Whitney Houston is Dead

Is that list supposed to impress me? It doesn't.

Clinton was an adulterer, too. In my opinion, he had a lousy reputation, and I didn't vote for him. Apparently people who did vote for him didn't care about his reputation.

Some people care about their good name, some don't.

I do not think smoking pot spoil a person good name. If smoking pot was legal would that still spoil a person 'good' name??
I can not believe you people compairing things are necessary to survive to drugs.

You must have water to survive.... Pot you can live with out. :roll:

Smoking pot can increase your increase appetite or reduce nausea, . I had client that had AID and she smoke pot to help increase her appetite when she did not feel like eating. It help keep her alive a little longer .
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i will post this news update this story and also magazines this thursday or friday im hope Whitney will be on cover magazines
I do not think smoking pot spoil a person good name.
Some people, including me, do. I would be very disappointed to find out someone I knew used pot. I had a relative who started with pot, and then got hooked on other drugs. It was bad.

If smoking pot was legal would that still spoil a person 'good' name??
To me it would.
Oh well... I have went back and looked up some things on overdosing and marijuana. They use to think that people died from the pot overdose itself. It came to a conclusion that it was either dying from choking on their own vomit when they smoked too much, or they were mixing pot with other drugs or Alcolhol.

What in the hell does legalizing drugs have to do with Whitney Houstons overdosing??? Seems no one wants to answer that question..
You drunk or stoned??

I did not make it up. Dude if you don't like it, tough... Children have died consuming pot.

It scares me that you are a health professional and are spreading misinformation like this, posting links to obvious farces, and generally using your own biased, personal experience to guide your argument. I do not smoke pot and I rarely drink alcohol to the point of intoxication. You must be high on insanity if this is what you believe.

I've found no links showing that "children have died from consuming pot." Please provide acceptable links (you know, like, from reputable news sources or scholarly journals), not faux/satirical journalism.
It scares me that you are a health professional and are spreading misinformation like this, posting links to obvious farces, and generally using your own biased, personal experience to guide your argument. I do not smoke pot and I rarely drink alcohol to the point of intoxication. You must be high on insanity if this is what you believe.

Sorry, I scare you. Guess you did not read my last post. :roll:
It scares me that you are a health professional and are spreading misinformation like this, posting links to obvious farces, and generally using your own biased, personal experience to guide your argument. I do not smoke pot and I rarely drink alcohol to the point of intoxication. You must be high on insanity if this is what you believe.

How can there be deaths related to cannabis when FDA has reported ZERO deaths with cannabis as the primary cause?

And don't you think that if there were actual deaths related to cannabis, that all those for the war on drugs would be posting links to such reports all over the place and the US government would use such death reports to their advantage?

And while there is no official measure of the lethal dose of cannabis, it's generally agreed that it would actually be impossible to take a lethal dose considering that for a full grown male he would have to consume 16 lbs of weed to suffer serious consequences.

16 lbs of weed is about four grocery shopping bags. It's impossible for anyone to smoke even a quarter that much in one sitting.

And all reports I've found of children consuming pot (i.e. cookies, brownies), worst case scenario they got nauseated and taken to the hospital only to be released later on in the day, in good health, doing fine.
Oh well... I have went back and looked up some things on overdosing and marijuana. They use to think that people died from the pot overdose itself. It came to a conclusion that it was either dying from choking on their own vomit when they smoked too much, or they were mixing pot with other drugs or Alcolhol.

What in the hell does legalizing drugs have to do with Whitney Houstons overdosing??? Seems no one wants to answer that question..

I'm not so sure it is known that she, in fact, overdosed. Did she?
Sorry, I scare you. Guess you did not read my last post. :roll:

I read it, but without an admittance of error, I didn't think it negated your previous post. Anyway, I know how hard it is for you to admit when you are wrong, so I'll just take this.

Anyway, let's get back on track. No, this doesn't have anything to do with Whitney dying. Legalizing drugs would not have prevented Whitney's death. Drugs are not harmless and not okay to use. I'll agree with anyone 100% there. But drugs also are never going to go away, no matter how much we criminalize the users. People get drugs. They will always get drugs, and the rich and famous can get them easier than anyone. Famous people live very stressful lives due to all the public exposure. It's a very odd kind of stress though, since in the eyes of the public, they have everything anyone could ever want: fame, wealth, adoration, good looks, etc. etc. I think this is an area of psychology that ought to be studied more so it can be dealt with better. But getting celebrities to submit to clinical study? Heh. Good luck.

The coroner's report's not in yet.

Right, and this Coroner is in Los Angeles county and such toxicology reports are currently taking 6 to 8 weeks before becoming available. The police are saying that they are not finished with their own investigation but, initially, they said there appears to be no evidence of criminality.
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Right, and this Coroner is in Los Angeles county and such toxicology reports are currently taking 6 to 8 weeks before becoming available. The police are saying that they are not finished with their own investigation but, initially, they said there appears to be no proof of criminality.

Jeeze, how long does it take to run a few lab tests? Dexter Morgan would have already solved the case (and dismembered the person responsible). ;)