Why is it???

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sequoias said:
Here we go again! You, MissP needs to figure out what you have done to the AD'rs. There's nothing else we can do, you either need psychological help or have mental illness that u can't deal with. Good luck with ur pathetic life.

Whatever, they need to get over it.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
what difference does it make??? I don't care what they think.

PM or no PM... I can say whatever I want to say...

If they don't want to answer, just say in the nice way...

"I wish to not to discuss this in public, please PM me."

Instead of saying... MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS...
and especially from other people who I wasn't even talking to.

That is so immature and childish. If you don't want me to ask
the question, then the poster I talked to, need to tell me that.
Not somebody speaking for that poster.

Geez, the poster don't need a momma or daddy...
he or she can speak for himself or herself.

but still.....u need to use your common sense anyway
That is what wrong with America...
Nobody will speak up to what they believe in.

I want to learn so many things about other people...

Because I felt that I was the only one...
and I want everyone to come in and discuss about
their problems too.

Say hey, I had a bad childhood too.

It doesn't make sense to keep it all things inside and
not talk about it.

I like the way VampryoX tell everybody his story when he was young.
It makes me feel that... I am normal just like him.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
That is what wrong with America...
Nobody will speak up to what they believe in.

I want to learn so many things about other people...

Because I felt that I was the only one...
and I want everyone to come in and discuss about
their problems too.

Say hey, I had a bad childhood too.

It doesn't make sense to keep it all things inside and
not talk about it.

I like the way VampryoX tell everybody his story when he was young.
It makes me feel that... I am normal just like him.

listen, you havent had a bad childhood like me. I had 5 different fathers and grew up in very unstable environment, filled with abandonment, self esteem issues, and confusion.

But I dont talk about it here because I m not interested in having the whole world know about my personal problems.

Just because I dont share mine here doesnt mean I keep it all inside. I simply confide in my own close friends, not on AD.

Not everyone are like you - many dont want to air their problems here, but to have a good time and learn about various issues.
But I still have Treacher Collins Syndrome.
Would you rather live in that past or live with TCS??
To Meg.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
But I still have Treacher Collins Syndrome.
Would you rather live in that past or live with TCS??
To Meg.

Miss*Pinocchio said:
But I still have Treacher Collins Syndrome.
Would you rather live in that past or live with TCS??
To Meg.

I was born with spina bifida. So what? I also had a trying childhood, and it's hard to deal with. I struggle daily, but do you see me on here whining about it? No, you don't.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
But I still have Treacher Collins Syndrome.
Would you rather live in that past or live with TCS??
To Meg.

Hun..it doesnt matter cos both ways are equally painful. I see that you are in pain but it doesnt mean that you should take it out on us. Every one of us have our own pains. There is no need to compare.

No one wants to be in my shoes after knowing how I was raised, etc. You dont know the whole story ..I simply gave a nutshell version of it. I am not interested in trading my pain for anotehr because this pain has taught me lessons and has molded me for who I am today. I am proud of who I am - Im a strong, fiesty and independent woman becuase of my past.

You should embrace yourself as a Survivor.
Oceanbreeze said:
I was born with spina bifida. So what? I also had a trying childhood, and it's hard to deal with. I struggle daily, but do you see me on here whining about it? No, you don't.


i also mentioned somewhere in here that i knew a guy from school who had spina bifida.. and was confined in a wheelchair like ocean too.. he HAS NEVER COMPLAINED NOT EVEN ONCE.. especially wheeling in the FOOKING SNOW AT RIT!! GO FIGURE!!


Miss*Pinocchio said:
But I am curious.

Why would you be curious? For all I know, if I confide in you, you might pour poison on my pains. I steer away from toxic people becuase the last thing I need is salt on my wounds.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
But I am curious.

it is ok to be curious but you have to be careful about being curious. Remember this quote? "Curiousity killed the cat"? if the cat is too curious then it ended up in big trouble. You dont need to go thru that.
RedWolf said:
it is ok to be curious but you have to be careful about being curious. Remember this quote? "Curiousity killed the cat"? if the cat is too curious then it ended up in big trouble. You dont need to go thru that.

But Meg won't tell me, because she is afraid to hurt me.
I understand.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
But Meg won't tell me, because she is afraid to hurt me.
I understand.

Why should Meg be afraid to hurt you? Please re read Meg´s post. She DONT want to tell you about her private life, period. Please respect her.

You are patheic and real sick woman. I cant stand you anymore. :cold:
Miss*Pinocchio said:
But Meg won't tell me, because she is afraid to hurt me.
I understand.

If Meg wont tell you then try to back off! It might be none of your business either. Just try not push buttons anymore. Respect her for that. If Meg dont want to say it then talk about something else instead of pushing it just to get some straight answer out of her. here another quote...."you cant push the horse to drink water." Which it mean the horse can make own decision whether want to drink water or not.
I didn't ask for her to tell me all the detail about her life.

I asked her do she rather have TCS or have the past she lived.

So if she said she rather not have TCS, then I understand.

Because I have TCS and my problems will never go away...
I have to live with it all of my life.
And I have 50% chance of having a TCS baby.

So nobody would trade place with me...
Because I suffer the most.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I didn't ask for her to tell me all the detail about her life.

I asked her do she rather have TCS or have the past she lived.

So if she said she rather not have TCS, then I understand.

Because I have TCS and my problems will never go away...
I have to live with it all of my life.
And I have 50% chance of having a TCS baby.

So nobody would trade place with me...
Because I suffer the most.

why don't you try to get a wheelchair and NEVER GET OFF OF IT FOR A WHOLE YEAR???????

ocean spend most of her life in it... and she DOESN'T WHINE how her life sucks!! you do.. SHEESH!!
Oceanbreeze, would you rather have TCS or Spina?

RavenSteven, would you rather have TCS or deaf?

Anybody? Would you rather have TCS or be deaf?
zesty said:
why don't you try to get a wheelchair and NEVER GET OFF OF IT FOR A WHOLE YEAR???????

ocean spend most of her life in it... and she DOESN'T WHINE how her life sucks!! you do.. SHEESH!!

Damn right!
if you are on a wheelchair then u can wheel urself out of your house and meet men in bar or at the mall. Make some new friends instead of staying home 24/7 on the computer. it is not good for you. you need fresh air!
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