Why is it???

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ravensteve1961 said:
Cause 2 wrongs doesnt make it right.

The old saying is... if you can't live with them, join them.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Well that is why I am staying at home 24 hours a day.
What have I got to lose?
you already lost life.

you are over the 30s, and you do whatever your mother tells you, and you whine that you can't find jobs just because you don't own a car, or that your mother won't let you drive it just because of gas, and you only use SSI for the stuff you want to buy, not for the stuff you need. and you kept saying that you don't want a boyfriend, but in reality, you do because he could have a car, money, and could take you to places and buy you things all the time...and that's not what relationships is all about!

you are just wasting your life away sitting on your ass getting numbed, staring at a computer screen 24 hrs a day at home with absloutely nothing to do.

Well, guess what?


I'm sorry alot of us has alredy lost some respect for you, because you never really show us some respect as well. You ask us personal questions and you say some stupid things like you don't want a job and you just want to use SSI for the rest of your life...and you can't go anywhere and stay at home 24 hrs a day with nothing to do...and always doing what your mother tells you, etc...that's an perfect example of what a lazy person is like.

if you want to have a life, then get one by getting off the computer and find something else to do, for starters.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I am a lesbian!!!! Give me all the lesbian lovers to me....

DreamDeaf, you want me? I am available... :mrgreen:

Are we off our meds this morning, Ms P? I would strongly advice you go take 'em before you start seeing little green martians coming down from Mars.

Have a nice day.

Bye bye. You be careful now, okay?

Since they like to mess with our intelligent and mess up our brain.... yeah why not we be gay too. Give them what they want.

Okay gay marriage, yeah let all marry to each other.
I'll go back out in the world... and tell people that I am gay.
Yeah let a lesbian hit on me. Okay, I will tell men to back off.
And I'll just adopt kids and not have kids on my own.

Since that is the way life is...
I just kiss up to anybody....

Just give me a lesbian, and I'll marry her tomorrow
and adopt 3 children.

Okay, no big deal. :wave:
SHESSHHH I read long 3 page No wondering they get :pissed: on Miss P bec of her's BEHAVE!! also YOU need BACK OFF abt LESB and GAY!! it's their's choice life not UR damn business! and YOU KEEP WHINE for NO REASON bec UR is already LOST RESPECT for US since They wanna give you chance but UR NEVER GIVE THEM CHANCE!!!!! AND YOU NEED GET UR BUTT OUT OF CHAIR THEN GO LOOK A JOB INSTEAD USE CPU FOR 24/7! *SMH*

*breath in and out*
LovelyBlkGal said:
SHESSHHH I read long 3 page No wondering they get :pissed: on Miss P bec of her's BEHAVE!! also YOU need BACK OFF abt LESB and GAY!! it's their's choice life not UR damn business! and YOU KEEP WHINE for NO REASON bec UR is already LOST RESPECT for US since They wanna give you chance but UR NEVER GIVE THEM CHANCE!!!!! AND YOU NEED GET UR BUTT OUT OF CHAIR THEN GO LOOK A JOB INSTEAD USE CPU FOR 24/7! *SMH*

*breath in and out*

STOP IT STOP IT, I AM GAY, stop bashing me.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
STOP IT STOP IT, I AM GAY, stop bashing me.

oh now you ARE GAY???? :confused:

my my.. i SERIOUSLY think you got multiple personality disorder..

hello miss p!!! where is TTT!?!? please come out!!
zesty said:
oh now you ARE GAY???? :confused:

my my.. i SERIOUSLY think you got multiple personality disorder..

hello miss p!!! where is TTT!?!? please come out!!

noo, you don't like miss p and ttt, you hate them, now I am a lesbian,
so love me now.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
noo, you don't like miss p and ttt, you hate them, now I am a lesbian,
so love me now.

It doesn't matter if you are a lesbian, gay, straight, or purple polka dotted. We still won't like you. Period.

We don't like you. Deal with it, Ms P.
You are a bigot for not like me.

But you said Love thy neighbors.

Why not like me?
Okay, I accept that.

It is hard for me to change. And people won't let me change.
So I guess it is okay for you all to not like me.

Wow. So I guess forever,,, I can't help being who I am,
so I guess I'll be a loner forever... and you guys can hate me. :(
Miss*Pinocchio said:
You are a bigot for not like me.

But you said Love thy neighbors.

Why not like me?

Read my definition of bigot in other thread and you will realize youre misusing the word bigot.

You dont like any of us so why are you asking us if we like you. We have known it from Day One that you came here to provoke us, not make friends. You even pushed us away.

Im gonna repeat this saying as I did in one of your other threads.

It just don't make sense. that they support welfare, but they
don't want me to use it.

How can I go get a job, when nobody like me?

See there, RavenSteven, you are right, nobody like us.

So we need to whine and whine. :(
I think some of them dont like you cuz of your attitude had not changed. You havent changed since of what u did in the thread "catch me as you can." You still havent changed since! Some of them had lost their trust in you. if you want to say something, do it in Private Message, not in the thread. You got to respect their privacy. Some of them is really none of your business and none for ADers either! They had to respect that too. But if you dont respect them then you had lost their respect. If you want to have their respect then you need to work hard to earn it. I'm sorry but i had to be tough about it. If you don't like it then leave. You had to learn to be honest and respect their privacy which it is very important to them.
RedWolf said:
I think some of them dont like you cuz of your attitude had not changed. You havent changed since of what u did in the thread "catch me as you can." You still havent changed since! Some of them had lost their trust in you. if you want to say something, do it in Private Message, not in the thread. You got to respect their privacy. Some of them is really none of your business and none for ADers either! They had to respect that too. But if you dont respect them then you had lost their respect. If you want to have their respect then you need to work hard to earn it. I'm sorry but i had to be tough about it. If you don't like it then leave. You had to learn to be honest and respect their privacy which it is very important to them.

But I said I was sorry and that I misunderstood.... in the Catch me as you can thread. why punished me forever?
Miss*Pinocchio said:
But I said I was sorry and that I misunderstood.... in the Catch me as you can thread. why punished me forever?

yes you did say ur sorry. But after that you still havent changed. I am sure the one of the statement that if you need to talk to someone then do it in PM, but I dont think you ever bothered to use it. That why some of them dont like that telling the whole world to know their business. Im not yelling at you or pointing finger at you, I'm telling you about how those people feel so you can understand that it can hurt their reputations. It can risk their lives, even putting their job at risk. Just try to be careful of what you type before putting it in the thread. Just respect their privacy. Do it in PM so other people won't know their private business. Some of them dont want to know their business or get involved in it either. If you talk with one of the members in PM you can ask if they want to talk about it or not. All they do is either "yes", "no", "maybe later", or "not now" If it was "no", then back off and dont discuss it at all. That is RESPECT. If you respect them, then they can respect you. That the way you can earn their respect. Honesty is very important too. My quote which I always tells to my friend, "Truth is very important word for both relationship or friendship that can stay together forever until the day you die." That is my quote.
Here we go again! You, MissP needs to figure out what you have done to the AD'rs. There's nothing else we can do, you either need psychological help or have mental illness that u can't deal with. Good luck with ur pathetic life.
what difference does it make??? I don't care what they think.

PM or no PM... I can say whatever I want to say...

If they don't want to answer, just say in the nice way...

"I wish to not to discuss this in public, please PM me."

Instead of saying... MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS...
and especially from other people who I wasn't even talking to.

That is so immature and childish. If you don't want me to ask
the question, then the poster I talked to, need to tell me that.
Not somebody speaking for that poster.

Geez, the poster don't need a momma or daddy...
he or she can speak for himself or herself.
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