What are you doing right now?

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Laying here on the floor, err, I mean my bed (One and the same) my back is super stiff and wish I could pop it. Haven't ate all day, might need to make some eggs or something. Also writing letters and trying to finalise my moving plans.
trying to find my place in life
still havent gotten that figured out
trying to find my place in life
still havent gotten that figured out

Yeah, plenty of us go through this. I'm now 24, switched college majors more times than I care to remember and wandered blind since I was an adult that had no idea what to do with my life.

For me, I'm training as a mechanic as I'm interested in cars and motorcycles, also in computers, but I'm not good at math, so that route was closed to me, but I'm hoping my mechanic's training works out.

So I may still be right there with you on that.
Hakuna Matata

Oh wait I referenced that on Facebook earlier not here :) s'okay still stands. The hot tub could only be good for my p90x :)
Romanian shoes? :shock: Whaaaaaaat? :dizzy::hmm::roll::slap: :squint:

I don't even know what face to use I'm so.... what?! Best face I suppose I could use would be


Yup, that was my face when I read what you wrote.... :shock:

I, :dunno:
Oh, crap. Time to call WitSec and get a new ID and all that.
And more! :naughty:

LOL I'm just notorious for footwear (fetish? Not yet! LOL).


I try to stay away from tall shoes... In heels I'm well over 6 foot... :( I don't enjoy being that tall... :( Stupid long legs! :mad:

Hey, there's worse fetishes out there! There's also better... :naughty: :whip:
Just cooked and finished my burritos, I am so full from that, I can't even eat my cherry turnover. Ugh

It's the only thing I've had to eat all day. Going to wait a little bit then eat my turnover.

I'm not a cook, I can only seem to make eggs and this, not sure if it turned out well by anyone else's standard, but it wasn't bad tasting.


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