Unarmed Missouri teen shot by police sparks outrage

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I can't remember if it was on Channel 4 or 5 but in one interview a guy from one of the police forces said that quite number of those arrested during the first looting were very familiar to them. So my thought is that a number of them had nothing to do with the vigil that was the first reason for people gathering but took advantage of there already being a crowd out.

There was also some mention of "social media" used. I wonder if that on the south was not a result of how some of the criminal element learned to get together from what happened earlier.
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I can't remember if it was on Channel 4 or 5 but in one interview a guy from one of the police forces said that quite number of those arrested during the first looting were very familiar to them. So my thought is that a number of them had nothing to do with the vigal (sp) that was the first reason for people gathering but took advantage of there already being a crowd out.

There was also some mention of "social media" used. I wonder if that on the south was not a result of how some of the criminal element learned to get together from what happened earlier.

No, the blacks here are cowards... they have to fight in groups because they know theyll get their cowardly asses kicked one on one, that why they play the cowardly knock out game and all that other crap glueing razor blades to playground equipment. So when one group starts something they all follow like its their problem too as an excuse to steal/rob and damage property. Why isnt AL Sharpton there telling all his followers to stop? Coward.
and if this is racially charged, I dont feel sorry for any of those white dumbasses standing around watching either.
I don't know what he is going to be telling them but I think I saw where AL Sharpton is supposed to arrive sometime today.
Al Sharpton is a joke. If a white harms a black he is there, but if a black harms a white he is not???
Now, when a black harms a white you dont see all the whites rioting or tearing up their hood, they arent hooting and all that crap either.

Yes, there are some white "wanna be's" just to show you the mentalities of some... But there are some well educated blacks who are smart enough to avoid this mess as well.
I went to a primarily black school, had a lot of black friends and they were good people, you should hear what they have to say about their own race, it will literally shock you. It has to be pretty bad to hate your own race.
Those who wants to blame the white guy, well that was over with decades ago, I have no living realatives from back in the slave days and neither does about 99.9% of the world ( except those who still mingle in slavery) but they need to get over it already... its not an excuse anymore, none of them have ever been a slave and none of us have ever been a slave owner.
quit dwelling on the past people.
Al Sharpton is a joke. If a white harms a black he is there, but if a black harms a white he is not???
Now, when a black harms a white you dont see all the whites rioting or tearing up their hood, they arent hooting and all that crap either.

Yes, there are some white "wanna be's" just to show you the mentalities of some... But there are some well educated blacks who are smart enough to avoid this mess as well.
I went to a primarily black school, had a lot of black friends and they were good people, you should hear what they have to say about their own race, it will literally shock you. It has to be pretty bad to hate your own race.
Those who wants to blame the white guy, well that was over with decades ago, I have no living realatives from back in the slave days and neither does about 99.9% of the world ( except those who still mingle in slavery) but they need to get over it already... its not an excuse anymore, none of them have ever been a slave and none of us have ever been a slave owner.
quit dwelling on the past people.

Yes, same with latino and Asian communities - they don't tore the neighborhood down.

Middle class and wealthy black are less likely to ruin the neighborhood.
Yes, same with latino and Asian communities - they don't tore the neighborhood down.

Middle class and wealthy black are less likely to ruin the neighborhood.

Its just to show how much a good education really makes a difference in mentality as well as community wise.
Yup, but not just blacks, Deaf too! I have seen enough already, I have no idea how many Deaf people I have met, but the guess would be conservative, I have met approximately 75,000 Deaf in my life up to possible 150K, and I have lived in ghetto, bad area, good area, met all walks of life including blind, wheel chairs, hear their stories over and over. It is pretty much "undocumented stories" I have heard and I was able to see bigger picture and to me... RME! because majority of them have no clue to what is really going on behind the curtain.

Al Sharpton is a joke. If a white harms a black he is there, but if a black harms a white he is not???
Now, when a black harms a white you dont see all the whites rioting or tearing up their hood, they arent hooting and all that crap either.

Yes, there are some white "wanna be's" just to show you the mentalities of some... But there are some well educated blacks who are smart enough to avoid this mess as well.
I went to a primarily black school, had a lot of black friends and they were good people, you should hear what they have to say about their own race, it will literally shock you. It has to be pretty bad to hate your own race.
Those who wants to blame the white guy, well that was over with decades ago, I have no living realatives from back in the slave days and neither does about 99.9% of the world ( except those who still mingle in slavery) but they need to get over it already... its not an excuse anymore, none of them have ever been a slave and none of us have ever been a slave owner.
quit dwelling on the past people.
I forgot to say, Al Sharpton doesnt show up for white kills white or black kills black... just white kill black and still not for black kill white.... He is a coward as well.
I just saw something about this again on the news. ( I believe it was about this I was just waking up. ) They had a protest and it turned into a riot. Gun shots were fired and crap. Now, the way to prove your point and make yourselves look better and the cops bad is NOT to start a riot and fire gunshots... Just throwing that out there... :roll:

Yes the riot was about the cop shooting the unarmed teen , his parents where on TV saying they want the riots to stop . I agree , I feel the people looting stores etc does not solve anything , it's only going to cause people to get hurt or killed . Then there will be more riots .
There is no reason for the riot, no reason whatsoever for the looting, what the hell does looting prove? Just raise the prices of the shit they need now to repair the damages... Oh you want a can of beer... that will be $25.
There is no reason for the riot, no reason whatsoever for the looting, what the hell does looting prove? Just raise the prices of the shit they need now to repair the damages... Oh you want a can of beer... that will be $25.
That's the way they are so what can we do? Remember Rodney King riots? Nothing new. That shows that they don't have a good leader like MLK.
instead of Obamamama forcing insurance down our throats, Force those to go to school or GTFO of the US.... send them to where they need to be and see what the hell they really have here... Give them dirt, give them a hut, give them one job...just one... they have no clue how good they really have it here but they refuse to open their eyes or accept reality of todays world. Just want a free handout. Ok here is thier free ticket to (wont say it) and their free dirt, make the best of it.
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