Toddler Harness

First son, I was using Wrist strap as for my safety..
Funny thing, When I walk and spotted the window so beautiful clothes nice style.. how smart my son did pulled it off.. Other stranger saw my son whole thing what happened.. The stranger lady did grabbed my son and brought him back to me.. I looked at the stranger.. I was so shocked and surprised.. how ?
She did explained me whole thing what happened. I was so embrassing 1 minutes... Sheesh!
After all, I decide to stop using Wrist strap. I kept eye on him constantly where He went to... sometime frustrater and tired chasing him around the mall.. *mumbling* I bought light weight stroller.. finally at last, He enjoy and sitting.. Which it's good!

Never forget that happened!
First son, I was using Wrist strap as for my safety..
Funny thing, When I walk and spotted the window so beautiful clothes nice style.. how smart my son did pulled it off.. Other stranger saw my son whole thing what happened.. The stranger lady did grabbed my son and brought him back to me.. I looked at the stranger.. I was so shocked and surprised.. how ?
She did explained me whole thing what happened. I was so embrassing 1 minutes... Sheesh!
After all, I decide to stop using Wrist strap. I kept eye on him constantly where He went to... sometime frustrater and tired chasing him around the mall.. *mumbling* I bought light weight stroller.. finally at last, He enjoy and sitting.. Which it's good!

Never forget that happened!

I think that is why they came up with the new design in which the leash attaches to the hardness on the child's back. Much better than the old fashioned kind.
They Could keep mind in their own business!!!! I do not use harness on my girls
When my two toddlers outgrown of their harness, we written our girls' arms which has my mobile number on it. Saves so much time as they were too young to remember our mobile phone numbers at theme parks! We taught them where to go in case they are lost, all they has to do is call me and I will come to get them! It had never happen but its good idea to be prepared.

Kids are always wandering, you know.
When my two toddlers outgrown of their harness, we written our girls' arms which has my mobile number on it. Saves so much time as they were too young to remember our mobile phone numbers at theme parks! We taught them where to go in case they are lost, all they has to do is call me and I will come to get them! It had never happen but its good idea to be prepared.

Kids are always wandering, you know.
That's a good idea if they become lost. :)

I'm afraid it won't help much if they are snatched. :(
LOL exactly!! but I would actually LIKE to see them keep a 2 years old entertained and safe just for a day, oh wait, aren't they called terrible 2?.. ;)

Yeah, terrible 2... my eldest son had it... he is sooo wild... I had been through with terrible 2, my eldest son had.
I can truly understand that as when I was younger, I've witnessed parents having their younger children being on toddler harness , I thought OMG , how cruel to do this to a small child, but later on I realized the reason for it when I had children of my own... I opened my mouth too soon without knowing what it like to walk a miles or so in their shoes....

You can't expect to teach a toddler to stand by you ALL THE TIME, they like to walk around everywhere.....for example, if you turn your back just for one second, you would be surprise to turn around seeing your toddler is no longer behind ya!!....I mean anything like this could happen to any parents and the bottom line is, we no longer live in a safe world, kids are being kindnapped every second. so believe me I rather to use toddler harness than finding out from the police later on that my child is dead...

I don't need to use it anymore since all my three children are grown up now.....

Yes I know what you mean....

Yes I aware how stress with toddlers thru their movement all the time... I can image how stress for mothers alone whom they don't have husbands around to support them... Yes I can understand it.

I got a tip from mother & child spa how to take care of toddlers. That's how I got tip from them... it works pretty good...

Example: I use stroller with safe belt... and use my time for my wild & curious son than worry about myself & shopping, etc.... If a child want to get out of stroller then let him/her.... Let him/her enjoy themselves until they are boring then go back to stroller again... but need partner around for his/her support. That's exactly what I did with my both sons... My hubby support me with toddlers... My hubby watch where my son go... and follow him... If I want to shop something then let my hubby know where I am... (just short shop)... My hubby stay with our curious son and answer his questions "what is that or this" etc.... what wrong or right etc... until son fed up and want to go back stroller... he noticed where I am.... "mamma".... My hubby know what he wants is go back stroller... My hubby walked with him to find me... and sat on the stroller or stand and push the stroller and walk.... It works pretty well when you has time for your child....

If you has no time to let your child to get out of stroller etc because you are busy for go shopping... then stay at home with neighbor, Grandparents, or whatever.... If you have time for your child and shopping then take your child and let him/her enjoy their curious until they are fed up then enjoy your shopping...

I received tips from Mother & Child Spa how to reduce my stress... We often took our children to shopping mall... I told them if they can't find us then stay at information center waiting for us... We will know where they are if we can't find them. My eldest son was lost few times and went to information center & wait for us... I gave him praise.... I can understand that amusement park is a different as shopping mall... We have to eye our children and make sure that they won't lost... We let them out and in from stroller and follow what they like to see & curious... Our time for children, not ourselves.

It belongs patience...

That's all what I receive the tips is from Mother & Child spa...

but I won't judge those parents out there who are still using it on their toddlers..

No I am not judge those parents for that but answer creator's question because she want to know our opinion for that. I gave my honest opinion what I think of this. It's my opinion, not everyone.
5 years ago, my friend and her 2 small children joined me to the Gallaudet Homecoming football game. Since it was so crowded and everything, my friend put the toddler harness on her 18 month old daughter. A lot of people there openly criticized her for bad parenting and that it was cruel to use the hardness. My friend ended up crying later on that night and I had to reassure her over and over again to fuck to those stupid people for not keeping their opinions to themselves. Now I have a toddler and I know I would use it on my son if I go to a large and crowded event.

It seems that many people think they are cruel to the toddlers but in my opinion, as long as they are not overused, they keep the child safe especially when the parent or parents are deaf cuz we need our eyes to communicate and watch the kids. If we are talking to other people, of course our eyes wont be on the kids so I think the hardness is helpful in a large crowded event.

Your opinions on this? :)

My opinion is that your child is your child. I often thought about it at times. But how are they really ever going to "learn" the dangers, walking beside Mom, don't go on the road" if they are just let loose on a "leash." Because whether or not you believe it when you take them off the hardness they will still dodge the crowds, run close to the roads. It's a learned behaviour. You teach them how to act appriopriately.

My sayinig goes," They are children, not dogs." Treat them like a child. Patience, discipline, consistency and LOVE.

I think sometimes it's more for the parents' lack of control or willing to be patient in those circumstances. Take the time, explain why, carry them, discipline them when they are not listening. All those things will add up in obedience to you.

My little one was 2 - I never had her in a buggy, she walked everywhere by her own choice. She hated the buggy. So I started very young. Stand with me, walk with me, hold my hand...etc.

Anyhow that is just me.
My little one was 2 - I never had her in a buggy, she walked everywhere by her own choice. She hated the buggy. So I started very young. Stand with me, walk with me, hold my hand...etc.

Anyhow that is just me.

I am against at those harness or leashes.. cuz they learn nothing from parents.. disciplines and respect... I have seen alot of kids who "were" on those leashes.. later grow up.. have alot of disciplines or rebell problems.. cuz they were go like I was on leash, now i am not on leash.. go freedom..

parents responsible to teach kids to stay with.. and displines them..

BUT.. i support parents who have disablity kids like down sydrome/etc.. for only in crowds not at home..
These critics need to spend some time with my kids! Some children are a bit wild, with or without discipline. I would rather have your criticize me for having my child on a leash than have you criticize me at my child's funeral for him running out in front of a car or being abducted at the local mall. Seems you will find something to criticize, one way or another. No, we don't all have those perfect children you seem to have been blessed with, and it isn't for lack of parenting.
I'm with Eve on this and she is right, it has nothing to do with lack of parenting or disciplining, it's all about keeping our children safe and close by period...
My opinion is that your child is your child. I often thought about it at times. But how are they really ever going to "learn" the dangers, walking beside Mom, don't go on the road" if they are just let loose on a "leash." Because whether or not you believe it when you take them off the hardness they will still dodge the crowds, run close to the roads. It's a learned behaviour. You teach them how to act appriopriately.

My sayinig goes," They are children, not dogs." Treat them like a child. Patience, discipline, consistency and LOVE.

I think sometimes it's more for the parents' lack of control or willing to be patient in those circumstances. Take the time, explain why, carry them, discipline them when they are not listening. All those things will add up in obedience to you.

My little one was 2 - I never had her in a buggy, she walked everywhere by her own choice. She hated the buggy. So I started very young. Stand with me, walk with me, hold my hand...etc.

Anyhow that is just me.

Like I said, only for special situations or it is not overused. When I take my son to the mall or restaurants, I dont use the hardness. Only for events that includes a very large crowd in a small space. I just wont take that chance in a large crowd. My son's life is too precious for me to take that chance to see if he has learned not to run off or not. Not for me!
These critics need to spend some time with my kids! Some children are a bit wild, with or without discipline. I would rather have your criticize me for having my child on a leash than have you criticize me at my child's funeral for him running out in front of a car or being abducted at the local mall. Seems you will find something to criticize, one way or another. No, we don't all have those perfect children you seem to have been blessed with, and it isn't for lack of parenting.

I agree with u. My son loves to walk which I will allow him to do but in a large crowd where I need my eyes to navigate thru them or to communicate with people and on top of that my son is very good at twisting his hand or wrists out of my grasp I would like to have the hardness on him so he can still have room to explore. I cant carry him a long period of time cuz I have a bad arm and he squirms so much. He is very strong for his age.
I am against at those harness or leashes.. cuz they learn nothing from parents.. disciplines and respect... I have seen alot of kids who "were" on those leashes.. later grow up.. have alot of disciplines or rebell problems.. cuz they were go like I was on leash, now i am not on leash.. go freedom..

parents responsible to teach kids to stay with.. and displines them..

BUT.. i support parents who have disablity kids like down sydrome/etc.. for only in crowds not at home..

There are kids who have never been on a leash that have rebellion problems. I think that is a normal teenage stage. My daughter was on the hardness a few times as a child and she is 9 years old now and pretty well behaved. Not perfect but no discipline nor respect problems. So, I think each kid is different.
I don't believe in a toddler harness - sorry to say - IMHO.
Mother used to slip the toddler harness on me when we went out in public. She found it useful when we were at the market or the mall because I was so active. I think she stopped using it when I was nearly 4 or so. I'd slip away from her so I can explore in the shops.

Nowadays it's uncommon to see little kids wearing harness of any kinds because of percieved cruelty, but it's up to each parents as it's their own right to choose.

I believe parents should put it on kids who are uncontrollable. Because it might teach them a thing or two about listening and obeying.

If I should have a kid, I dunno if I'll use the harness, but I might have to if the kid's not happy sitting in the pram.

It doesn't seem to have done any harm to me.
I know they are real, but I still don't believe in puttin' a harness on a child. As for me, it's important to communicate with a child to understand what's safety and what's not. Show the child a picture of missin' children poster. And, have that child to stay closer to its mother/or father at all times. If, a child don't like to walk all the time or somethin'... let her sit in a stroller and have mother or father to stroll it. It must stay with mother or father at all times - never walk away from it. Use your common sense to be sure that this child understands, if not - tell that child to feel free to ask, if not understand. It's important for that child to be aware of the situation nowsdays.

That's like tellin' that child never talk to stranger or answer the door. Teach the child what a parent knows.