Law Requires Ultrasound Before Abortion

Oh the Bodies Exhibition is awesome. I went at least 3 times. Circulatory system section is amazing.


Simultaneously awesome and disgusting, lol. It came to my city, and I passed cause, well, like I said, I was a pansy, lol
Dear, you're seeing what you want to see there.

I can't imagine ever being so cavalier in calling something human- but I guess I value the word differently than you do. :)

(Edit: also, the embryonic stage often is taken to include the 9th week, but not often the 10th week. It depends on what literature you're reading.)

From NIH:

The end of the eighth week marks the end of the "embryonic period" and the beginning of the "fetal period."
Fetal development: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

Secondly, whether it's 9 week or 10 weeks, I already used a 9 week old fetus as an example that had distinct features such as hands, fingers, toes, feet and such are easily identifiable that tells us that what you're looking at is a human. Even at 10 weeks, the features would be even more prominent. Now, you're telling me that living thing is not a human species? That's why they say "human fetus." A human. I didn't say "person fetus." I said, "human fetus."

It's not about what I want to see, it's the factual evidence before you. At nine or ten weeks, do you see the hands? The 5 separate digits on each hand? The toes that go with the feet? The heel? Etc. That's why they call it the fetus stage as it takes on a human form. What do those distinctive features belong to?
New York Mets outfielder Willie Harris leaves team after baby's death - MLB News | FOX Sports on MSN

Would anyone want to tell this MLB player and his wife that they shouldn't be in mourning because their baby was only five months along, therefore still just a "fetus?"

Everyone is entitled to how they want to handle the loss of a pregnancy but just because one views as a tragic loss which is totally understandable, it doesnt mean that abortion should be made illegal.
No, it doesn't. As I mentioned above, I'm totally in favor of legal abortions, up to a certain point.

Just all this bickering about "fetus" vs. "embryo" vs. "baby" gets to me.

I think it is a truth universally acknowledged, that when a pregnancy occurs, the growing product of that pregnancy is called a "baby" by the woman who is pleased about it, and a "fetus" or "embryo" if she wants to get rid of it.

I have yet to hear any pregnant woman say "Ooooh, look honey, the fetus is kicking!"
No, it doesn't. As I mentioned above, I'm totally in favor of legal abortions, up to a certain point.

Just all this bickering about "fetus" vs. "embryo" vs. "baby" gets to me.

I think it is a truth universally acknowledged, that when a pregnancy occurs, the growing product of that pregnancy is called a "baby" by the woman who is pleased about it, and a "fetus" or "embryo" if she wants to get rid of it.

I have yet to hear any pregnant woman say "Ooooh, look honey, the fetus is kicking!"

Oh what your point is. Yea, I can understand. That's why I dont get into the arguments because everyone has a different opinion of what a fetus is and what a baby is.
No, it doesn't. As I mentioned above, I'm totally in favor of legal abortions, up to a certain point.

Just all this bickering about "fetus" vs. "embryo" vs. "baby" gets to me.

I think it is a truth universally acknowledged, that when a pregnancy occurs, the growing product of that pregnancy is called a "baby" by the woman who is pleased about it, and a "fetus" or "embryo" if she wants to get rid of it.

I have yet to hear any pregnant woman say "Ooooh, look honey, the fetus is kicking!"

That's because most people don't dicker around with accuracy when talking about that. They call it a baby, not because it's accurate or scientifically correct, but because it's a social convention.

People are allowed to mourn whatever the hell they want, too. A baseball player is allowed to be weepy over the end of his wife's pregnancy just as much as my girlfriend is allowed to be weepy over the death of a duck that she saw run in to the street and get killed. None of that means anything, though. The fact that you'd have to be a massive jackass to tell someone not to mourn something they're clearly distraught over doesn't mean that the reasons they're distraught are either valid or have to be acceptable to everyone.

My girlfriend thinks every animal, including bugs, are "people" of sorts. I think she's completely wrong, but I don't let that make me be a dick about her mourning their deaths.
I think it's tasteless to use someone's very recent tragedy (it happened today) to make a point about a fetus on a thread about abortion that is filled with graphic images and comments. I don't know, it's rubbing me the wrong way.
Personally, the only way I would have an abortion is that if I was raped and became pregnant from it, incest, or my life or the baby's were in danger.

With all the birth control available these days, and we women are "savvy", (or should be)...why would a woman want to become "knocked up" with an unwanted pregnancy? Is it stupidity on our part?

Then again, WHY would a woman, who or if takes pride in her body, spread her legs for every male that comes around who is "just horny"? And let them use her for sex? Sort of like a "wham, bam...and thank you, mamm"?

All my boys have condoms in their wallets. And 2 of my boys girlfriends are on birth control. Whether they are having sex, I can't say with 100% accuracy, but I can be damn sure that I've done my part to avoid an unwanted pregnancy from them (my boys).

And what if the woman like to have sex a lot? Women us men too when they want sex! I know you heard of one night stands. It go both way .
The discussion is about human beings.

No it about about the government trying to take control of women bodies!! WTF ! The government want to run our life and take our rights away ! If this law passes the government will start on the men next! Who know it could be a crime to have sex before you're married! The welfare department use to give surprise home visits to single welfare moms to made sure they they had no man living with them ! The government is very slowly chipping away at our rights and making people think is all about the government 'looking out for you'!
Wrong ! People need to wake up before it too late!!
And what if the woman like to have sex a lot? Women us men too when they want sex! I know you heard of one night stands. It go both way .

Actually, I don't give a flying fritter if the woman is a nymphomania, being responsible for ur own body is the name of the game! Birth control and condoms, if not...pregnant over and over...or catching an STD, or worse yet, AIDS.
Actually, I don't give a flying fritter if the woman is a nymphomania, being responsible for ur own body is the name of the game! Birth control and condoms, if not...pregnant over and over...or catching an STD, or worse yet, AIDS.

Wow, you really don't understand people, do you?

A lot of people got STD's without knowing. A lot of women got pregnant without knowing.

You just don't get it.
Actually, I don't give a flying fritter if the woman is a nymphomania, being responsible for ur own body is the name of the game! Birth control and condoms, if not...pregnant over and over...or catching an STD, or worse yet, AIDS.

I regret to inform you that you cannot, in fact, catch AIDS.

Know your reproductive health before lecturing other people on it.
Actually, I don't give a flying fritter if the woman is a nymphomania, being responsible for ur own body is the name of the game! Birth control and condoms, if not...pregnant over and over...or catching an STD, or worse yet, AIDS.

I got pregnant due to a faulty condom. Was that my fault?