What did you learn today?

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People from church - no one here on AD. They are ones who knew of my hearing problems before I even got married 17 years ago, and now they are convinced that I am faking it. They don't understand how I can sing along in church, be total deaf and still sing in the correct key and on pitch. What they don't know is that the music team lets me know what songs we are doing and in what key. Since I can read music, I am very good about what key is what. I remeber the sounds and go from there. Plus the fact that even though it's a different set of musicians than were there 14 years ago, all the songs are still done in the same key as before.

Also, they are convinced that since I am deaf, I should not be driving a car. Luckily we have amember who is a Florida State Patrol Officer and he cleared that up right away.

I wish my ex hubby and his sister were like that. They buy the kids $100 dollar boots, $500 dollar designer name purses..u name it. My daughter got a $200 dollar purse as a Christmas gift from him. Why so much money on a freaking purse?!

:-o I do not believe kids should be having expensive stuff like that.
:-o I do not believe kids should be having expensive stuff like that.

I would be called foolish by my parents if I spent that kind of money on a purse.
If he was wealthy and humble about it, cool but to use his wealth against me and make me feel bad? Not cool in my book so I take every opportunity to call him an asshole. lol

He deserves to be called one.
:-o I do not believe kids should be having expensive stuff like that.

Golly, $500 dollars designer purses for kids? :eek:

My parents would never have spent that kind of money on me. Sure my dad gave me a silver plated nutcracker that really looked like the Nutcracker for X-mas once but nothing like this! I didn't grow up poor either.

Well, I guess he should be proud of overcoming poverty but to act like this when he grew up dirt poor? I hope I never become like that if I should become rich.
I'm amazed at what 3 packets of sugar can do for dangerously low blood sugar. I was very dizzy, couldn't walk straight, very headachy and I kept throwing up. When I found my sugar packets, I started feeling better in 30 mintues and now I feel like I'm normal.
I would be called foolish by my parents if I spent that kind of money on a purse.

My mother has a Coach bag that she got years ago and she still uses it every day. Knowing her, she likely got it on sale.
A coke can help to restore blood sugar a few minutes before passing out.

I didn't have any sugary soda pop. I'm a diet coke freak so I don't have any coke with sugar in it.

I hate orange juice so I'm getting that for emergenies like this one. I tend to go overboard on sugar so I recently banned it all from my house. I was lucky that I had 3 sugar packets in my my purse.
Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry8130/ Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/106)

deafskeptic said:
A coke can help to restore blood sugar a few minutes before passing out.

I didn't have any sugary soda pop. I'm a diet coke freak so I don't have any coke with sugar in it.

I hate orange juice so I'm getting that for emergenies like this one. I tend to go overboard on sugar so I recently banned it all from my house. I was lucky that I had 3 sugar packets in my my purse.

I have a friend that saves the jelly packets from restaurants. For when her sugar drops dangerously low
Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry8130/ Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/106)

I have a friend that saves the jelly packets from restaurants. For when her sugar drops dangerously low

My sugar packets were from a coffee store inside the Barnes and Nobles bookstore.
I didn't have any sugary soda pop. I'm a diet coke freak so I don't have any coke with sugar in it.

I hate orange juice so I'm getting that for emergenies like this one. I tend to go overboard on sugar so I recently banned it all from my house. I was lucky that I had 3 sugar packets in my my purse.

No, but two days ago I was walking my roomie to a hospital because she was sick. She refused to take a taxi because she didn't want to owe me money, so we walked. Problem was... I didn't eat anything that day, and we walked for two hours. I started stumbling around like a drunk person until she asked me what was wrong... (hypoglemica, not diabetic) then she ran into a variety store to grab a coke.
No, but two days ago I was walking my roomie to a hospital because she was sick. She refused to take a taxi because she didn't want to owe me money, so we walked. Problem was... I didn't eat anything that day, and we walked for two hours. I started stumbling around like a drunk person until she asked me what was wrong... (hypoglemica, not diabetic) then she ran into a variety store to grab a coke.

How'd that happen? Oh mvm, you hadn't eaten anything..
You are sick too? A lot members are sick. I was hoping our friend souggy was ok.

I have diabetes so low blood sugar can be a medical emergency if I pass out from low blood sugar. I have to keep my blood sugars from getting too high or low. Either way is bad for me. If blood sugar gets low enough, it can kill me.
That is sad. many of people sick really can't help feeling well. the world is people sick.
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