Whitney Houston is Dead

I read it, but without an admittance of error, I didn't think it negated your previous post. Anyway, I know how hard it is for you to admit when you are wrong, so I'll just take this.

Anyway, let's get back on track. No, this doesn't have anything to do with Whitney dying. Legalizing drugs would not have prevented Whitney's death. Drugs are not harmless and not okay to use. I'll agree with anyone 100% there. But drugs also are never going to go away, no matter how much we criminalize the users. People get drugs. They will always get drugs, and the rich and famous can get them easier than anyone. Famous people live very stressful lives due to all the public exposure. It's a very odd kind of stress though, since in the eyes of the public, they have everything anyone could ever want: fame, wealth, adoration, good looks, etc. etc. I think this is an area of psychology that ought to be studied more so it can be dealt with better. But getting celebrities to submit to clinical study? Heh. Good luck.

Marinol - the Legal Medical Use for the Marijuana Plant

This is the pill form Marinol.

"Medical" Marijuana - The Facts

Medical marijuana already exists. It's called Marinol.

A pharmaceutical product, Marinol, is widely available through prescription. It comes in the form of a pill and is also being studied by researchers for suitability via other delivery methods, such as an inhaler or patch. The active ingredient of Marinol is synthetic THC, which has been found to relieve the nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy for cancer patients and to assist with loss of appetite with AIDS patients.

Unlike smoked marijuana--which contains more than 400 different chemicals, including most of the hazardous chemicals found in tobacco smoke-Marinol has been studied and approved by the medical community and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the nation's watchdog over unsafe and harmful food and drug products. Since the passage of the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act, any drug that is marketed in the United States must undergo rigorous scientific testing. The approval process mandated by this act ensures that claims of safety and therapeutic value are supported by clinical evidence and keeps unsafe, ineffective and dangerous drugs off the market.

There are no FDA-approved medications that are smoked. For one thing, smoking is generally a poor way to deliver medicine. It is difficult to administer safe, regulated dosages of medicines in smoked form. Secondly, the harmful chemicals and carcinogens that are byproducts of smoking create entirely new health problems. There are four times the level of tar in a marijuana cigarette, for example, than in a tobacco cigarette

Morphine, for example, has proven to be a medically valuable drug, but the FDA does not endorse the smoking of opium or heroin. Instead, scientists have extracted active ingredients from opium, which are sold as pharmaceutical products like morphine, codeine, hydrocodone or oxycodone. In a similar vein, the FDA has not approved smoking marijuana for medicinal purposes, but has approved the active ingredient-THC-in the form of scientifically regulated Marinol.

The DEA helped facilitate the research on Marinol. The National Cancer Institute approached the DEA in the early 1980s regarding their study of THC's in relieving nausea and vomiting. As a result, the DEA facilitated the registration and provided regulatory support and guidance for the study.

The DEA recognizes the importance of listening to science. That's why the DEA has registered seven research initiatives to continue researching the effects of smoked marijuana as medicine. For example, under one program established by the State of California, researchers are studying the potential use of marijuana and its ingredients on conditions such as multiple sclerosis and pain. At this time, however, neither the medical community nor the scientific community has found sufficient data to conclude that smoked marijuana is the best approach to dealing with these important medical issues.

The most comprehensive, scientifically rigorous review of studies of smoked marijuana was conducted by the Institute of Medicine, an organization chartered by the National Academy of Sciences. In a report released in 1999, the Institute did not recommend the use of smoked marijuana, but did conclude that active ingredients in marijuana could be isolated and developed into a variety of pharmaceuticals, such as Marinol.

In the meantime, the DEA is working with pain management groups, such as Last Acts, to make sure that those who need access to safe, effective pain medication can get the best medication available.
Ok, perspective?

zero cases of deaths related to cannabis as primary cause.

Approximately 60% increase in deaths related to pharmaceutical drugs since 1999.

CDC - Prescription Painkiller Overdoses Policy Impact Brief - Home and Recreational Safety - Injury Center

Anyway, let's get back on track. No, this doesn't have anything to do with Whitney dying. Legalizing drugs would not have prevented Whitney's death. Drugs are not harmless and not okay to use. I'll agree with anyone 100% there. But drugs also are never going to go away, no matter how much we criminalize the users. People get drugs. They will always get drugs, and the rich and famous can get them easier than anyone. Famous people live very stressful lives due to all the public exposure. It's a very odd kind of stress though, since in the eyes of the public, they have everything anyone could ever want: fame, wealth, adoration, good looks, etc. etc. I think this is an area of psychology that ought to be studied more so it can be dealt with better. But getting celebrities to submit to clinical study? Heh. Good luck.

BTW Thank you for answering my question. :)
Ok, perspective?

zero cases of deaths related to cannabis as primary cause.

Approximately 60% increase in deaths related to pharmaceutical drugs since 1999.

CDC - Prescription Painkiller Overdoses Policy Impact Brief - Home and Recreational Safety - Injury Center


I agree something needs to be done. It is being even more regulated in the State of Florida. We have to log all controlled sustances and report any red flags.

In my perspective we can not just point fingers at the pharmaceutical companies. People need to take responsibilities for their own actions. Like take as directed. Do not take more than the label indicate to take. Etc. These medications comes with all kinds of warnings.

That would be like blaming the gun company, for people getting shot and killed.
I agree something needs to be done. It is being even more regulated in the State of Florida. As a Pharmacy technician we have to log all controlled sustances and report any red flags.

In my perspective we can not just point fingers at the pharmaceutical companies. People need to take responsibilities for their own actions. Like take as directed. Do not take more than the label indicate to take. Etc. These medications comes with all kinds of warnings.

That would be like blaming the gun company, for people getting shot and killed.

The bolded parts: exactly.

if one shouldn't point the finger at pharmaceutical companies for a 60% in drug overdoses, one shouldn't point the finger at the cannabis industry either for a baby having maggots in their diaper because their mother was plainly an unfit mother.

Have to admit I chuckled at the bit where someone suggested pot makes you so mellow that your babies would be in danger of not having their diaper changed in days.
The bolded parts: exactly.

if one shouldn't point the finger at pharmaceutical companies for a 60% in drug overdoses, one shouldn't point the finger at the cannabis industry either for a baby having maggots in their diaper.

Nope, I do not blame the cannabis industry. I blame the mother for smoking pot while the child was in her care. I blame her for not putting her child ahead of her drug use.
Exclusives news update

Whitney Houston's funeral Saturday will be broadcast
Whitney Houston's funeral Saturday will be broadcast - CNN.com

Probers want Whitney Houston's medical records
Probers want Whitney Houston's medical records - CBS News

Whitney Houston fans will be able to watch singer's funeral
Whitney Houston fans will be able to watch singer's funeral - Celebrity Circuit - CBS News

Whitney Houston to Be Buried Next to Father: Report
Whitney Houston to Be Buried Next to Father: Report - UsMagazine.com

Whitney Houston's medical records sought by investigators
Whitney Houston's Medical Records Sought by Investigators

Inside Whitney Houston's secret pain
Inside Whitney Houston's Secret Pain

We will kept update this story
It's sad. She had such a beautiful voice and gift. I hope she knew the Maker.

It's also sad what a circus the media makes of all this. Must be about the money. Greed is wrong.
Some people, including me, do. I would be very disappointed to find out someone I knew used pot. I had a relative who started with pot, and then got hooked on other drugs. It was bad.

To me it would.

And how is getting stoned on pot worst than getting drunk on booze ?!! I would rather be in a room filled of people stoned than people that are drunk! I never saw a person get violate while stoned but I had seem people getting violate while drunk!
It's sad. She had such a beautiful voice and gift. I hope she knew the Maker.

It's also sad what a circus the media makes of all this. Must be about the money. Greed is wrong.

She sang in the church choir when she was a young girl, and so does her mother. I do not believe in God so I am not worry about this when I dies
It's sad. She had such a beautiful voice and gift. I hope she knew the Maker.

It's also sad what a circus the media makes of all this. Must be about the money. Greed is wrong.

Don't think it matters anymore. But nice of you to bring religion into the discussion.
...if one shouldn't point the finger at pharmaceutical companies for a 60% in drug overdoses, one shouldn't point the finger at the cannabis industry either for a baby having maggots in their diaper because their mother was plainly an unfit mother.

Have to admit I chuckled at the bit where someone suggested pot makes you so mellow that your babies would be in danger of not having their diaper changed in days.
As the article stated, "the infant tested positive for exposure to marijuana."
And how is getting stoned on pot worst than getting drunk on booze ?!!
I'm very disappointed to hear about people I know being drunk, too.

I would rather be in a room filled of people stoned than people that are drunk!
I'd rather be with neither. I prefer to spend time with sober people.
In a crowd of middle aged folk, I guess about half are heavily medicated. Is that about right? :hmm:
In a crowd of middle aged folk, I guess about half are heavily medicated. Is that about right? :hmm:
:dunno: But mine don't affect my sobriety. Calcium+D, vit. C, multi-vitamins, blood pressure diuretic, anti-reflux Rx meds, non-drowsy Allegra for allergies, and thyroid supplement. Occasional Naproxyn for joint pain. Typical middle-age meds. Believe me, I don't get a buzz from any of those. :giggle:

I specifically seek out non-mood altering meds and non-med alternatives, and non-alcohol based products.
I don't drink nor do drugs. Although I don't believe we should be paying taxes to keep the druggies in the slammer. But driving while under the influence of a drug or alcohol, that is what I consider criminal and irresponsible behaviour. People should be reprimanded and punished for doing so.
I'm very disappointed to hear about people I know being drunk, too.

I'd rather be with neither. I prefer to spend time with sober people.

I specifically seek out non-mood altering meds and non-med alternatives, and non-alcohol based products.

Again, the sad need and dependence on drugs just to have fun.


(I'm just kidding! kidding! I prefer to spend the majority of my time with sober people as well. Every once in a while, slightly-less-than-sober is okay, too. :))