Why is it???

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I am accept what you are, Miss P but it´s not nice of you to bash AD members in some threads and nosey their private life.

STOP TO TRY TO THREAT US OVER COMMIT SUICIDES. It shock me again over that and make me realize more how really you are. ´Total selfish and pathetic!

I got enough and leave this thread here!!!!!!!!!! I tried to suggest you... your answer... Bahh bahh
Hey Look,,,Miss P is very funny! I laugh sometimes reading her post. Can any of you learn to laugh and have fun?

I guess not,It would be a very stubborn world without humor on it.
ravensteve1961 said:
Hey Look,,,Miss P is very funny! I laugh sometimes reading her post. Can any of you learn to laugh and have fun?

I guess not,It would be a very stubborn world without humor on it.

Yeah, they rather live in misery.
They are worser than their abusers who abuse them.

That is why I don't like gay people, they hate themselves
and want me to hate myself too.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
It is really sad that life is this way.

That is correct. I really feel sad that you had to have your life that way - a life where you sit in front of computer 24/7, coming up with ideas to keep you entertained at the expense of other peoples feelings.

You owe many ADers a BIG SINCERE APOLOGY. They have no right to be subjected to your outrageous and unwanted sugestions. No one is asking you for a piece of your advice.

Really really sad that you have nothing else to do but waste such precious time and how you find joy in provoking others.

Remember you reap what you sow.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
It is really sad that life is this way.

it is REALLY SAD.. that i SUSPECT that you :

are living in a fantasy world
sit in the front of :type: 24/7
are not 34 years old
might be mentally ill???? such as bipolar.. maybe???
or maybe multiple personality disorder???


Meg said:
That is correct. I really feel sad that you had to have your life that way - a life where you sit in front of computer 24/7, coming up with ideas to keep you entertained at the expense of other peoples feelings.

You owe many ADers a BIG SINCERE APOLOGY. They have no right to be subjected to your outrageous and unwanted sugestions. No one is asking you for a piece of your advice.

Really really sad that you have nothing else to do but waste such precious time and how you find joy in provoking others.

Remember you reap what you sow.

It is all of my fault, my fault, my fault...
Why you guys never attack RavenSteven or Reba or Crazyman?
Why only me...
I only stand up to what I believe. Why I have to apologize?
zesty said:
it is REALLY SAD.. that i SUSPECT that you :

are living in a fantasy world
sit in the front of :type: 24/7
are not 34 years old
might be mentally ill???? such as bipolar.. maybe???
or maybe multiple personality disorder???



Because it is a sad world. And we are in AIDS crisis. :cry:
Miss*Pinocchio said:
It is all of my fault, my fault, my fault...
Why you guys never attack RavenSteven or Reba or Crazyman?
Why only me...
I only stand up to what I believe. Why I have to apologize?

Oh, poor baby. Why don't you go cry yourself a river, construct a bridge and get over it.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Because it is a sad world. And we are in AIDS crisis. :cry:
True!! Thats why AIDS reserch should not be funded. My Preist once said in his sermon. ""Homosexaulity Is a tearrible diease,, AIDS is gods way punishing homosexauls"" Hes Right!!!!
There should not be a cure foir AIDS. They should take that money outta of AIDS reserch and put it into Hair re-generation reserch and find a way we can hear again soon.
ravensteve1961 said:
Miss p,,They do attack me..You just dont see it like i do.

Yeah the only solution for you is be gay.
That is the only solution, be gay.
ravensteve1961 said:
True!! Thats why AIDS reserch should not be funded. My Preist once said in his sermon. ""Homosexaulity Is a tearrible diease,, AIDS is gods way punishing homosexauls"" Hes Right!!!!
There should not be a cure foir AIDS. They should take that money outta of AIDS reserch and put it into Hair re-generation reserch and find a way we can hear again soon.

Yeah and find cure to prevent Treacher Collins Syndrome.

The only cure for AIDS, is to stop homosexuality and perverts.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Yeah the only solution for you is be gay.
That is the only solution, be gay.

What makes you say that??? Not all of us here are gay, Ms P. Zesty's heterosexual. Meg is. Magastu. We all could fall for someone of the opposite gender. And, some of us are very happily involved. I'm not with anybody right now, but that's my business.

The problem isn't about being gay. The problem is you.
You know what, RavenSteven?
why don't you and I be gay...

since gay people seem to get all the love and support.

Why don't we just be gay?
Then we can get the same love and support they are getting...
then we can be on tv and movies...

and push gay agenda on people... Why not?
Since gay people get sympathy..
And we can't get sympathy, why don't we be gay so
we can get sympathy too.... let the world feel sorry for us.
It must be great to have people feeling sorry for us if we be gay. ;)
Miss*Pinocchio said:
You know what, RavenSteven?
why don't you and I be gay...

since gay people seem to get all the love and support.

Why don't we just be gay?
Then we can get the same love and support they are getting...
then we can be on tv and movies...

and push gay agenda on people... Why not?
Since gay people get sympathy..
And we can't get sympathy, why don't we be gay so
we can get sympathy too.... let the world feel sorry for us.
It must be great to have people feeling sorry for us if we be gay. ;)

Cause 2 wrongs doesnt make it right.
I am a lesbian!!!! Give me all the lesbian lovers to me....

DreamDeaf, you want me? I am available... :mrgreen:
Miss P. May I suggest that if you think it is a personnal question why not PM to that person instead in the thread. I am sure those ppl feel offense with that and would rather you PM to them. I do that all the time cuz I dont want to bash on ppl and want to make a friends this way.

I have respect for those ppl who choose to be gay or lesbo. I cant bash them cuz they were like that and feel that way. But rather bash them instead make friend with them. They wont hurt you cuz they will respect you as who you are.

I have a friend who is gay and he is my good friend cuz he was there when I was down or sad. That the best friend you could ever asked for.

Next time where there is a personnal question that you have in your mind please PM those person without posted it in the thread I am sure they would apprecaited that. :wave:
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