What are you thinking about Part VII

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Oh, people can be entertaining here sometimes. The more severe danger is to the south, but Chicago won't get hit as hard, but we DID get heavy rains earlier this morning, and swimming at the beach is banned today due to deadly rip currents.
I've seen much heavier damage than that here. That's nothing.

sorry but when it comes to Chicago - you pretty much have nothing that's comparable to us. you really need to get out more.
wanted to see what like wearing burka down my high street...intresting remarks
You did that? Do tell!

I bought it cos highly comfortable and I been staying in a part of London where only burka is sold on market...I not got the hijab on I draw line at that.....I got it to wind husband up///on train home I spilt big tin of coke and only change of clothes was this sodding outfit...dam glad get home
Thinking I should have gone out earlier to mow. Too lazy now.

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Thinking I pulled a muscle in my back doing the 30 day abs challenge that was created on FB.
ages ago rr posted nursery rhymes different funny words trying find them..trying to remember them
how do you feel now?? ouchie.. didnt know that fb have workout tips. ha

There's a variety of these floating all over FB, this is about the most common one I see posted:


30-day ab challenge exploding on Facebook | Local News - WCVB Home
Thinking....."wheeeeeeeee"!!!...HS Graduation(s) are finally over....My knees were actually aching from walking so much from the parking lot at UNF (University of N. Florida) to the Auditorium....(finally feeling my age!)...Was a great day....and I had an intrepretor too!!....He was a CODA...and I was the only "deafie" in that huge crowd!....Had to stand up when they called my name....as all adoptee parents or guardians were recognized....

A Day I will never forget....
thinking I upset young boy today my friends lad...we were talking about hair I pass coment he was receding abit,pregnant pause he just had hair transplant.think before comment worse bit it gone ginger
Thinking of ways to get my sis to not be so upset at me... Idk if its my fault really...
The sweet smell of summer - honeysuckle :)

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That Marty will have to get a flu shot after all if I want to bring him to doggies play group and grooming at the same place. This the only place that made sure all pets are up to date on their shots and tested for worms . I was going to have Marty get a shot but decided not to. But it looks like I will have to do after all, and I do not get flu shots myself. The grooming is at a vet office and they board dogs too so want to make sure all the pets are healthy .
Thinking how I cannot believe how hard I laughed for a good 30 mins. That's a long time for hard core "on the floor and choking" laughter. My stomach muscles are sore now. lol
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