Writers of the Dark Stories Poll II

Concerning saving Ideas, I tried this but when I went back to visit the ideas, I couldn't get the story going good enough. Your nightmare sounds similar to a movie I once saw, but I can't remember the name. Mann, where your vamp vs witch story at? is it online at all?

Ahhh, writer's block? Just save it...you just never know. You will come back to sense later on...if not-shred it and find other one. Police report are sometimes so intresting!!! A guy in nude at the mall...lol well not nude nude...he wore jeans with hole in front that you could see his two you-know-what hanging out...that is funny...Of course I didnt save that one. An apartment on fire...mmmm, save it...wait other one...save it so put all it together--all diff stories in one idea about a huge fire...you will gather info about fires, etc... something like that.

Friday the 13th?
Lol, pry very, very angst and worst yet...I was Jackle and Hide in two days...oh Lord...I can use that for a story. Who I turned out is really who I am not actually. I don't know why or what happened. My mind was whoooosssshhhhh----gone!!! Lol. That cell phone txt mgs got my nerves this morn. Did you hear my story about my driveway. Wow, I wasn't myself this morning. Me and my boss were talking about the hotel and I am gonna write a story and it will scare all the guests away...and not to come back.

And, I think you should get some rest up so you can write write write and all the wayyyy. :):) it's good to refresh your mind, trust me. ;)
Ahhh, writer's block? Just save it...you just never know. You will come back to sense later on...if not-shred it and find other one. Police report are sometimes so intresting!!! A guy in nude at the mall...lol well not nude nude...he wore jeans with hole in front that you could see his two you-know-what hanging out...that is funny...Of course I didnt save that one. An apartment on fire...mmmm, save it...wait other one...save it so put all it together--all diff stories in one idea about a huge fire...you will gather info about fires, etc... something like that.

Friday the 13th?

Not so much writers block. I have two things currently working on, but I don't think I'll follow through on one of them because it involves a rape/molestation, and that whole subject bugs me alot. I don't think our local paper publishes police reports, lest not that I recall.
I would love to see you write a story about an evil hotel.. That stinks about so few people being there at the hotel to help

I will write some tmw if I get lucky. No alarm clock. No cell phone. My phone will be dead. I close all my freaking shades. Dark is perfect. and Sleeepppppp....and get up late and fresh and write. Perfect.

We need more dependent workers. We get nothing, a zero respects from new workers. Only me and my boss and supervisor Jamie stick together and work like a team. I m more likely their "you save my life" worker-very hard working. Everyone knows me well, they always come back to the same floor I am at, I am their best. Please come and help us. Get a plane ticket and help lol....it is not easy working during summer season.
I will write some tmw if I get lucky. No alarm clock. No cell phone. My phone will be dead. I close all my freaking shades. Dark is perfect. and Sleeepppppp....and get up late and fresh and write. Perfect.

We need more dependent workers. We get nothing, a zero respects from new workers. Only me and my boss and supervisor Jamie stick together and work like a team. I m more likely their "you save my life" worker-very hard working. Everyone knows me well, they always come back to the same floor I am at, I am their best. Please come and help us. Get a plane ticket and help lol....it is not easy working during summer season.

Thats good that ur such a hardworker. I'd be more then happy to jump on the plane, except that drivers ed starts in a week, so I can't. And my ears hurt just staying on the ground, I can't imagine how bad it would be if I fly
Not so much writers block. I have two things currently working on, but I don't think I'll follow through on one of them because it involves a rape/molestation, and that whole subject bugs me alot. I don't think our local paper publishes police reports, lest not that I recall.

Really? Write to your local newspapers and say you want police reports, lol.
Even DUI. Everything. Maybe it is our state. *Shrugs* All newspapers are strange in each state, you would get LOST finding where u were looking for and it was not there. It is kinda like my newspaper is more picky than other state. I dont know. It is just diff. What about the top 100 FBI wanted. online..something like that, it will tell you their history???
Thats good that ur such a hardworker. I'd be more then happy to jump on the plane, except that drivers ed starts in a week, so I can't. And my ears hurt just staying on the ground, I can't imagine how bad it would be if I fly

If you ever come to my state, let me know stop by the hotel. I can get you rooms for 25 a night under me since I am employee. friends/relatives of mine get 25 a night room. I love to FLY!!!! Have you ever fly? I did twice...so peaceful and sooooo WOW heaven!!! Perfect to write in the plane.
Ok I went in your fictionpress.com so which one you wanted me to check, or do you want me to wait till you update it?

Oh no. I just said I wont update my story, vamp vs witch, until i finish my story. ^^;;
I also cant update with this chapters into my fictionpress cos i use old computer and it locked site that wouldnt let me get in. so I have to log in my own laptop. pffft *sighs* :-/ >.<;;
Oh no. I just said I wont update my story, vamp vs witch, until i finish my story. ^^;;
I also cant update with this chapters into my fictionpress cos i use old computer and it locked site that wouldnt let me get in. so I have to log in my own laptop. pffft *sighs* :-/ >.<;;

Was it bec the last time you were there was in 2005? Maybe it was why, and you might have to do again?
Was it bec the last time you were there was in 2005? Maybe it was why, and you might have to do again?

I already editted my old story and updated at AllDeaf in "Creative Writing" thread. right now, I need to edit a lot on the three to five chapters of this story, "Evil Spirit".
If you ever come to my state, let me know stop by the hotel. I can get you rooms for 25 a night under me since I am employee. friends/relatives of mine get 25 a night room. I love to FLY!!!! Have you ever fly? I did twice...so peaceful and sooooo WOW heaven!!! Perfect to write in the plane.

Ok, If I go to pennsylvania, I will. I'm hoping to eventually go on a big vacation one summer to every state on the east coast. I've flown 4 times I think... maybe I miscounted. Only thing I remember about flying is the horrible pain in my ears and stomach ache. Last time I flew back to Boston with my dad, I decided I would put a couple energy drinks that I had laying around the house in the suitcases so that we wouldn't need to buy them later. What I didn't relize was that the cargo hold may have been unpressurized. thank fully it was.
I already editted my old story and updated at AllDeaf in "Creative Writing" thread. right now, I need to edit a lot on the three to five chapters of this story, "Evil Spirit".

How long have you been here in Alldeaf? I went to the Social Security Office to fight with a lady about my overpayment bulls_t and with a interupter of course (Wow a interupter--first time ever I ever seen one) so she recommend me to this one, so here I am. She is fully ASL-I was like whoooooooa, I speak English. Lol, she said she was really sorry and she felt I didnt need her...oopppps. She was so shocked that I write so many novels and poems so she said to come here, maybe if I get lucky I will find a deaf writer....So glad to have met you guys!!!