asking him and he still consider german shepard dogs are that top in the list. KNOW WHYYYYY? Because they train for the polices that you cant even adopt them after they retire... But if you get that breed as puppy then it will be fine, same like with Pitbull if you get it as puppy, they could be good... Why can't you think of that?!

And even, let me tell you something again...

ALL OF ANIMALS(birds, dogs, cats, horses, etc) can hurt everybody! EVEN AN ANT!!!!!!!!

Now I feel better... :roll:
Wrong, German Shepard are on the top of the list of the most dangerous and aggressive dogs. My uncle answered that 10 times since in whole of my life. And even, I asked my mom yesterday to asking him and he still consider german shepard dogs are that top in the list. KNOW WHYYYYY? Because they train for the polices that you cant even adopt them after they retire... But if you get that breed as puppy then it will be fine, same like with Pitbull if you get it as puppy, they could be good... Why can't you think of that?!

No, my leg will go jelly if I am next to Pitbull. I trust German Shepherds than Pit bull myself.

We can adopt Retired German Shepherds I see it in newspaper ad before.
It's Sweetheart typing;

I grew up with many dogs in whole of my life. Pitbulls could be dangerous, of course. But not always, know why? Because they choosed to live with wrong people like.. Drugs people, abusive people, etc like that. Pitbulls been suffer with bad people, they get hurt so they become mean, which is true. Also, when pitbulls live with wonderful people like my cousin or me or even you, they will be friendly that you ever see in your life... But, Dogs always can be MEAN if they want to... Or living with wrong people... I got bit by German Shepard and black lab mixed dog, is it pitbull? No it's not. And, I did get scartch on my back by husky dog, is it pitbull again? No, it's not. I never get attack by Pitbull in my life, not even in my family that I know of. And also with my friends... Then, what's your answer for this? So, my uncle worked at Police Department for training German Shepard Dogs to become MEANER, and even he taught me almost everything a-z about dogs. My uncle know which is more mean or not, which is more fear or not, which is more hyper or not, etc like that... He know what average of each breed dog have more personality that is more common for that breed than other... And, even he tested on each breed of dog that really hate kind, example: a kid pull the dog's ear, will they bite or growl or what? that's kind stuff that he DID test on almost all of breed dogs, he know which. And even, my uncle told me that Pitbulls HATE to getting tease by people and they might will bite people for that... Same like with you guys, you hate people pick on you and you will punch them right? Same like with Pitbulls! Pitbulls is almost like human! Use the common sense... :roll: I'm sick of people "point" at Pitbulls for being dangerous which they are very innocent for that crap, and please point at their owners which are not taking care of them, not love them, etc like that! I don't care if you don't agree with me, you will be sorry in a day for sure... And let me tell you something, my best friend's cousin attacked by GOLDEN RETREIVER dog!!!! It's Pitbull? NO! Wrong again! Geez! I know there's many cases about Pitbulls but no excuse for point them for that! POINT AT OWNERS!

Wrong, German Shepard are on the top of the list of the most dangerous and aggressive dogs. My uncle answered that 10 times since in whole of my life. And even, I asked my mom yesterday to asking him and he still consider german shepard dogs are that top in the list. KNOW WHYYYYY? Because they train for the polices that you cant even adopt them after they retire... But if you get that breed as puppy then it will be fine, same like with Pitbull if you get it as puppy, they could be good... Why can't you think of that?!

And even, let me tell you something again...

ALL OF ANIMALS(birds, dogs, cats, horses, etc) can hurt everybody! EVEN AN ANT!!!!!!!!

Now I feel better... :roll:

Yup! Even a fire ant!! LMAO! Thanks for putting it up! I've been saying it all along~ I agree with you 100%~ !

By the way I got two german sheaprds.. They are good dogs but I understand what your point is!
As a former owner of four German Shepherds Dogs, I brought them up all same and equal.

Only one was evil - bited my husband.

Is it my fault?

No - I believe this dog need help like out of control children with ADD, is it their parent's fault?

We can't read their mind, only find out too late AFTERWARD!!

Come on, some are born with it!!!

Well maybe the dog was mistreated by somebody you didn't know and went behind your back? Well, I think it all depends on the person on how they raise it. But Like I said, ITS ALLLL DOGS!!!!!! get it?
What's with the bold and the caps?! That's just turn me off when people get so aggresstive, It's just a discussion board, no reason to get all hotlie just remember each of us got an opinion of our own there's is no wrong or right. Understood? So let's chill out and discuss this civil please? How hard can that be? Good Grief, Good luck Angel with this thread. :thumb:
Wrong, German Shepard are on the top of the list of the most dangerous and aggressive dogs.

Do you have a link that shown that German Shepard is on top of the list of most dangerous and aggressive dogs?

And let's not get carried away here, as everyone has the right to speak...

:holding up a peace sign:
I found it ....

After all, German shepherds killed more people than any other dog in the late 1970s, when many people favored the breed for its fierce reputation. Then, for two years, it was Great Danes. Rottweilers topped the list of killer dogs through most of the '90s, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control. Now it's pit bulls.

PitBulls on the Web

Safety tips

-- Spay/neuter your dog. This reduces aggressive tendencies.

-- Never leave infants or young children alone with a dog.

-- Train and socialize your dog.

-- Seek professional advice if the dog acts aggressive.

-- Advise children to avoid approaching unfamiliar dogs.


ALL OF ANIMALS(birds, dogs, cats, horses, etc) can hurt everybody! EVEN AN ANT!!!!!!!!

Cats, horses, birds, ants do not rip, chew, biten off human's body parts...

We're talking about attacking as killing adults/children and even other pets....
No, my leg will go jelly if I am next to Pitbull. I trust German Shepherds than Pit bull myself.

We can adopt Retired German Shepherds I see it in newspaper ad before.

Jelly? hahaha that's was cute...
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