WHY can I be perfect!?

You know, there is a starving girl in Africa. She is crying, why nobody is HELPING ME? I am starving, I need FOOD!!! I tired of getting up
everyday and feeling starving. I need help!!!

Why not go to Africa and do some missionary work and help
children there?

Hey hey this is not the right thread you should be on another thread... that was mine thread my feeling to here... not about that out there in Africa wrong thread.... sorry to saying that...
First off Spicy, there's no reason for deleting your thread or banning you, you simply have a sensitive vent. Ok? :)

Sure, sometimes, the thoughts or what others may say or think can bring one down real quick, however, feed your mind 'good, positive things' about 'you' and you'll get through it. If there is indeed someone or others suggesting some things about you that isn't true, either disregard them or surely, they may not be worth your time being friends with. ;)

Whatever it is that making you feel miserable and angry, I do hope that you'll once again jump on clouds, feel light and happy, happy for who you are, and not discouraged on the account of what others may think or say of you...by the way, isn't it a good time now as any, to head to the beach...sit back, twirl sand between your toes, watch a sunset or sunrise, breath in rhythm to each wave coming in....very relaxing, wouldn't it?

In the meantime, do hang in there and hopefully things will indeed get much better for you real soon! :)


RR--- I am very much appericate you.... and thank you for the advice, I hear ya.... once I am busy to do my things this weekend I will be fine.. just looking forwarding to happy time. :)

RR, wow what you wrote that... you have the telent! :) I actually liked it.
i am glad that you are doing good we hear you out venting and we did helped you out let you vent away anything smile HUGS

just ignore deafmedia she always goes off topic all the time oh well
wow my eyes were sleepy til i saw this thread and my eyes wide n woke up.. read this hehe thanks made me woke up cuz of rain made me sleepy.. LOL!.. wow.. i m sowwy abt that.. hugs hugs.. i am glad that u are doing better... whew..
wow my eyes were sleepy til i saw this thread and my eyes wide n woke up.. read this hehe thanks made me woke up cuz of rain made me sleepy.. LOL!.. wow.. i m sowwy abt that.. hugs hugs.. i am glad that u are doing better... whew..

TB--- Oh my did I made u wide wake because of my thread? its so funny! I just laughed I maybe make u think "Oh Spicy is so DAMN guts to get my chest out"?? LOL Got all the excitement? Oh brother... haha. Honest it was so..... terrible! lol
i am glad that you are doing good we hear you out venting and we did helped you out let you vent away anything smile HUGS

just ignore deafmedia she always goes off topic all the time oh well

MoonFlower :giggle: I know what you mean about this she putting off topic. :) Anyway, I woke up and feel allright I need to go and eat my breakfast anyway! LOL :hug:
I cannot UNDERSTAND why WHY WHY am I doing this to ANYBODY I am tired of tried and TRIED to getting this slove a problem I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :pissed: I feel like I am one who is not WORTH it!!! I've been HONEST! I kept thinking and thinking why I am hurting!? I am not gonna say 1 word I dont care about people are THINKING about me what I was wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD damn..... Do you think I am pefect girl??? HELLA NO! I have so many mistaken that I had made and thurned them OFFF!! which that I dont care... I blunt that I ADMITTING that I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo WRONG my behave or my big MOUTH or whatever yes!!!!!!! I am hella HURTING!! in here Aders would thinking wow whats up with Spicy???? THAT IS ME WHO I AM! I do not care what my financee THINKING of me! then B A C K OFF! I am tired of this!! I am really open person and tried to discuss the slove the problems! GWARD whatever this spell is! but Tired of my HOLDING inside my feeling!! I LOVE to be honest People would thininking that I am such a BABY I dont care............. really really! or making this gossip all around I dont CARE! I AM TIRED OF ALL OF MY EXES hurtin me and friends hurting me! Because I am :pissed: thats why NOW WHY ME!? what I had done wrong!? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a problem on my own I need to learning not to SPIT IT OUT or whatever cuz I am WAY HONEST!

Yes, I sometimes guts out, MOST I cant! do it.... I kept my FOUGHT! and FOUGHT and here I go I G A V E I T U P! allright!? I really dont care as if mods to see this!!! I feel that I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO D U M B! person FYI I am not that smart! Period! I am tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want let it go! *crying so hard*

I dont care as if mods BANNED MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE go for it!
Geez... I love myself.... and I love my finacee! and I love all of my friends! I am not trying to hurting anyone so I assume that I DID! PERIOD!

Sorry for my ANGER! MADDDER cant hold it anymore ( I dont care a person BLOW out on me) I dont care...................

:bowdown: sis Spicy relxas GURL! wow! i can't believe i read ur post wow ur not alone i been there before :giggle: hang in there :D
Spicy...I am glad you feel better after venting out... it is good you are able to vent out things off your chest.... We all understand.... maybe someday i would be next one who would vent out.. hehehe
Maria--- I am okay now.... I am just.... Ahhhhh ya know? lol

That's good to know you are okay now. Wheew ! Lol I am glad you are still alive, too ! :D

Hope you and your gf will go to the beach and enjoy your leisure time there. You need a good place where you can breathe - feelin' good inside and more relaxin'. :hug:
That's good to know you are okay now. Wheew ! Lol I am glad you are still alive, too ! :D

Hope you and your gf will go to the beach and enjoy your leisure time there. You need a good place where you can breathe - feelin' good inside and more relaxin'. :hug:

Maria, you made me laugh.. I am telling you the truth you are so cute when you said about us ( me and Flammer) I am giggle........ Once we live together we WILL go..... on the beach. ok? :)
:ugh: @ Deafilmedia...

I'm glad you're feeling much better than yesterday, I hope that some of our posts had been a big help for you. :hug: Hang in there. ;)
:ugh: @ Deafilmedia...

I'm glad you're feeling much better than yesterday, I hope that some of our posts had been a big help for you. :hug: Hang in there. ;)

DITTO.... I am happy Spicy is ok now....i can understand how she felt of needing to vent out...
Hey hey Bro & Sis. Wow I didnt realized that IS YOU both I was like :jaw: that is you?????? *gasp* oh dear why am I doing that? Oh well that is how I am REAL feeling I assume.. but! I need to be very careful it can be RUIN ya know? :) Anyway I am much appericated that..... Wow everyone is my good people to help eachothers that what we need!

YUPPERS that's us ;) Yeah, i know what you meant by that "RUIN". But you aren't to ruin ppl's day as you just wanted to venting out the situation that you have been into. It's not good to bottle up inside of yours - JUST LET IT OUT so everyone can understand what you have been through same way others does too as you are not the only ones doing this!!!

Tiffy says HELLO to both of you and flammer too sis!

Sis, as for DFM is really :werd: & :crazy: - :giggle: to make you LAUGH ;)
:ugh: @ Deafilmedia...

I'm glad you're feeling much better than yesterday, I hope that some of our posts had been a big help for you. :hug: Hang in there. ;)

Cheri-Sexy-Wings.. I still laughing about call you that.... um *off topic* how did you make the so awesome banner? I really liked it! so----- *back to topic* :)

Cheri-Sexy-Wings--- yep, I am doing better today... more relaxing and um I need to starting to foucs on my stuffs to be ready soon. :hug:
YUPPERS that's us ;) Yeah, i know what you meant by that "RUIN". But you aren't to ruin ppl's day as you just wanted to venting out the situation that you have been into. It's not good to bottle up inside of yours - JUST LET IT OUT so everyone can understand what you have been through same way others does too as you are not the only ones doing this!!!

Tiffy says HELLO to both of you and flammer too sis!

Sis, as for DFM is really :werd: & :crazy: - :giggle: to make you LAUGH ;)

Hey Bro & sis. Yeppers I think that Flammer will read it etc.... and also who's DFM is that you mean DeafFlimMedia?