Law Requires Ultrasound Before Abortion

Wirelessly posted (BB Curve 9300)

You can't resist adding that extra dig, can you?

If y ou see it as a dig, oh well. I see it as the truth.
You're on kind of shaky ground there, if you are using "absence of heart beat and brain waves" to justify abortion. Most women are only just figuring out they are pregnant at the point of 4 to 6 weeks' gestation. If after that the heart beat and brain waves are present, then aren't they actually killing a living being, after that?

Actually I think the law has done a pretty good job of figuring out how to live within most people's moral parameters. First 3 months, no questions asked, basically; next 3 months, gets increasingly complex; final 3 months, generally abortions only allowed in very extreme circumstances (like life-threatening to mother, or baby has conditions "incompatible with life" that will cause it to die soon after birth).

That sounds about right to me, personally.

That is because the law is based on scientific and medical facts, and not an emotional reaction or religious doctrine.
For one thing, the link you sent looks fairly similar to the one I posted, other than that it has slightly better imagery, and shows a stylized CGI model in some of the images, rather than a hand-drawn representation.

However, the point wasn't that, it was the comparative images. If you complain that my image wasn't of a 9-week (or older) fetus (I honestly don't know, the length of time wasn't listed on the original image, but I'd guess it was between 8-12 weeks), then feel free to provide comparative images to prove that it's actually distinguishable from other fetal mammal (btw, it's called a fetus because that's the term for post-embryonic and pre-birth mammalian development, not "because that's when it looks like a person"; cats, dogs, pigs and bears all have fetal development stages as well) as equitable times during their development.

The point is that even though it may "appear" human, it does not mean that it is a viable human being. Viability is the issue. Appearance means virtually nothing if the nervous system, the brain, and the organs have not developed to the point that it can survive as a human.
Um, having distinctive features like formed separated toes and fingers to go with the feet and hands should be a pretty darned big clue that it's a human being at 9 weeks. I don't think those images of a fetus at 9 weeks would constitute as imaginary like puffy little clouds that look like a bunny rabbit or a cat.

Nope. Indication that it is a human fetus, not a human being. Not even a neonate.
I see Netrox and Aleser debated about HIV & AIDS -- okay, now I kinda of confused.

I remember I was taught that someone have a HIV that can become AIDS later. Someone can get HIV virus from an AIDS-infected person, NOT AIDS. I always thought people with HIVs live a bit longer than people AIDS. Unless I just miss some new updates about HIVs and AIDS? You're more welcome to correct me.
Actually, I don't give a flying fritter if the woman is a nymphomania, being responsible for ur own body is the name of the game! Birth control and condoms, if not...pregnant over and over...or catching an STD, or worse yet, AIDS.

So if a woman like to have sex a lot she can't be careful too? And what about the men don't they have take some responsibility too! And liking sex does not made every women a nymphomania!
Ultrasounds are already included in your abortion. A doctor would not perform an abortion without staging the pregnancy visually and confirming that it is not a tubal pregnancy.

This law has nooothing to do with actually ensuring the health of women, and everything to do with showboating.

When did that start? It was not like that in 1992.
An embryo is not always brought to term. No one should weep over that, either.

People would be amazed at the number of even fertilized eggs that fail to implant and are rejected by the body. It happens at such an early stage in pregnancy that women do not even realize that technically, they have suffered a miscarriage.
I got pregnant due to a faulty condom. Was that my fault?

I was intended to want to respond to this but I realize a few pro-choice AD'ers strongly screamed and bitched at AD pro-lifers. So forget it. I am not going to bother to answer. :roll:
I got pregnant due to a faulty condom. Was that my fault?

My sister got pregnant using a diagram! And I had a friend that was told by her doctor that she was not able get pregnant for health reason.
You can imagine my friend surprise when she got pregnant ! She had 2 babies!
I think it's tasteless to use someone's very recent tragedy (it happened today) to make a point about a fetus on a thread about abortion that is filled with graphic images and comments. I don't know, it's rubbing me the wrong way.

I agree. Miscarriage and abortion are two very separate topics.
I see Netrox and Aleser debated about HIV & AIDS -- okay, now I kinda of confused.

I remember I was taught that someone have a HIV that can become AIDS later. Someone can get HIV virus from an AIDS-infected person, NOT AIDS. I always thought people with HIVs live a bit longer than people AIDS. Unless I just miss some new updates about HIVs and AIDS? You're more welcome to correct me.

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the first step. It nearly always progresses to AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). The word "syndrome" means there are a constellation of symptoms associated with the disease. Not everyone will have all symptoms, but they include Kaposi's Sarcoma, wasting away, lesions on the face and other parts of the body, and other things.
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the first step. It nearly always progresses to AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). The word "syndrome" means there are a constellation of symptoms associated with the disease. Not everyone will have all symptoms, but they include Kaposi's Sarcoma, wasting away, lesions on the face and other parts of the body, and other things.

Yes, that is right. I remember that well.
I see Netrox and Aleser debated about HIV & AIDS -- okay, now I kinda of confused.

I remember I was taught that someone have a HIV that can become AIDS later. Someone can get HIV virus from an AIDS-infected person, NOT AIDS. I always thought people with HIVs live a bit longer than people AIDS. Unless I just miss some new updates about HIVs and AIDS? You're more welcome to correct me.

Oops - pressed "send" before I meant to.

If someone has HIV and gets treatment right away, and stays on that treatment absolutely faithfully, the progression to AIDS can be years away. Magic Johnson (basketball player - google if you don't know about him) was diagnosed with HIV way back in the mid-1980's, is still going strong, very active with different charities, and appears to be in robust good health. In interviews, he has stated that he is still taking the "HIV cocktail" (combination of drugs), but the combination has changed over the years and is less complicated now.

Or - the progression to AIDS can still happen quite rapidly, especially if the person is in poor health for other reasons.

HIV is transmitted through semen, blood, breast milk, other body fluids. It is usually transmitted through sex, but can be transmitted through other contact, such as blood contact from an infected needle, through a cut or abrasion, and similar means.

If you're concerned about it, there is plenty of information out there, all yours after a quick Google search.
Where does the Florida law require the women to look at the ultrasounds?

Isn't it good medical practice to use an ultrasound before performing an abortion to determine which stage of pregnancy the woman is in?

There are other ways of determining that. Stage of pregnancy was determined long before ultrasound became available.