WHY can I be perfect!?

First off Spicy, there's no reason for deleting your thread or banning you, you simply have a sensitive vent. Ok? :)

Sure, sometimes, the thoughts or what others may say or think can bring one down real quick, however, feed your mind 'good, positive things' about 'you' and you'll get through it. If there is indeed someone or others suggesting some things about you that isn't true, either disregard them or surely, they may not be worth your time being friends with. ;)

Whatever it is that making you feel miserable and angry, I do hope that you'll once again jump on clouds, feel light and happy, happy for who you are, and not discouraged on the account of what others may think or say of you...by the way, isn't it a good time now as any, to head to the beach...sit back, twirl sand between your toes, watch a sunset or sunrise, breath in rhythm to each wave coming in....very relaxing, wouldn't it?

In the meantime, do hang in there and hopefully things will indeed get much better for you real soon! :)


RR, you said it beauitfully with grace!! Keep up the good prep talk! I love hearing that speech you gave to spicy.

I'm honest here on aders------- I feel very "shot down" easily tried to explain what was excatly REALLY happened... but it doesnt matter to me anymore now...... I am hoping that I will feeling okay soon.... I am just ugh..... I am still very hurting.... I do not know where to go?? I mean that should I move on with my life.....??? I feel like that I am about fall apart just being myself or being happy? ( I do not think so.......) I cant have my 2 faces pretend that evething is fine! GREAT.. nope........ the only way is that I can trust myself first before anything will happening again.....

Yes, my heart is broken I cant talk about it anymore.... I am shutting out for now not want to have another problems or whatever.... I am just feel like that I always spit out on others..... yes, I have that problems cant keep deep down inside or I could be sick being holding too long I like to sharing my feeling... very honest.... *sighs*

Look---- I went to school early this morning and was in class, when class is over I felt VERY bad that I threw on AD I was like oh my god..... I am getting really nervous and knew I am gonna be in B I G time trouble.... the person will not trust me *sighs* I didnt meant to....... do that..... I never never thought that I would do like that to any forums I tend write on my private journal, but THIS!!! oh my I feel very emarrassed now and wanting to hide not want anyone know.... but I spell the beans right here... I am right now very nervous in my mind "oooh why am I doing this?" well for a long time that I've tried and I had enough of it..... and drop a bomb too :pissed: I am sorry...... now I feeling WROSE again.... feel very shot down ........ I am gonna to go.. maybe not come back to AD for awhile...... Stay out of it no pager no computer nothing plus no VP everything is shut down cuz I had enough of this.... my pager is competely shut down I wont trun it back on till everything is calm down.....

Gosh I am deep DEEP hurting....... it kill me so badly....


I'm honest here on aders------- I feel very "shot down" easily tried to explain what was excatly REALLY happened... but it doesnt matter to me anymore now...... I am hoping that I will feeling okay soon.... I am just ugh..... I am still very hurting.... I do not know where to go?? I mean that should I move on with my life.....??? I feel like that I am about fall apart just being myself or being happy? ( I do not think so.......) I cant have my 2 faces pretend that evething is fine! GREAT.. nope........ the only way is that I can trust myself first before anything will happening again.....

Yes, my heart is broken I cant talk about it anymore.... I am shutting out for now not want to have another problems or whatever.... I am just feel like that I always spit out on others..... yes, I have that problems cant keep deep down inside or I could be sick being holding too long I like to sharing my feeling... very honest.... *sighs*

Look---- I went to school early this morning and was in class, when class is over I felt VERY bad that I threw on AD I was like oh my god..... I am getting really nervous and knew I am gonna be in B I G time trouble.... the person will not trust me *sighs* I didnt meant to....... do that..... I never never thought that I would do like that to any forums I tend write on my private journal, but THIS!!! oh my I feel very emarrassed now and wanting to hide not want anyone know.... but I spell the beans right here... I am right now very nervous in my mind "oooh why am I doing this?" well for a long time that I've tried and I had enough of it..... and drop a bomb too :pissed: I am sorry...... now I feeling WROSE again.... feel very shot down ........ I am gonna to go.. maybe not come back to AD for awhile...... Stay out of it no pager no computer nothing plus no VP everything is shut down cuz I had enough of this.... my pager is competely shut down I wont trun it back on till everything is calm down.....

Gosh I am deep DEEP hurting....... it kill me so badly....


Take care of yourself, spicy. We're here when you need us.
Spicy.... No one are perfect.... venting out somewhere sometimes helps a person feeling better.... I see nothing wrong with your venting out.... you need to get out of your chest ... Hope you will feel better and talk to us...
There's no need to 'shut' everything out...first of all, you were honestly and simply reaching out. Creating this thread was like opening up your aches and pains...it's like a small child who scrapes a knee from falling down...a parent will 'reach' out and hug and give comfort to the child. Hence, it's not like you were intentionally putting someone 'else' on the spot or saying things that are quite personal..the feeling of embarrassment is nothing compared to getting the feeling of others reaching out to you, wishing you well and give up their time to perhaps 'listen/read' what you're going through.

Going through such aches, such pains, etc., is one thing, however, receiving encouragements, support, love from others helps you to build back up what faith, confidence, etc., that you might otherwise be lacking, in the long run, it can surely be a refreshing period when others reach out to you than it would be to 'shut out' everything, doing that will surely compound (increase) your problem or situation to a point whereas you just won't be able to 'face another'.

I'm encouraging you to 'not' shut everything out, but give yourself, your other friends the opportunity to help and see you through what situation you're presently going through.

Btw, remember, swirling sand between toes, watching a sunset or sunrise, feeling every wave coming in...can do its magic as well as getting the sort of rapport/support you surely can get from others, whether it's here in AD or elsewhere. ;)

In the meantime, please do hang in there. :)

Spicy.... No one are perfect.... venting out somewhere sometimes helps a person feeling better.... I see nothing wrong with your venting out.... you need to get out of your chest ... Hope you will feel better and talk to us...

Yeah Agree :):)

Oh my Gosh and sorry about your vent!!! ... I am remembered that long time ago I was young, Of course, there has problems, but Now I am older enough and see myself less problems! ;)

So Please move on and don't stay there old;) okie!!

Take Easy!! :)

Good thing for you vent here...... :cool: Not worry about that too! ;) Because We do have problems and need to vents :lol: Smile! :grouphug:
spicy don't need to shut out i agree with RR here we are here to help not need to shut out
it won't help from shutting out i hope you going to be alright
please take easy ok

I'm honest here on aders------- I feel very "shot down" easily tried to explain what was excatly REALLY happened... but it doesnt matter to me anymore now...... I am hoping that I will feeling okay soon.... I am just ugh..... I am still very hurting.... I do not know where to go?? I mean that should I move on with my life.....??? I feel like that I am about fall apart just being myself or being happy? ( I do not think so.......) I cant have my 2 faces pretend that evething is fine! GREAT.. nope........ the only way is that I can trust myself first before anything will happening again.....

Yes, my heart is broken I cant talk about it anymore.... I am shutting out for now not want to have another problems or whatever.... I am just feel like that I always spit out on others..... yes, I have that problems cant keep deep down inside or I could be sick being holding too long I like to sharing my feeling... very honest.... *sighs*

Look---- I went to school early this morning and was in class, when class is over I felt VERY bad that I threw on AD I was like oh my god..... I am getting really nervous and knew I am gonna be in B I G time trouble.... the person will not trust me *sighs* I didnt meant to....... do that..... I never never thought that I would do like that to any forums I tend write on my private journal, but THIS!!! oh my I feel very emarrassed now and wanting to hide not want anyone know.... but I spell the beans right here... I am right now very nervous in my mind "oooh why am I doing this?" well for a long time that I've tried and I had enough of it..... and drop a bomb too :pissed: I am sorry...... now I feeling WROSE again.... feel very shot down ........ I am gonna to go.. maybe not come back to AD for awhile...... Stay out of it no pager no computer nothing plus no VP everything is shut down cuz I had enough of this.... my pager is competely shut down I wont trun it back on till everything is calm down.....

Gosh I am deep DEEP hurting....... it kill me so badly....


Go seek counseling. That is where you can go. You are doing good.
You are in college, keep doing it. Don't let anything hold you back.
And stay away from things or someone that maybe De Ja Vu.
Reminding you things, sometimes people can bring stuff back up...
but you're really trying to forget it. Tell people to stop talking
about it, stop bringing it up. And let them know that you want
to think only positive. And move forward and upper.
That is what happen to me, people keep bringing it up about my past...
and I go, I don't remember that. And then someone tried to
tell me every details about my bad past, so I have to tell them to
Shut up and then go back in my brain and delete that bad memory.
So keep making progress with your life, forget the rumors, tell the
Gossipers to go to HELL and they just jealous. So don't let them
put you down. Keep your head up and smile.
Go seek counseling. That is where you can go. You are doing good.
You are in college, keep doing it. Don't let anything hold you back.
And stay away from things or someone that maybe De Ja Vu.
Reminding you things, sometimes people can bring stuff back up...
but you're really trying to forget it. Tell people to stop talking
about it, stop bringing it up. And let them know that you want
to think only positive. And move forward and upper.
That is what happen to me, people keep bringing it up about my past...
and I go, I don't remember that. And then someone tried to
tell me every details about my bad past, so I have to tell them to
Shut up and then go back in my brain and delete that bad memory.
So keep making progress with your life, forget the rumors, tell the
Gossipers to go to HELL and they just jealous. So don't let them
put you down. Keep your head up and smile.
CUT IT OFF. My gf wants to vent it out. Let it be!! You back off and listen. No more stupid feedback to my girlfriend. I am so sick of your comments!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!
CUT IT OFF. My gf wants to vent it out. Let it be!! You back off and listen. No more stupid feedback to my girlfriend. I am so sick of your comments!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!

I wasn't joking at all. I am concern. I feel I want to help her. That is all.
My Girlfriend were right.... I want my feeling let it go ... I felt a bit better but I am trying to dealing with it....

Hey hey aders---- I'll be OKAY..... I just need my emtionally out really badly.... or it make it wrose...

Cheri, and others...... *sighs* I dont know how to say that I thank you... I am just being very sentive I am sorry.. GOSh why I said "sorry" many times I must STOP that!! I must accept that!!

I am still very emarrassing....
I wasn't joking at all. I am concern. I feel I want to help her. That is all.

Deafilmedia, I think you better start taking other people's comments, just leave the ladies alone, and leave the thread. I am sorry to threadjack here, but I hope all the best to spicy and all.
Deafilmedia, I think you better start taking other people's comments, just leave the ladies alone, and leave the thread. I am sorry to threadjack here, but I hope all the best to spicy and all.
You didnt do anything wrong!! You were trying to help. Thanks buddy!!
No worries :) {Mod Edit: previous comment was removed--~RR}

Hey hey thats ok.... I am getting over with that...... I didnt want anything causing a problems..... Just let that person go..... just leave it alone...
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Hey hey thats ok.... I am getting over with that...... I didnt want anything causing a problems..... Just let that person go..... just leave it alone...

Its all good, I hope it is going well for you and all.
Deafilmedia, I think you better start taking other people's comments, just leave the ladies alone, and leave the thread. I am sorry to threadjack here, but I hope all the best to spicy and all.

I just don't understand how she can have a problem.