What did you do today?

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Hello I was study lots of heavy complication, I am successfully my happy and joy!

I am well better improve strength faithful Keep going your hard work continue best! Dont' be give up because respect to encourage!
I am experience adjust to work my health successfully I am very glad of my joy I am busy lots of work and communication! I am do best effort my skills level support! I am offer people!! respect to affect to people!

I am pretty nice people I know peopel good deserve or your respect to people

I missing AD's long time I know I am not see you long time my friends own

I am busy counsellor and psychiast lots of improve successfully attending
I exciting new update I do prepare study homework plan anxiety 50 pages soon

counsellor support to me! I am very help me reduce pretty not much complain and swearing
focus my handle! I can health better change grow awesome hard work!
AlleyCat: condolences on your Uncle's passing.

Implanted AB Harmony activated Aug/07
Well - today, I did the vacuuming and such, brought MIL home from nursing home, met with contractor and architect, picked up mother's prescriptions and now, hubby wants to go to Home Depot. Ah well, I am not going and will do it tomorrow when I am not so tired and worn out.
Toured the UC Berkeley campus today. Beautiful place. Now hanging around for a coffee.
Uprooted a very big "bush" in the back with an axe and a shovel. Wasn't an easy job!....Fixed my back windshield headliner, and also fixed our fish tank. Cooked dinner, cleaned up the kitchen, now I'm relaxing, but very tired!
I went and had a casting call for the new TLC TV show NY Ink. It's the last week of taping, so I doubt I will get on for this season. But if I get cast I will be on the second season. Keep ya fingers crossed for me.
Worked, worked out 2 hours at the gym, went food shopping for the 5th grade bake sale to raise money for our field trip to Six Flags, and took care of my son and the house.
Thank you, dr.Phil & Miss Delectable.

Apologies to any of those I may have missed. All of your messages are appreciated, thank you!
I went and had a casting call for the new TLC TV show NY Ink. It's the last week of taping, so I doubt I will get on for this season. But if I get cast I will be on the second season. Keep ya fingers crossed for me.

Good luck!
Well - I just typed up all of MIL's medicines, dosage and directions into Excel and printed out copies onto card stock. No one could read her handwriting on her sheet of paper and I thought she should have a copy on the door to the kitchen cabinet where she keeps her meds. She only has 14 to keep track of. Ugh! At least my mother only has 4.
Well - I just typed up all of MIL's medicines, dosage and directions into Excel and printed out copies onto card stock. No one could read her handwriting on her sheet of paper and I thought she should have a copy on the door to the kitchen cabinet where she keeps her meds. She only has 14 to keep track of. Ugh! At least my mother only has 4.
I did the same thing with my husbands meds and he had at least that many. Came in handy the many times we went to ER...though towards the end, they made US write them out on their forms.
I also kept notes at the bottom of the page of all his "illnesses" (stroke, heart, kidney, etc) and dates. And a list of his many doctors.
I did the same thing with my husbands meds and he had at least that many. Came in handy the many times we went to ER...though towards the end, they made US write them out on their forms.
I also kept notes at the bottom of the page of all his "illnesses" (stroke, heart, kidney, etc) and dates. And a list of his many doctors.

I may need to do that as well. MIL has had so many hospital visits, surgeries and such.
I started doing the same for my cats. :lol: (With 5 it's hard to keep up with them all, sometimes! :) )
Well - I just typed up all of MIL's medicines, dosage and directions into Excel and printed out copies onto card stock. No one could read her handwriting on her sheet of paper and I thought she should have a copy on the door to the kitchen cabinet where she keeps her meds. She only has 14 to keep track of. Ugh! At least my mother only has 4.

14? Daily?
I started doing the same for my cats. :lol: (With 5 it's hard to keep up with them all, sometimes! :) )

I was fortunate in the fact that the previous owner of my 2 cats gave me the whole file he had. Tinker's is just a little file and Sammy's is 3 inches thick. At least I have the info. He adopted them as freshly weaned kittens from Animal Rescue. The two mother's were abused and each died after delivering their kittens. All kittens survived and were adopted out. Tinker's mother has 7 in her litter and Sammy's had 5. The papers I have also include that info from Animal Rescue.
Finished my errands for the day already. Yay for being an early morning riser!

Now I'm laying back in my bed and watching some more Big Love. The weather around here is really muggy and humid. It feels disgusting that it doesn't motivate me to go outside at all.
Filled up my fish tank again (outside), and will let it set for a few hours, then check for any more leaks before I attempt to bring it back in and set it up....If all goes well, then we'll buy more fish for it in a few days.
Took Three tests today! Had a Pizza party with my classmates. Finishing up a report.
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