What did you do today?

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14? Daily?

Yeah - but that also includes her vitamins and supplements. It's basically 10 prescriptions and 6 of them are twice a day and 2 are three times daily. We have 3 more prescriptions if she ever has to have oral surgery again and 3 others for any other type of surgery. (She has had 2 knee replacements and has an inoperable brain tumor.)
I have gone to 2 libraries, storage facility, Walmart, and after coming home, turned around went to the bank about a loan and then to Home Depot to gather prices and such for the desired items for our new house. Came home, fixed dinner and here I am.
Wirelessly posted

I stayed home from due to this cold that got to me. I am hoping that its not a throat infection.
Wirelessly posted

I stayed home from due to this cold that got to me. I am hoping that its not a throat infection.

Hope you feel better! If you have a sore throat, maybe check it out for strep. I did that recently. Glad it was negative (but then no antibiotics since it wasn't strep, so I just had to suffer with cough/cold meds!)
I've had a sort throat for 2 days....sucking on a lot of hard candy to keep it moist....and lots of mucus...no cold or anything, just allergies *yuk*...Eyes watering constantly...
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AlleyCat said:
Wirelessly posted

I stayed home from due to this cold that got to me. I am hoping that its not a throat infection.

Hope you feel better! If you have a sore throat, maybe check it out for strep. I did that recently. Glad it was negative (but then no antibiotics since it wasn't strep, so I just had to suffer with cough/cold meds!)

Yes, good idea to check it out. I slept most of the day feeling a bit better.
cooked allll day with my students and will do it again tmw for our bake sale to raise money for our Six Flags field trip on June 13th. So exhausting! lol
I worked, then went to my son's baseball game. Only one left- kind of bummed about that. He enjoys it a lot, and it's always good to keep the little people busy.
asdnfalsdkfj;lasdkjf I love finding rare Pyrex stuff.

Just got this for few bucks today.

Hanging on the Stanford campus today. College Tennis finals this am. Getting ready to watch Fresno State vs Nebraska in the College softball tourney then Stanford vs Arizona in baseball tonight! Fun day.
Wirelessly posted

I went to the doctor, he said, I have allergies and gave me meds.
We loaded trailer one more time and took it to the storage facility, then I showered and took MIL to the doctor for a checkup. We then had to go do her blood work and banking (3 different banks). Came home, did another load to the storage place, then son used his birthday money to take us out to eat. Went to IHOP.
bought 12lbs of ribs in preparation for tomoorrow's Ribs N Rapture fest, played racquetball for 2 hours. I am tired.
worked today, just now ordered pizza and gonna pack tonight for move tomorrow.
Finally a nice day! Going to a Fine Art Festival soon and go for a walk around the park.
Wirelessly posted

I did zumba this morning and Alex changed my username :D
Turned out that there are two art festivals going on right now. I really enjoyed my day despite the heat! I'm now wearing a sundress.

Think I'll have to get my car's AC fixed... Eventually. I have been telling myself that for three years now. "I'll get it fixed..." And I never do. :lol:
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