How is your weather today?

look like rain not bad!
Still raining and daughter has heard thunder as well. Yuck!!!
its kinda cool in the morning but I walk to work, then hot when I walk from work kinda suxs but....its great excercise
Hot, humid, sunny. Although, this morning felt nice.
Hot, humid, sunny. Although, this morning felt nice.

Same here. It is the time of year where it can be a scorcher in the daytime, but cool at night. I don't want summer to be over yet, though.
Wet and gloomy again. It's due to really rain anytime now. Just got back from McD's and the sky is totally black from storm clouds.
100 degree heat index, but supposed to cool to the upper seventies by Sunday.
Nassy today. highest tempature this summer

High-97 and stuffy

Same weather for tomorrow. yuck!
Scattered showers and storms all day today. Very warm with rain, geez.
Hot and sunny. Beginning to get cloudy and looks like rain. A friend from my deaf church joked he was building an ark. :giggle:
Parts of Lee are coming in. Seems like we are getting hit with tropical activity each weekend. Last weekend, this weekend and maybe next weekend. Weird.