Math Fun!!!

10 + 10 x 0 =

  • 0

    Votes: 23 53.5%
  • 10

    Votes: 17 39.5%
  • 20

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Hm... I'm currently stuck on that one.

In the meantime, I also have a new problem:

  • 1% of women at age forty who participate in routine screening have breast cancer.
  • 80% of women with breast cancer will get positive mammographies.
  • 9.6% of women without breast cancer will also get positive mammographies.

A woman in this age group had a positive mammography in a routine screening. What is the probability that she actually has breast cancer?

the answer is..... 7.8%. How I did it? Simple - here.

Add 3 to 131 and make sure the result is less than fourteen (14).

GAHHH.... I've solved the other problems except this one. It bothers me so much!!! And I refuse to take Jiro's path and google it.

its really stupid once you find out. :giggle:

I cheated. I got tired of trying to figure it out then you said that it was really stupid. So I went the Jiro way and found out the answer....

Yes, it was really stupid!!! Good thing I didn't spend more than a day on it... ;)
Not sure if this is an appropriate place to put it, but I felt excessive about starting a whole new thread...

I wanted to tell you all one of my favorite brain teasers:

An archaeologist finds two completely naked people, perfectly preserved. He looks at them and concludes that these people are Adam and Eve (from the Bible). How does he know?

Hint: It has nothing to do with them wearing leaves, nothing to do with a missing rib, it has nothing to do with one of them holding a snake, and they do not have name tags. :)

Edit: Don't look at the post right after this one if you want to figure it out yourself! :)
Not sure if this is an appropriate place to put it, but I felt excessive about starting a whole new thread...

I wanted to tell you all one of my favorite brain teasers:

An archaeologist finds two completely naked people, perfectly preserved. He looks at them and concludes that these people are Adam and Eve (from the Bible). How does he know?

Hint: It has nothing to do with them wearing leaves, nothing to do with a missing rib, it has nothing to do with one of them holding a snake, and they do not have name tags. :)
No navels.
:) This is something that certain posters probably will use in order to deem you "dumb" or "respectable".

Not me!

More of a test to see if anyone remembers a TINY TINY rule that we all probably learned at some point in high school. (This should be a hint, btw...) It also points out who is currently in high school! :)

That explains it.

I never went to high school.
Sorry. You are a non-believer. Pretend they were really hairy and could hang from trees with their tails.

Haha, I grew up Catholic, I just didn't ever remember learning that specific detail.

Why would they? Aren't they the "first people"?

Ah, okay. I didn't think they were supposed to have been physiologically different from born humans, but I admit I never gave it much of any thought, either, lol.
Haha, I grew up Catholic, I just didn't ever remember learning that specific detail.
No, it's not a characteristic about them that we learn about growing up with a religion.

Ah, okay. I didn't think they were supposed to have been physiologically different from born humans, but I admit I never gave it much of any thought, either, lol.

I was going to give a clue which help most people usually figure it out. The clue is: "It has something to do with them being the very first (and only) people created."
I was going to give a clue which help most people usually figure it out. The clue is: "It has something to do with them being the very first (and only) people created."

I probably would have guess barcodes, then. :giggle:
oh no I smell a conspiracy to encode the number 666 into barcodes!
