obama affirms free market

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Certainly more than those with an Associate's Degree.:P Or a Bachelor's, either for that matter. But then, my edcuation certainly isn't the issue here.

Well, you certainly try to make it an issue here such as that I should go learn calculus (problem is, I already have and much more). Or that people are simply "confuzed" on the matter and that their educational upbringing is suspect (e.g. "educating the uneducated").

Again, let's leave alone the intellectually dishonesty here.
No. Not hypocritical. I've been an ardent believer that there should be fiscal responsibility and a duty to taxpayers not to overspend. I disagree with any presidents who must over spend that do not adhere to a reasonable budgeted amount. But just so happens that Obama just takes the cake on this matter. It's so utterly ridiculous. It's beyond pale here. What's a hypocrite are those who say that over spending is "OK" even if it's into trillions and that incurring debts is fine. It's not. It's a problem. It's a disease. And it's a trap.

I see. Then you have disagreed with every President in the last 100 years then.
I see. Then you have disagreed with every President in the last 100 years then.

And you're ok with incurring massive debts as a responsible thing to do?


How do you think we got this massive debt problem in the first place? It didn't happen over night if you must know. Consequently so, and with great irony, Obama's own deficit amount outstrips all other presidents' deficits and that Democrats last year were gnashing their teeths over Bush' $455 billion dollar deficit in 2008.

"The same Democrats who were outraged over a $455 billion budget last year came to us this year with a budget that would lead to trillion dollar deficits and which saddles Americans with more debt than all the debt accumulated from George Washington to the present day," said Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell on the floor of the Senate
House passes $3.6 trillion budget plan | csmonitor.com

Wanna talk hypocrisy now? :hmm:
And you're ok with incurring massive debts as a responsible thing to do?


How do you think we got this massive debt problem in the first place? It didn't happen over night if you must know. Consequently so, and with great irony, Obama's own deficit amount outstrips all other presidents' deficits and that Democrats last year were gnashing their teeths over Bush' $455 billion dollar deficit in 2008.

House passes $3.6 trillion budget plan | csmonitor.com

Wanna talk hypocrisy now? :hmm:

Just a simple observation based on your post. You disagree with overspending in any President. Then you are in disagreement with every President we have had for at least the last 100 years.
Just a simple observation based on your post. You disagree with overspending in any President. Then you are in disagreement with every President we have had for at least the last 100 years.

But, ah, you avoided a question...again. In my simple observation you are actually agreeing that Obama's spending (and all other previous presidents on such a somewhat, at this point comparatively so, massive scale) is fine with you? Yes or no?

And that a balanced budget shouldn't be attained?

We'll see if your M.O. continues. A few simple questions for you to answer.
But, ah, you avoided a question...again. In my simple observation you are actually agreeing that Obama's spending (and all other previous presidents on such a somewhat, at this point comparatively so, massive scale) is fine with you? Yes or no?

And that a balanced budget shouldn't be attained?

We'll see if your M.O. continues. A few simple questions for you to answer.

My husband who works at the Pentagon said that if govt spending stops, the economy will stop. He said govt needs to keep spending.
My husband who works at the Pentagon said that if govt spending stops, the economy will stop. He said govt needs to keep spending.

Um, Shel, there is a difference between spending within your budgeted amount given to you in Congress versus a massive spending program that will put the U.S. deeper into the red. When you get more and more govt control and less accountability, then sure, more spending would be the only logical answer from these people. For once, we have a massive amount of natural and, especially so, non-renewable resources in the United States that would put Saudi Arabia to shame. Why spend $500 billion dollars a year on foreign sources of oil from unfriendly and unstable countries that do not like the United States? Why do that when we have the means and resources to be completely energy independent?
Gee.....and you aren't in the President's cabinet as an advisor? Go figure!
Yuk yuk yuk. I did read the Citizen's Guide of the Treasury Department's 2008 Financial Guide. I'm kind of a nerd that way. Here's the link: Current Report: Financial Report of the United States: Publications & Guidance: Financial Management Service

Also, I find it odd that you're saying we can't possibly predict the future, ergo we shouldn't criticize Obama's policies. Nobody's saying we can make perfect predictions, but we can know from past experience and a little logic if we're headed down a course that's not likely to turn out well. If making such judgments is beyond the pale, then why bother discussing any policy? Why bother trying to figure out who would be the best president? By your logic, you might as well have closed your eyes and randomly select a name for President because it's impossible to tell the future and know who would do the best job for the country.

Also, I'm fine with some government debt, but not this much. This is unprecedented in the post-war era and it's looking to get worse.
Again, I'm all for fiscal responsibility. You simply do not spend money that you do not have. And you simply do not expand more govt programs that cost an additional hundreds of billions of dollars more in times when we don't have the money to begin with! It's the same idea of maxing out your credit cards thinking it's the answer to solve your debt problems while living in a house you cannot afford along with a few cars and other luxury items. That's exactly what Obama is doing ...right....now.

Oh good god. You don't understand a thing I've been trying to tell you, do you?

It's called CREDIT. The entire economy is based on FAITH that they will get something in return!!!

We no longer trade a couple of goats for a nice big cow! Sheesh!
Secondly, govt spending isn't what kept America afloat. It was capitalism. Govt do not create jobs, America does that on her own. The computer you typed on? Did the govt create jobs to help produce computer monitors, laptops, memory boards, etc?? What about that pen you write with? That light bulb that's on to see what you're doing? The food that you bought? The car that you drive? The asphalt road that was built criss-crossing America? Who built Microsoft? Dell? Shell? Chevron? Toilet papers? Romance novels? Etc? What the govt creates is mostly the service type jobs along with national defense (i.e. Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, etc). You see, in order for the govt to "create jobs" they collect taxes from us to run their programs and agencies. The economy of the United States is the largest national economy in the world. Its gross domestic product (GDP) was estimated as $14.2 trillion in FY2008. The U.S. Federal Government collected $2.52 trillion in FY2008. Clearly, clearly the trillions of dollars earned was through businesses and other enterprises in the United States that helped created those jobs in America...not the govt. The govt *takes* the money from those people who worked and run companies in the United States.
Oh good god. You don't understand a thing I've been trying to tell you, do you?

It's called CREDIT. The entire economy is based on FAITH that they will get something in return!!!

We no longer trade a couple of goats for a nice big cow! Sheesh!

And therein lies the trap. When you step over that line called the event horizon there's no turning back and things will collapse ugly all around you. There's a fine line in dealing with credit. Credit is fine as long as you have the ability to pay it back quickly. But if you have a history of going deeper and deeper into debt, just like what Obama is doing, you'll find yourself approaching that black hole a lot quicker than you thought. You have not told me anything, Netrox. Yet you have NOT offered a solution on how to address this massive, massive debt problem even though, ironically, you screamed like a banshee about Bush own billions dollars deficit spending not to long ago demanding how we're going to pay it back. The obvious solution is NOT to spend money you don't have. The next obvious solution is not to expand or add more programs that will cost more money to operate and keep over time during a time of a fiscal crisis.

Sigh...the things I have to do around here. :hmm:
And therein lies the trap. When you step over that line called the event horizon there's no turning back and things will collapse ugly all around you. There's a fine line in dealing with credit. Credit is fine as long as you have the ability to pay it back quickly. But if you have a history of going deeper and deeper into debt, just like what Obama is doing, you'll find yourself approaching that black hole a lot quicker than you thought. You have not told me anything, Netrox. Yet you have NOT offered a solution on how to address this massive, massive debt problem even though, ironically, you screamed like a banshee about Bush own billions dollars deficit spending not to long ago demanding how we're going to pay it back. The obvious solution is NOT to spend money you don't have. The next obvious solution is not to expand or add more programs that will cost more money to operate and keep over time during a time of a fiscal crisis.

Sigh...the things I have to do around here. :hmm:

Lol, what ARE you doing, really? I totally agree that this whole fiscal issue is rather unsettling, and meaning no disrespect, so what? It all started long before the past several administrations (hint, the Federal Reserve Board) and people are starting to wake up and take a real look around themselves, perhaps for the first time in their lives. That is unsettling, and being TOLD to change after we asked for it is apparently even further unsettling. Money is a concept. Nothing more, until you get PEOPLE involved in surviving, and therein you will get change. It won't be pretty, I think you know that. Capitalism? I think we saw its last gasp if it means robbing people of their right to a comfortable living, i.e., low wages and their effects. Things could get ugly around you? Well, that depends on where you stand. So, what ARE you doing? I am just curious.
So, what's the solution? Stop spending and halt the economy or keep spending but get ourselves in deeper debt?
Do what every family has to do if they want to get out of debt. Stop spending money on things that is not needed and only spend on things that are needed. Start paying down the debt instead of just paying interests. Most of all, stop borrowing money. Will it be hard? Yes. Will they have to give up on alot of things? Yes but that is only way we can get out of debt.
Do what every family has to do if they want to get out of debt. Stop spending money on things that is not needed and only spend on things that are needed. Start paying down the debt instead of just paying interests. Most of all, stop borrowing money. Will it be hard? Yes. Will they have to give up on alot of things? Yes but that is only way we can get out of debt.

Ok..it is one thing for families to do it. I am one of them trying to do that ...it is another to get the govt to do it. That could mean the loss of my job.
Ok..it is one thing for families to do it. I am one of them trying to do that ...it is another to get the govt to do it. That could mean the loss of my job.

Like I said, would be hard so there is no easy solution.
Are we evolving, or becoming overspecialized? Have you heard of a breed of birds in the Everglades that over generations develop longer and heavier beaks in order to reach the swamp bottoms as the water level rose? One day, a swamp fire flashed, and they became extinct because their beaks made the birds too heavy to fly. Is that happening to us now? Is it too late to become a swamp turkey? :lol:
So, what's the solution? Stop spending and halt the economy or keep spending but get ourselves in deeper debt?

Um, no. There is this concept called "avoiding mounting debts." Obama is not doing that. He is going the opposite direction ....and at full speed, too.
Um, no. There is this concept called "avoiding mounting debts." Obama is not doing that. He is going the opposite direction ....and at full speed, too.

Not just Obama but congress also.
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