Law Requires Ultrasound Before Abortion

sue Trojan

Most condom failures are due to user error, not due to manufacturer error. It would be nearly impossible to prove the manufacturer played a hand unless you found a single batch with many defects.
The only STD that condoms have shown to be extremely effective at preventing is HIV. Herpes can be spread by skin to skin contact. Syphilis and gonorrhea can be spread if it's in contact with the discharge and oral sex is engaged. Condoms do reduce those risks but not as effective as reducing risk of HIV infection - it's estimated that as much as 98% is prevented with condom use.

Condoms are very effective at preventing pregnancies - much the same effective rate as HIV - 98% effective so that means that you STILL can get pregnant... overall, you may get pregnant twice every 100 sexual acts but it can take only the FIRST try to get pregnant.

Same with HIV; we have plenty of reports on homosexuals who have over 1,000 high risk sexual acts with known HIV+ persons yet never got infected but we have people who got infected on their FIRST time experiences.
You took the risk.

I love how you never really give a correct answer.

The question was - "Was that my fault?". yes or no will suffice. but then... why bother?
You took the risk.

And your point is?

With many friends who have HIV, many have no clue how vulnerable they are to getting STD's and sometimes it's just an accident - you really think they wanted them?

And think of all the fat people on this forum - they are several times more likely to have heart attacks... I guess with your logic, we just let them die because they asked for it.

And pregnancy... mothers are more likely to die of pregnancy than abortion and will likely have morbidity... they took the risk to become mothers... but apparently you think since they took the risk, we shouldn't do anything to treat them... screw them.

Really, what's your problem?
Using a condom implies an understanding of the risk involved. I'm talking about pregnancy.
The only STD that condoms have shown to be extremely effective at preventing is HIV. Herpes can be spread by skin to skin contact. Syphilis and gonorrhea can be spread if it's in contact with the discharge and oral sex is engaged. Condoms do reduce those risks but not as effective as reducing risk of HIV infection - it's estimated that as much as 98% is prevented with condom use.

Condoms are very effective at preventing pregnancies - much the same effective rate as HIV - 98% effective so that means that you STILL can get pregnant... overall, you may get pregnant twice every 100 sexual acts but it can take only the FIRST try to get pregnant.

Same with HIV; we have plenty of reports on homosexuals who have over 1,000 high risk sexual acts with known HIV+ persons yet never got infected but we have people who got infected on their FIRST time experiences.

Er, you're kind of off the mark there. When reported as "correctly" used, condoms will result in about 1 in 100 women becoming pregnant in the first year of use, not 1 in 100 sex acts resulting in pregnancy. Still, this rate is MUCH higher than the rate of HIV infection, because it is much easier to get pregnant than it is to get HIV.

Condoms fail due to manufacturing defect much more rarely, and if people genuinely maintained perfect use, the true failure rate would be something like 1 in 1000 condoms- so if that happens to you in a year depends on how much sex you have, and how unlucky you are.

On the HIV side of thing, lets assume, conservatively, that 1% of condoms break (reality is more like 0.1% in perfect use) and 1 in 500 unprotected sex acts result in HIV (depending on the sex act, it is 1 in 500 to 1 in 2000ish). If we start with a pool of 100,000 people having sex with HIV infected people, 1000 will experience a condom failure per sex act, and of those, 2 might become infected with HIV. So, even in the worst conditions, only 0.002% of sex acts with an HIV infected people using a condom result in HIV.

Now, lets look at a better-case scenario. Lets assume that condom failure rates are in-between at 0.5%, and that HIV infection per unprotected act remains 1 in 500, and that the person has access to post-exposure prophylaxis which reduces the risk of HIV infection by at least 80% when used correctly. We start with 100,000 HIV-negative people having sex (vaginal or anal, the highest risk activities) with an HIV positive partner. Of those, we assume that 500 will experience a condom failure. Of those, only 1 is likely to contract HIV without PEP. With PEP, 0.2 people are expected to become infected with HIV- or roughly 1 person per 500,000 condom-using sex acts with an HIV+ partner, or 0.0001% of protected sex acts result in HIV.

Going off of 112 average acts per year, depending on how perfectly we believe condoms work, roughly 1 in 112 to 1 in 1120 protected vaginal sex acts will result in a pregnancy, or 0.8-0.08% of protected vaginal sex acts.

If you marry someone with HIV and spend 20 years having consistently protected sex (112 times a year) with them, your risk of contracting HIV is only 0.002%. If you marry someone of the opposite sex and spend 20 years having consistently protected with condoms sex with them (112 times a year, during your fertile years, obviously), the risk that you'll become unintentionally pregnant is potentially as high as 17.92%.

(/dorking it out)

I've given the "this is why we wrap it up, kids!" lecture to GLBTQ youth so many times... And the "this is why we use a backup form of birth control, kids" lecture to het/bi/queer trans/etc youth so many times...
Sorry if I offended anyone. I could never understand those feelings without experiencing them, which is impossible for me to do since I'm a guy.

Ummm... not really. My wife lost a baby.... It was sad for both of us.
Has ANYONE here gone to the Bodies Exhibition? They have real embryos/fetuses at different stages of development. They even have them as early as 1 week.

I have I have!!! I almost got kicked out because I asked..."how much is this per pound" They did not find that funny.
All I care is not to let the government controls us chicas what to do with our bodies. Don't let it make a law for our bodies. It's our responsibilities with the consequences. Nothing get in the way with us, women.
sue Trojan

Hehehe..that was back in 1996. My ex hubby and I took the necessary precautions and yet, that happened. My point is that those people are blaming the women or the couple for having sex and assume that they arent using would they know unless they were there with them?
Hehehe..that was back in 1996. My ex hubby and I took the necessary precautions and yet, that happened. My point is that those people are blaming the women or the couple for having sex and assume that they arent using would they know unless they were there with them?

does it matter?

haters gonna hate!
I regret to inform you that you cannot, in fact, catch AIDS.

Know your reproductive health before lecturing other people on it.

Sure you can. If your partner has full-blown AIDS, you can catch it.
I disagree with the law that way it was discussed in the O.P. in this thread.
In my experience, the basis for people to be against abortion is a basis of religion, usually Christian. It is not appropriate for other people to use their own religious viewpoint to determine a personal physical choice for everyone.
Sure you can. If your partner has full-blown AIDS, you can catch it.

I regret to inform you, you cannot catch AIDS.

Know your reproductive health before lecturing other people on it.

The infection status of your partner does not matter. You cannot catch AIDS.
I regret to inform you, you cannot catch AIDS.

Know your reproductive health before lecturing other people on it.

The infection status of your partner does not matter. You cannot catch AIDS.

She also mentioned STD's. You mean you can catch those? You left that part out. :lol: