obama affirms free market

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Ah! Ah! There it is again! The dreaded..."You should...."

It's really funny about the calculus retort, jillio, since I majored in mathematics and have taken calculus, advanced calculus, number theory, differential equations, logic of proving theorem, probability and stats, abstract algebra, numerical analysis at Gallaudet University and George Washington University. Not to mention taking geophysics as my major in graduate school.

Really, really funny and ironic that you said that, Jillio.

Shame you failed to grasp the concepts. Did you also have GUR's to fulfill? I would assume that would include some history and some social science.

But, really, kokonut. Back on topic.
The goss misinterpretation is obvious. I don't think it needs an explanation.
Oh yeah, the "it's so obvious, my non-existent point doesn't need an explanation" explanation. "Jennay! It's so obvious I don't need to explain iiiiiit!"

And since when has this government NOT spent huge sums of money that we didn't have?:laugh2: Like I said, history is your friend.
Yeah, it is my friend because I've researched the historical data. In terms of dollars adjusted for inflation and percent of GDP, our deficits are far higher than at any time since WWII. At least that war ended and the spending immediately fell, so it was sustainable. What we're doing now is not sustainable because there's no end in sight, our entitlement obligations are going to explode in the coming decades, and we already have over $11 trillion in debt.
I daresay I have been in many more economic classes than you yourself have been in.

ah lemme guess - you probably have been in million of classes of all subjects than anybody else. :lol:
I daresay I have been in many more economic classes than you yourself have been in.

Then it wouldn't be "too difficult" to see the problem with a $1.8 trillion dollar deficit created by Obama plus an additional $1.4 trillion dollar deficit projected for 2010 thinking that spending more money is the answer to solve a debt problem while creating a much more massive black hole debt at the same time??

Sometimes with economics the logic isn't simply there when thinking that more spending will solve a debt problem just as maxing out your credit cards is the answer to your debt problem. Doesn't make one iota sense. Yes or no?
Oh yeah, the "it's so obvious, my non-existent point doesn't need an explanation" explanation. "Jennay! It's so obvious I don't need to explain iiiiiit!"

Yeah, it is my friend because I've researched the historical data. In terms of dollars adjusted for inflation and percent of GDP, our deficits are far higher than at any time since WWII. At least that war ended and the spending immediately fell, so it was sustainable. What we're doing now is not sustainable because there's no end in sight, our entitlement obligations are going to explode in the coming decades, and we already have over $11 trillion in debt.

Gee.....and you aren't in the President's cabinet as an advisor? Go figure!
Then it wouldn't be "too difficult" to see the problem with a $1.8 trillion dollar deficit created by Obama plus an additional $1.4 trillion dollar deficit projected for 2010 thinking that spending more money is the answer to solve a debt problem while creating a much more massive black hole debt at the same time??

Sometimes with economics the logic isn't simply there when thinking that more spending will solve a debt problem just as maxing out your credit cards is the answer to your debt problem. Doesn't make one iota sense. Yes or no?

Again, you are projecting as fact something that has not yet occurred.
Shame you failed to grasp the concepts. Did you also have GUR's to fulfill? I would assume that would include some history and some social science.

But, really, kokonut. Back on topic.


Again, history has been proven by those who abused and maxed out their credit cards end up losing everything they hold dear. You do NOT need to be an economic genius to know that.
GUR = General Undergraduate Requirement (unless I'm wrong). Not everything is always in textbook. Many people especially at Wall Street with business mind do not obtain knowledge from textbook. :cool2:

Simple example - look at Federal Reserve Chief Barnacle. He is over-educated, under-experienced. :cool2:

Again, history has been proven by those who abused and maxed out their credit cards end up losing everything they hold dear. You do NOT need to be an economic genius to know that.

yep... there are news articles about credit card abuse nearly EVERYDAY! It's even discussed in Oprah show at great length!!!

No I don't watch Oprah show regularly... but I happened to see it at my ex's house because her mom is an investor and is obsessive with stock market
Again, you are projecting as fact something that has not yet occurred.

Um...it's the CBO's projection unless you think that somehow, magically so, we'll see an end of the year spending as a break even point with the 2009 budgeted amount? If you have a beef it's with them, not me. We're already in the red as we speak.

Besides, you have President Obama's $787 billion Stimulus bill, the $33 billion SCHIP bill and the $410 billion Omnibus Bill he signed. Already that's $1.2 trillion dollars. Not projected in that sense. Just the $1.8 trillion which is the projection or an additional 600 billion dollars more to be spent in 2009. And if history is you friend then YOU need to remember that Senator Obama supported the rescue package/recovery package last fall, the $750 billion to help rescue the banks? Already $350 billion dollars of that was spent by the time he got into office. If he didn't like that spending he could have said, "You know were not going to spend another dime of that $350 billion," and yet he did. And much, much more. So, take your own words of advice history is your friend, and my advice that math is also your friend. Use them wisely.
GUR = General Undergraduate Requirement (unless I'm wrong). Not everything is always in textbook. Many people especially at Wall Street with business mind do not obtain knowledge from textbook. :cool2:

Simple example - look at Federal Reserve Chief Barnacle. He is over-educated, under-experienced. :cool2:

What I took was consortium classes at GWU, engineering and math. Gallaudet didn't have everything I wanted and so I needed some more challenges.
yep... there are news articles about credit card abuse nearly EVERYDAY! It's even discussed in Oprah show at great length!!!

No I don't watch Oprah show regularly... but I happened to see it at my ex's house because her mom is an investor and is obsessive with stock market

Well, Obama abusing the taxpayers' money thinking it's his own credit cards to max out with. :cool2:
What I took was consortium classes at GWU, engineering and math. Gallaudet didn't have everything I wanted and so I needed some more challenges.

Outstanding. You didn't have to explain your background to me. Same for darkdog. Your knowledge in this subject is very apparent. GWU is a fine school. Few of my friends graduated there and they're working for one of the biggest business companies.

Again, history has been proven by those who abused and maxed out their credit cards end up losing everything they hold dear. You do NOT need to be an economic genius to know that.

You don't know what a GUR is?
GUR = General Undergraduate Requirement (unless I'm wrong). Not everything is always in textbook. Many people especially at Wall Street with business mind do not obtain knowledge from textbook. :cool2:

Simple example - look at Federal Reserve Chief Barnacle. He is over-educated, under-experienced. :cool2:

Yep, that is wrong.
Well, Obama abusing the taxpayers' money thinking it's his own credit cards to max out with. :cool2:

And you're concerned with people expressing opinions? Then this is a bit hypocritical, isn't it. Nothing more than opinion.
ah lemme guess - you probably have been in million of classes of all subjects than anybody else. :lol:

Certainly more than those with an Associate's Degree.:P Or a Bachelor's, either for that matter. But then, my edcuation certainly isn't the issue here.
And you're concerned with people expressing opinions? Then this is a bit hypocritical, isn't it. Nothing more than opinion.

No. Not hypocritical. I've been an ardent believer that there should be fiscal responsibility and a duty to taxpayers not to overspend. I disagree with any presidents who must over spend that do not adhere to a reasonable budgeted amount. But just so happens that Obama just takes the cake on this matter. It's so utterly ridiculous. It's beyond pale here. What's a hypocrite are those who say that over spending is "OK" even if it's into the trillions and that incurring debts are fine. It's not. It's a problem. It's a disease. And it's a trap.
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