Bill: No snacks for food stamp users

I would not be okay with that. It's not the business of any creature of the government to inspect what I feed my kids.
And the health and safety of *my* kids is *my* responsibility, not yours or anybody else's.

In cases where children are obviously not fed enough or not being fed properly and as such, suffer the consequences of their parents' neglect to ensure their good health resulting in problems like diabetes, which is potentially fatal, would you consider that endangerment and thus, intervention is required?
I would not be okay with that. It's not the business of any creature of the government to inspect what I feed my kids.
And the health and safety of *my* kids is *my* responsibility, not yours or anybody else's.

Perhaps if we look at this from another angle... There is a public cost associated with bad eating habits. Especially with the uninsured. Edit: as DC's post above said... :)

Are you comfortable with your tax dollars providing medical services to someone that did not have good eating habits and as a consequence ended up in the hospital?

If this is unacceptable to you, would you want all children to receive proper health and nutrition information in school?

How can we know that the children and their parents are getting the message if we do not review what kids are eating at lunch?
I Sent an E Mail to President Obama asking him to get the DOJ involved of Florida food stamp law controversy.And remind him dont forget those who voted for you.:cool2:
I Sent an E Mail to President Obama asking him to get the DOJ involved of Florida food stamp law controversy.And remind him dont forget those who voted for you.:cool2:

Did you also tell him what outcome you want to see? He is good, but I don't think he is mind reader good. :P
This is Politics. You dont tell em the whole story. Just like TV ads dont tell you everything. Just like this Superbowl ad didnt tell you the whole story

[ame=""]Chrysler Commercial from 2012 NFL Championship Game. - YouTube[/ame]

That was the only half of it. They wont tell you this.

[ame=""]Pete Hoekstra racially insensitive Super Bowl ad - YouTube[/ame]

Yes Democrats are responsible for the economic downfalls. Democrats couldnt even balance the budget. They just spend money like its just a piece of paper. Thats why China is ahead of us,,Just like Democrats supported NAFTA!
If you are trying to address the child obesity problem why not go directly to the source... ie the food. Perhaps an "independent" nutritionist could be brought in to review the lunch bag for each of the kids, and after a week of review create a recommendation sheet to share with the parents. After all, most young kids are not packing their own lunches, and if they are they shouldn't be.

This could be done twice a year with a summary results shared with the public. There is no need to single out any one or group of kids. The health and safety of our kids is everyone's responsibility.

I can't believe how people feel it OK for an outside person to tell parents how to feed their kids! I do not want my taxes dollars being spend on some busybody nutritionist telling kids what to eat. This is not the school job to being poking their BIG FAT NOSES into their students lunch bags!! You're wrong it is not every responsibility what my grandchild has for lunch at school. If the teachers, school and government are so worried about kids getting too fat the government should put gym back into all school and make all school sports free so all kids can take a sport if they want. Some schools allowed Coke machines to be in some schools and that is wrong. The schools are trying make money selling students junk food , then the government complain kids are getting to fat! This is 'Big Brother' becoming a reality and it will happen a lot faster as long people believe that the government know what best for them! We do not need ANYONE telling us how to raise our famliy!! Your idea about the nutritionist is just one step away from the government taking kids away from their parents. I do not want my country to become like China!
Things have changed much since I attended school. The only time we had snacks were in kindergarten. We had the little bottles of milk and some Graham crackers that the school provided. That was it.

No other snack times for any other grades. Our schools had only lunch times. No breakfasts were served.

And I had to walk home for lunch in grade school. We did not have chocolate
milk in school or Coke machines in JR. or high school. I don't think I had any snacks at my kindergarten.
In cases where children are obviously not fed enough or not being fed properly and as such, suffer the consequences of their parents' neglect to ensure their good health resulting in problems like diabetes, which is potentially fatal, would you consider that endangerment and thus, intervention is required?

There is a difference between giving one child who gives indication of having an ear infection an antibiotic, and giving all kids antibiotics because some of them might have an ear infection that was missed.

There's a difference between the police coming to your door to search your home because they have gotten a good tip that you are harboring a fugitive, or store drugs in your house, and the police searching every home in every neighborhood because somebody might be committing a crime.

There is a difference between a state agency meddling and rummaging through my kids' lunches because they give evidence of malnutrition and a state agency rummaging through every single kid's lunch because they *might* have lunches that don't suit the preferences of that state agency (and who elected those people? Nobody. What are their standards? Do you realize how much they rely on documentation from 'research' other state agencies, and studies heavily politicized and influenced by Monsanto?)

That difference is called pre-emptive vs 'with cause.' The state does not get to meddle in my family's business without *cause.*

Incidentally, there are may other problems with your supposition that the state knows best what we should feed our kids and so should get to intervene.

For one thing, what a kid eats for lunch on school days is not necessarily a reflection of their over-all diet.

More importantly, the state has gotten it drastically wrong for decades when it comes to food and nutrition. They caused more heart attacks and obesity when they told people to stop eating butter and start eating margarine- a frankenfood with transfats that causes all kinds of health issues. The lipid hypothesis is a fraud, yet the government continues to promote it.

Their food pyramid has been wrong from the beginning, and it's not improved now.

I believe that raw milk is healthy and nourishing and important for growing children and that pasteurized, homogenized milk is harmful to them, and the government believes the opposite.

It's really just not their business to meddle in my kid's lunches. Next thing you know, somebody will be insisting we have to let the government in to inspect every family's home kitchen.

Which is just one of many reasons why we homeschool
...If this is unacceptable to you, would you want all children to receive proper health and nutrition information in school?

How can we know that the children and their parents are getting the message if we do not review what kids are eating at lunch?
Teaching about good nutrition is fine. Snooping in and criticizing kid's home-packed lunches is not fine.
Perhaps if we look at this from another angle... There is a public cost associated with bad eating habits. Especially with the uninsured. Edit: as DC's post above said... :)

Are you comfortable with your tax dollars providing medical services to someone that did not have good eating habits and as a consequence ended up in the hospital?

If this is unacceptable to you, would you want all children to receive proper health and nutrition information in school?

How can we know that the children and their parents are getting the message if we do not review what kids are eating at lunch?

I am a strict Constitutionalist. I am not comfortable with my tax dollars providing medical services, period.

It's simply not your business, or anybody's business, to review what parents feed their children with their own money. I am not a child, and I do not need the government to treat me like one.

Now if they are using taxpayer's money, then I believe there should be nutritional classes required, and limitations on junk food that can be purchased. not that I trust that their nutritional classes would be accurate. But it would be better than nothing.

The same government you won't poking its nose into what my family eats is the same government in bed with Monsanto and the corn and sugar industries. It's the same government that believed, contrary to evidence, that margarine was healthier than butter. They don't get to tell me what to eat or what to feed my kids.

What you advocate is fascism.
In cases where children are obviously not fed enough or not being fed properly and as such, suffer the consequences of their parents' neglect to ensure their good health resulting in problems like diabetes, which is potentially fatal, would you consider that endangerment and thus, intervention is required?
If a student is obviously neglected or abused, then teachers are mandatory reporters, and should go to the proper authorities with their suspicions. Those authorities (DSS and such) will investigate and take any necessary action. This is something that's not done in front of the whole class.

That's not the same as looking into every student's lunch without cause, and making personal judgments on the contents. Especially if they are doing it front of the other students.
This is Politics. You dont tell em the whole story. Just like TV ads dont tell you everything. Just like this Superbowl ad didnt tell you the whole story

Chrysler Commercial from 2012 NFL Championship Game. - YouTube

That was the only half of it. They wont tell you this.

Pete Hoekstra racially insensitive Super Bowl ad - YouTube

Yes Democrats are responsible for the economic downfalls. Democrats couldnt even balance the budget. They just spend money like its just a piece of paper. Thats why China is ahead of us,,Just like Democrats supported NAFTA!

wow. wrong.
If a student is obviously neglected or abused, then teachers are mandatory reporters, and should go to the proper authorities with their suspicions. Those authorities (DSS and such) will investigate and take any necessary action. This is something that's not done in front of the whole class.

That's not the same as looking into every student's lunch without cause, and making personal judgments on the contents. Especially if they are doing it front of the other students.

I was strictly talking about intervention vis a vis what kids eat.

I agree, singling out students in front of their peers like that is wrong. It can create deep shame for some of them which can be quite damaging and such matters should be handled privately.

What's your definition of obviously neglected and abused? I mean, if you see a morbidly obese child in your class who appears to have never experienced a healthy diet and everything he has in his lunchbox is obviously lacking in nutrition, and he has juvenile diabetes because of his diet, would you consider that as either neglect or abuse?
wow. wrong.

Really Caroline? Really?
I can't believe how people feel it OK for an outside person to tell parents how to feed their kids! I do not want my taxes dollars being spend on some busybody nutritionist telling kids what to eat. This is not the school job to being poking their BIG FAT NOSES into their students lunch bags!! You're wrong it is not every responsibility what my grandchild has for lunch at school. If the teachers, school and government are so worried about kids getting too fat the government should put gym back into all school and make all school sports free so all kids can take a sport if they want. Some schools allowed Coke machines to be in some schools and that is wrong. The schools are trying make money selling students junk food , then the government complain kids are getting to fat! This is 'Big Brother' becoming a reality and it will happen a lot faster as long people believe that the government know what best for them! We do not need ANYONE telling us how to raise our famliy!! Your idea about the nutritionist is just one step away from the government taking kids away from their parents. I do not want my country to become like China!

guess what... it's been happening for a very long time already. You remember the food pyramid? that was produced by the government. Did you notice that congress declared pizza a vegetable? Did you notice Michelle Obama introducing new dietary guidelines for our schools?

Yeah, sure, lets just chuck all the federal and state oversights into our foods. no need for their meddlesome. We can decide what to eat, when to eat, what to buy, what to grow, and what our children eat. See, we are adults and have this right. How dare the government require food labeling laws. How dare the government require no pesticides. How dare the government tell us to eat less fat. Damn it to heck, I'm smart enough to do all the good science to determine exactly which companies are making good and healthy foods. I know how to determine if dangerous pesticides are in my food. and what the heck is wrong with my wanting those foreign bugs in my imported foods.

Come on people, you are missing the big picture here. no one is talking about mandating that kids eat healthier, we are talking about helping people to make healthier choices. And because kids cannot make these decisions for themselves, it's up to the rest of us to educate our children (all of our children). Don't like it, then by all means home school your kids, I'm sure you have all of the health guidelines (oops that from the government too).


There is a reason we have social services... there are just way too many families that do not know how to live healthy. Educate the children now so when they become parents they will be better informed and better capable to make the healthy choices.
If a student is obviously neglected or abused, then teachers are mandatory reporters, and should go to the proper authorities with their suspicions. Those authorities (DSS and such) will investigate and take any necessary action. This is something that's not done in front of the whole class.

That's not the same as looking into every student's lunch without cause, and making personal judgments on the contents. Especially if they are doing it front of the other students.

What's obvious to you is not obvious to the next person.

"... without cause..." you are talking about singling out one kid in a class room based on a judgmental factor. This is wrong and detrimental to the kids well being.
I am a strict Constitutionalist. I am not comfortable with my tax dollars providing medical services, period.

It's simply not your business, or anybody's business, to review what parents feed their children with their own money. I am not a child, and I do not need the government to treat me like one.

Now if they are using taxpayer's money, then I believe there should be nutritional classes required, and limitations on junk food that can be purchased. not that I trust that their nutritional classes would be accurate. But it would be better than nothing.

The same government you won't poking its nose into what my family eats is the same government in bed with Monsanto and the corn and sugar industries. It's the same government that believed, contrary to evidence, that margarine was healthier than butter. They don't get to tell me what to eat or what to feed my kids.

What you advocate is fascism.

So what you are saying is that if one of your children that are an adult now gets injured, goes to the hospital but doesn't have insurance they should not provide medical care unless someone come forward to pre-pay for it? Because if they proceed with emergency medical care there is a chance that the person will never be able to pay for it. Guess who ends up paying for those folks? Yep, we do, from our taxes. It is illegal to refuse urgent medical care based on the probability of payment.

When we are talking about our children here, we are talking about the future of our country. We (all of us) have a vested interest in their health and education. We as a collective are the government.