What Are You Reading Right now?

My homework.Getting ready for my comp5 test this Wednesday.
I managed to get a book from the library on my Kindle finally today. It's some older book in a series by Faye Kellerman.

It was so stressful getting this to work with McDonald's wifi since it wouldn't work with my Kindle's 3G that I forgot the title. :lol:
Right now, at this very precise moment, I am reading this thread. :cool2:
I am reading probably the most famous book that was originally in Spanish. Any guesses? I have not kept up my Spanish skills so I have to read it in English. :)
tmw i will be more Death stuff, on bloody hell i hate studying Death and dying its morbid
Reading Now

Right now I am in a strange mood ...I have devided to reread Othello..I seems appropriate. lol, Only thing is I have started speaking with a Shakespearian lilt...my friends think I'm on drugs,,laughing....:wave:
I am reading probably the most famous book that was originally in Spanish. Any guesses? I have not kept up my Spanish skills so I have to read it in English. :)

Don Quixote
Right now I'm not reading anything :(

yet... :D

Books I love are:
1.The Giver - by Lois Lowry
2. Silence of the Lamb- by Thomas Harris
3. Lord of the Rings- by J .R. Tolken
4. Twilight- Stephine Meter (Yes I have no shame.)
5. Interview With The Vampire - by Anne Rice

..... Thats just a list of some of my favorite books... I know I need to expand my reading collection lol. Soon this week I will be getting a ereader so hopefully I'll find some new favorites soon :)
Finished reading 'Young Men in Spats', a collection of short stories by P.G.Wodehouse. Loved the story about Archibald Mulliner who can imitate a hen laying an egg and turn it into a work of art and love :laugh2:
Uncle Montague's Tales of Terror by
Chris Priestley

$1.99 Kindle special.
"The Crucible" by Arthur Miller.

Only because I HAVE to...I'm teaching it and need to reread it since it's been years since I've read that ...*yawn*...boring...*yawn yawn* ...script...zzzzzzzzz.
I havent read a book fo' a while.

I'm about to go pick up a book myself. The book was just released dis week. It's about Walter Payton's dark side. I watched him play when I was a small child on tv.
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You are correct.:D

Sweet! What do I win? :D

Which translation are you reading, btw? I have the new(est) translation by Edith Grossman. I'm too afraid to start it, but it's one of those books I know I have to eventually read before I die. Same with the copies of Anna Karenina and Moby Dick. Sigh . . .
Which translation are you reading, btw? I have the new(est) translation by Edith Grossman. I'm too afraid to start it, but it's one of those books I know I have to eventually read before I die. Same with the copies of Anna Karenina and Moby Dick. Sigh . . .

I am reading the Barnes & Noble Classics version on my nook.
Sweet! What do I win? :D

Which translation are you reading, btw? I have the new(est) translation by Edith Grossman. I'm too afraid to start it, but it's one of those books I know I have to eventually read before I die. Same with the copies of Anna Karenina and Moby Dick. Sigh . . .

I had Moby Dick for years and attempted to read it a couple of times but gave up after a hundred pages or so. It seemed so tedious! Then a few years ago, on my third attempt, I was able to break through and read the whole book. Fantastic read! Thoroughly enjoyed the book. Reading is meant to be fun, so I don't regret giving up earlier on when the book was a drag. And I got so much more out of the book when I enjoyed reading it.
Now reading The Search by Nora Roberts. That's the library book, on my Nook for PC I am reading Stuck in the Middle by Virginia Smith.