Why Cochlear Implants Hurt Deaf Culture?

Oh, I know that but I will get some information soon.
I'm going to start bringing this thread back it's topic.......

Anyway, Why Cochlear Implants hurting the Deaf Culture, like for example what we have been discussing here, Cochlear Implant is a very sensitive topic to talk about to the Deaf community. Even if you went to a Deaf event, where all the Deaf people social, You bring a Deaf child in that community with a CI, Deaf people are going to think, "Oh that hearing parents want that child to be hearing like them," And they are also are going to think that some hearing parents are mistaken that the child can be considered to be "hearing" when they know CI is not a cure.

You think, that a CI would be better off in the hearing world where everyone would be more understanding? I don't think so, There are going to be hearing people who are going to be teasing a CI person, because of seeing something behind the ears, knowing that this person is carrying a signal processor on himself or herself. Trust me, there are bad hearing people out there while there are also good hearing people out there, Don't be so naive thinking that hearing people would totally accept a CIer. They might mock at them just like they mock at people who look different than them. Just like how Deaf people walked in that path of life too by looking different because they cannot hear, they're wearing those hearing aids, or seeing them using sign language. There's no differences when it comes to hearing world. Same thing goes for the Deaf world too.

You think Deaf community accept all Deaf individuals? Nope!, There are some certain amount of Deaf individuals do not accept those who were involved in oral method, those who were in mainstream educational, those who were in total communication program, those who learned lip reading, those who took speech program....because of that they believe that sign language are their primary language, and English are their second language. Do you understand?
There is one piece of technology that has caused controversy within the deaf and hard of hearing community - cochlear implants. There are many deaf and hard of hearing people who are against the use of implants in children; and there are many who support its use in children. There are people who are opposed to use of implants in anyone at any age; and there are people who don't care if a deaf or hard of hearing adult makes a personal decision to be implanted. Cochlear implants have been controversial in our community because some people feel that the implants are being used in an attempt to eradicate our community; but the medical community and the parents seem to see implants as a miraculous way to conquer deafness and keep their implanted children in the mainstream society on a permanent basis.

The one thing that the deaf and hard of hearing community all agree on is that technology has the power to provide greater accessibility, to level the playing field, and to maximize the quality of their lives.

There is a lot of talk about cochlear implants in the deaf and hard-of-hearing community. Some argue that CI’s will kill deaf culture. Some see it as trying to normalize a disability rather than looking at deafness as an identity. This bickering makes it tough to sort out what is really going on. Here are some key features of the debate.

Who should get the implant?

You probably came to this website wanting to learn more about the implant. Maybe you are thinking about the implant, maybe someone you know is thinking about it. But exactly who can get and successfully use the CI?

--You have to consider what type of deafness you have. It works best for people with inner ear damage. That means that there is something wrong with the cochlear implant. Usually this means that the hair inside the cochlear implant, which usually transmits the sound, is destroyed. The primary auditory nerve may be damaged, but is generally intact. As long as you have the auditory never you can potentially use the CI.

--You must have had some sound in your life. The auditory nerve must at one time be used to something. However you could be deaf for decades and use a CI just great.

--The implant works best if you use it right after deafness occurs. This preserves a majority of the work you brain and nerves have done. Also it makes recognizing speech easier. Again you do no have to do this, adults that are profoundly deaf can use the implant years after their last sound experience.

--You should use the CI only if nothing else really works in auditory technology. Basically if you function perfectly fine with signing and a hearing aid the CI will not work for you. If you read lips and speak, the CI might not be right for you. For the CI to work you must spend years perfecting it and really working with it. In this case you must have a real drive to pursue this. It is not easy. It is not a cure.

--Along with the difficulty you must have a strong support system. Your family and friends need to help you for years to get the CI to work. Of course they will see the CI as a cure and may forget that you still have trouble with loud noises, soft speakers, or any other difficult hearing situation.

What does this mean for the deaf community?Are cochlear implants going to kill the deaf community? Originally some people did argue that. CIs were once considered to be the worst thing to happen to deaf people. They feared that many deaf people would fly to their doctors and get the procedure. After that they felt that people would hear fine and not worry about deaf rights. Originally the National Association of Deaf was against the implants. After more than a decade they saw that CIs are not a magic bullet. Plus those with the implants do actively contribute to deaf culture and help with deaf rights. People with cochlear implants are deaf. They are not cured by procedure. Now NAD wants to provide balanced information for people considering the operation. (More info can be found on the links page.)

Cochlear implants mean that people who are deaf can do more. The amount of hearing that is increased can either be minute or monstrous. This is important if you are a music teacher. More and more cochlear implants are seen as a different kind of hearing aid. Also due to the fact that CIs do not work for everyone ensure the survival of deaf culture.

Does this mean that deafness is a disability?

One of the most important aspects of deaf culture is the strident support of deaf rights. One of the most important points in history was the passing of the ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act. This insured that people with physical or mental challenges in their lives would be able to expect reasonable accommodation for their difficulties. The deaf community has seized this opportunity and tried to make the world more open for deaf and hard-of-hearing persons. The deaf community does not see deafness as a disability; it is an identity that they are a apart of each person.

However with the advent of CIs, more and more people are wondering why the deaf community has not fully embraced the implants. These non-differently abled people see deafness as a disability and see CIs as a cure. However it is not a cure. Plus even those people who CIs would work great for do not want them. That is an important distinction. People should be able to choose the implant or not. Deafness is not a disability, it is simply moving, acting, and perceiving in a different world, a world without sound.

Some argue that CI’s will kill deaf culture
neecy said:
Cloggy is entitled to his opinions as much as you are entitled to yours. I seriously doubt ANYBODY is going to get banned, least of all Cloggy, for having differing opinions.

All you (and everybody else) can do is agree to disagree.


I would like to share the example about my experience at other forum. One member & I was banned from other forum because we disagreed something to one thread where the creator created, which not right. Admin. & his supporters claimed that we violated their rules which it´s not true... I show 3 screenshots to Admin via email to prove him that it´s creator who violated the rule, not us but he denied it. It´s the best proof is favoristim in his forum. That´s just he don´t like me and my posts because I disagree with their posts mostly. It´s sad that Admin. didn´t know how to deal with agree to disagree posts in respectful way. I know how to deal with anyone in respect way, but the problem is the creator who created a thread, I disagree is good friend of forum Admin.... :ugh2: I like Alldeaf because they accept debate with disagree to agree without favoristim.

Now I suggest you to be open mind and be neutral to this issue between HA vs CI. You should try to see the sense how we as parents feeling about "surgery". I rather to have HA on babies/toddler instead of head surgery because HA is not surgery...
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Fuzzy´s post
Cloggy, please remember these pple are not being stubborn but there is a bit of language barrier for some,

Can you care to explain the example what language barrier is?

*I must go now and fix the breakfast for my family. I will be back for further reading and posts... I read half posts of whole thread.*
Mod Note:

Thread's closed temporarily--some posts will be moved to a 'new' thread that isn't related to the topic for which this thread covers.

Mod Edit:

Several posts were moved to a 'new' thread here relating to meningitis.

Lately, this thread here has taken a bit of a turn with hearing-aids, CI and the comparisons and several other off-topic issues such as with health (ruebella, etc.) and just about anything else that isn't related to which this thread is concerned with. Numerous posts could have been removed or edited in order to keep in line with the topic itself, although, just a bit too many to do so--therefore, PLEASE stick to the topic and I recommend that the good off-topic issues in here can be created into a new thread, for instance; 'The Hearing-Aid--CI Comparison Debate' among other issues that can be turn into 'new' threads as well.

Thank you! ;)

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Mod Note:

Thread's re-opened--

Stick to the topic for which this thread applies to, for any other issues, there are other threads available or simply create a 'new' thread if it doesn't relate to the topic here in this thread.

Thank you!

Okay Roadrunner..

I'll state my opinion in short...

CIs do not hurt deaf culture but CI may help deafies to communicate with hearing world much better.. of course, nothing can change who we are.

I consider CIs to be very strong bridges between hearing and deaf worlds..
CIs cannot kill deaf world because CIs are made for deafies themselves and not all deaf people can use them only some.
CIs are only supportive devices for deafs.
Can you care to explain the example what language barrier is?

I mean by that that some people here use ASL English and I for one have problems understanding it, maybe Cloggy too.

By the same way, some of you here have a bit of problem with "hearing" English- because of different grammar, maybe new words too,
and all together it causes misunderstandings and mis-interpretation between us.

It's very normal and to be expected. that's why i wanted to point it out, because soemtimes it causes unneccessary grief. Read and re-read, think for a while, the reply. That's what I try to do.

ecevit said:
CIs cannot kill deaf world because CIs are made for deafies themselves.

I feel like I've gotta jump on this one, How do you know that the Deaf Culture would not die out? You cannot tell what the future would hold, More hearing parents are implanting CI in children, becomes the default, Deaf Culture will be toast. Wanna bet? :whistle:

You also stated that " CI may help deafies to communicate with hearing world much better", Deafness is both natural and cultural; it is not a medical condition, There are some deafness who intends pick up speech language and communcation just well with hearing aids. Being Deaf isn't all that bad, one can adjust, accept, and overcome, and a lot of Deafness have done that beautifully. :applause:

Some hearing people don't have perfect English grammar either. Just a reminder. ;)
Cheri said:
I feel like I've gotta jump on this one, How do you know that the Deaf Culture would not die out? You cannot tell what the future would hold, More hearing parents are implanting CI in children, becomes the default, Deaf Culture will be toast. Wanna bet? :whistle:

You also stated that " CI may help deafies to communicate with hearing world much better", Deafness is both natural and cultural; it is not a medical condition, There are some deafness who intends pick up speech language and communcation just well with hearing aids. Being Deaf isn't all that bad, one can adjust, accept, and overcome, and a lot of Deafness have done that beautifully. :applause:

Okay... either sign language or devices...
BTW,I should state, I love my half silent world either..not ashamed of that.
Deaf culture will last forever.. why ? .. cuz it is one of different human characteristics..and Now that there is no any cure for deafness and not all people can use CIs then deaf culture will last .....

I respect your view and I have learned so much from you about deafness and its culture...(cuz I was a little foreigner to this world before I came to AD)
Thanks :)
Some hearing people don't have perfect English grammar either. Just a reminder.

I am simply reminding this Cheri because I see a lot of hurt and anger is caused by langauge misunderstandings, that's all.

I can understand why some deaf people feel threaten by the fact there may no longer be a deaf culture, once many are implanted with CI, but the bottom line, they're still deaf or hard of hearing, so whether they decide to leave the deaf culture and be more involved in the hearing world than that's their loss, not ours

If I was implanted with CI, I will still very much be involved in the deaf culture cause no matter whether I hear quite well with the use of my implant, I will still feel an outsider to the hearing world more than I would feel in the deaf world...

I like to be around people that are ME, and knows how I feel about my own deafness, hearing people can not understand me, or how I would feel...
ecevit said:
Okay... either sign language or devices...
BTW,I should state, I love my half silent world either..not ashamed of that.
Deaf culture will last forever.. why ? .. cuz it is one of different human characteristics..and Now that there is no any cure for deafness and not all people can use CIs then deaf culture will last .....

I respect your view and I have learned so much from you about deafness and its culture...(cuz I was a little foreigner to this world before I came to AD)
Thanks :)
I wish I was blessed with the choice of turning off my hearing at will. Sometimes I just don't want to hear anything. And I can only imagine how peaceful sleep must be.
rockdrummer said:
I wish I was blessed with the choice of turning off my hearing at will. Sometimes I just don't want to hear anything. And I can only imagine how peaceful sleep must be.


Ever tried cotton balls or those factory issued ear-plugs? Perhaps it wouldn't be 100% effective, although, it may cut down the noise drastically...hmm? :D
rockdrummer said:
I wish I was blessed with the choice of turning off my hearing at will. Sometimes I just don't want to hear anything. And I can only imagine how peaceful sleep must be.

There are times I turn my CI off and just enjoy the silence. Usuall those are times when I really need to try to focus on something, or am stressed out.