What camera do you use?


New Member
May 31, 2010
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I have searched the threads and didn't find any, so if there is one I'll just move my camera details there. Anyways, was wondering what camera everyone is using for the photo challenge or everyday life. I use a point and click digital camera, hp m437 (discontinued) which I like a lot even though it's resolution is low by today's standards 5mp, eventually I'll get a better one. Anyways, what camera do you use?


specs link hp m437
Nice camera PowerON I'm aiming for something like that next purchase, that or Nikon, just don't know yet.

yeah, I don't own that len as seen in picture. When I brought it, it come with 35-125mm LEN which is good enough. I hope to able afford new better len.
I still have a lowly 35mm Kodak Easy Sure Shot or something like that. Had a digital, but it was totally crappy and the dog literally ate it.
Canon A590 IS (gone... weeee!)

And BlackBerry 9700.

Was going to get a point-and-shoot for each bag I have. And a DSLR, and a pocket camcorder.
I still have a lowly 35mm Kodak Easy Sure Shot or something like that. Had a digital, but it was totally crappy and the dog literally ate it.

First digital camera we bought was a 1.3 MP Kodak we still have it.

Canon A590 IS (gone... weeee!)

Gone? You didn't like the camera Souggy? You seem happy it's gone:dunno:

Nice camera btw TheHighlander!
Wow! With the flash cube! :) Brings back memories!

Twisting bulb even. I really do have one. I don't actually use it. I bought it for a quarter at a garage sale when I was 10 or so.
olympus Tough 3000 Digital Camera AND Nikon D60 DSLR (which is undergoing repairs)
I wish I could stay with Kodak, but I opted for Canon SX20is and I love this new camera, wish I had opt for SLR, just that it is out of reach on my budget. I spoke to one person that owns $5,000 dollars camera body only. He loved it like crazy as it includes GPS which tells where the camera was shot. Whoa!