What is Lent?

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I don't know where and when you checked. :dunno:

The women aren't supposed to speak in positions of spiritual authority to their church congregations. Our church doesn't have any women pastors or deacons.

So you think women shouldn't hold any position in church ?

Again, I don't know when and where was the last time you checked. :dunno:

Anyway, this verse is about the attitude of individual prayer. Individuals shouldn't "show off" when they pray. That doesn't mean public group prayer isn't allowed. Group prayer is usually led by one person, or a few people taking turns, because that is more orderly than everyone praying out loud at the same time. When pastors lead congregations in prayer they aren't doing it to "be seen by men" for "reward." (At least, they should NOT be doing it for that reason.) But even the pastors, when they pray as individuals, pray privately in their offices or rooms at home.

You see, the motivation of the hypocrites is that they "love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by men." That's the difference.

I have seen pastors repeatly do this on national tv, street, school, tours, etc.. Can't blame them for doing this as they want to spread 'good news' and pray openly to let sinnners to know that sinners are hopeless but need jesus to be saved.

That can happen. It's wrong but it can happen. We're not perfect.[/

Bible was wrote by imperfect men. Thank you for admitting it. ;)
Catholics use KJV Bible also. Actually, we study many different versions of Bible to understand better the meaning. (New Jerusalem Bible, New Revised Standard Bible, New International Version, etc.)

Besides - doesn't matter what translation you have - it's still a translation. Unless you know Ancient Greek, Latin, Hebrew and Aramaic you will always be reading a particular person's translation. i.e. King James', Douay-Reims(another translation by two ppl named Douay and Reims), etc.

To be accurate, Catholics are Christians. Christian include any religion that believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God. Christians are a big group and are divided between Catholic and Protestant. Protestants include, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, etc., etc. etc. The list goes on and on because everytime someone decides they don't agree with something, they run off and start a new sect and make up new rules to suit themselves. The Bible has been traslated and poluted so many times, no one know what the original book says anymore. And, it was written by men, who say that they were writing God's word. Schizophrenics hear vioces too. Does that make them divine?
To be honest, i asked friends of mine who are catholics, i asked them if there are a different btwn catholics and christians, high rating said yes, they believe christians is protestants category. As my personal beliefs is those who recieved Christ as their personal Savior is a christian, not just believe about Jesus, but much deeper than that and also, whatever church you go isnt make you a christian even just being baptize also not make you a christian or even communions.
So you think women shouldn't hold any position in church ?
That's not what I said.

I said that women aren't supposed to be pastors or congregational spiritual leaders. They can teach Sunday School to women and kids, they can teach Christian school classes, they can sing in the choir, play the piano or organ, take care of the nursery, interpret the preaching and teaching, counsel women and children, work in Awana and VBS, be a member of the missions and hospitality committees, etc.

I have seen pastors repeatly do this on national tv, street, school, tours, etc.. Can't blame them for doing this as they want to spread 'good news' and pray openly to let sinnners to know that sinners are hopeless but need jesus to be saved.
It all depends on how and why they do it. If they have the right motivation and manner, then public prayer is OK. They just aren't supposed to pray publicly for personal attention; no showing off allowed.

Bible was wrote by imperfect men. Thank you for admitting it. ;)
I never said that. I said that Christians ("we") are imperfect when they choose not to obey the Bible.

You really need to read my responses more carefully.
That's not what I said.

I said that women aren't supposed to be pastors or congregational spiritual leaders. They can teach Sunday School to women and kids, they can teach Christian school classes, they can sing in the choir, play the piano or organ, take care of the nursery, interpret the preaching and teaching, counsel women and children, work in Awana and VBS, be a member of the missions and hospitality committees, etc.

We do have female pastors so are they being blamspheous to God?

It all depends on how and why they do it. If they have the right motivation and manner, then public prayer is OK. They just aren't supposed to pray publicly for personal attention; no showing off allowed.

Jimmy Stewart, Joel Olsen, Benny Himn come to mind. They get away with it. hmmm interesting.

I never said that. I said that Christians ("we") are imperfect when they choose not to obey the Bible.

You really need to read my responses more carefully
Do you realized that bible was wrote by Christians?
To be accurate, Catholics are Christians. Christian include any religion that believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God.
Not quite right. Satan and his demons believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God but they aren't Christians. The angels in Heaven know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God but they aren't Christians.

A Christian is a sinner who acknowledges and repents his sin, and accepts the finished work of Jesus Christ shed blood on the Cross as full payment for the penalty of his sin. That is a one-time, permanent decision that doesn't require church membership, baptism, rituals, sacraments or any other works. "Christian" isn't a religion; it's a personal relationship between a saved sinner and his Savior. A Christian desires to become closer to Jesus, and follow His ways, as taught in the Bible.

Any religion that adds "requirements" to salvation is not following Christian faith.

Protestants include, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, etc., etc. etc.
Baptists aren't Protestants.
We do have female pastors so are they being blamspheous to God?
Who are "we"? I didn't say blasphemous. If a church that claims to be a Bible-believing Christian congregation has a woman pastor, then they aren't obeying the Bible.

Jimmy Stewart, Joel Olsen, Benny Himn come to mind. They get away with it. hmmm interesting.
Jimmy Stewart the actor? He's dead. I never saw pray in public or on TV, so I don't know.

I never heard of Joel Olsen, so I don't know what he does.

I've heard of Benny Hinn (nothing good) but I've never seen him. I think he is a TV "healer".

I don't watch so-called TV evangelists so I'm not familiar with all that goes on there. :dunno:

Do you realized that bible was wrote by Christians?
Not to be picky but the believers of the Old Testament weren't called "Christians". The words of the Bible were inspired, that is breathed from God, thru the prophets, patriarchs, and apostles who wrote them down.

Individual Christians today are responsible for their obedience to the Bible. Some choose to obey, some don't. That doesn't mean the Bible is wrong. That means the individual is wrong.
Who are "we"? I didn't say blasphemous. If a church that claims to be a Bible-believing Christian congregation has a woman pastor, then they aren't obeying the Bible.

Huh? I thought christians are supposed to band together and stand thru through perfect storm.
Jimmy Stewart the actor? He's dead. I never saw pray in public or on TV, so I don't know.

I never heard of Joel Olsen, so I don't know what he does.

I've heard of Benny Hinn (nothing good) but I've never seen him. I think he is a TV "healer".

I don't watch so-called TV evangelists so I'm not familiar with all that goes on there. :dunno:

I was going to explain but one of your friend in christ already explained. :)

Not to be picky but the believers of the Old Testament weren't called "Christians". The words of the Bible were inspired, that is breathed from God, thru the prophets, patriarchs, and apostles who wrote them down.

Individual Christians today are responsible for their obedience to the Bible. Some choose to obey, some don't. That doesn't mean the Bible is wrong. That means the individual is wrong.

True, christians doesnt show up until after Jesus died. Let God weed out the false christians and send them to hell. :h5: :grouphug: :smoking: :dj: :fruit:
Huh? I thought christians are supposed to band together and stand thru through perfect storm.
Christians are supposed to be faithful to Jesus, and follow the Bible. We're not supposed to follow man or denominations or organizations. If our pastor or church leadership went bonkers one day and started saying or doing things contrary to the Bible, it's our responsibility as Christians to either correct the situation or leave that church.

True, christians doesnt show up until after Jesus died. Let God weed out the false christians and send them to hell. :h5: :grouphug: :smoking: :dj: :fruit:
That is the bottom line, isn't it? :)

Matthew 13
24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: 25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares* among the wheat, and went his way. 26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. 27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? 28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? 29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

*tares = weeds

Joel Osteen is a very wonderful ministry. I not accepted Benny Hinn. My dad was best friend with Jimmy Stewart.

Joel Osteen Ministries: Welcome to Joel Osteen Ministries!
Thanks for the link.

I'm still confused about Jimmy Stewart. The only one I know is the actor. I had the privilege of seeing him and Helen Hayes when they performed Harvey on Broadway. (Jesse White, the original "Maytag Repairman" was also in the play; Miss Hayes gave me her autograph outside the theater.) I always admired him as an actor, and as a reserve Air Force pilot. He lived a very interesting life.

Sorry, :topic:
Thanks for the link.

I'm still confused about Jimmy Stewart. The only one I know is the actor. I had the privilege of seeing him and Helen Hayes when they performed Harvey on Broadway. (Jesse White, the original "Maytag Repairman" was also in the play; Miss Hayes gave me her autograph outside the theater.) I always admired him as an actor, and as a reserve Air Force pilot. He lived a very interesting life.

Sorry, :topic:

Welcome! Maybe I am wrong his last name is Stwarg (not right spelling). I thought Stewart.
Benny 's motivation is pretty much same with Joel's. Either way, both of them love to get on the national and show off their beliefs.

You not know so much about Benny and Joel. They aren't same! Benny believed POWER ANOINT healer people. Joel is more humbler and teaching about God's Word. Joel not POWER anoint healer. It is difference!
Yeah. for catholics, it's traditional, not requirements. I have lot of friends saying, must follow, if you do, you will go to Heaven, if not, need to confess. I asked them, if its so, where in the Bible that said we should, NONE, NADA. It should be everyday rest of your life, but if makes mistakes of any kind, (does not imply of lent or ash wed), need to confess directly toward God, not priest. Jesus is our High Priest and nowhere in the Bible said, you must go to the priest (in NT that is).
I have one friend who told me that he plans to go to catholic church today and plans to give up eating meat for 40 days.

Lent day is weaker version of "fasting" traditions.

Pretty stupid if you ask me but cool way to reinforce yourself to quit something that you want to.
I have one friend who told me that he plans to go to catholic church today and plans to give up eating meat for 40 days.

Lent day is weaker version of "fasting" traditions.

Pretty stupid if you ask me but cool way to reinforce yourself to quit something that you want to.

Yeah, each have their differences, whatever a person give up, like meat, caffeine, tv, smoke, sex, or stuff like that. Bec imitate Jesus during His fasting, catholics believes its a requirement. Not all of them do, but alot of them do.
It's a good thing that I don't do Lent. But I will do in Passover. I don't want to be skinny as a toothpick.
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