The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIV

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really? cool. what kind of Kia? I like Kia Sorento

My hubby has the Sorento...a very dirty one!
We dont like these Kia models in Australia because the parts are not available here!!! my friend used to have a kia Cerato, and the brake disc pads wasn't available and she had to wait for two months! :mad2:

and yes, there is nothing the cops do anything with it, so fuck it. At least, I survived.,
I just got offered a job, but I declined when the guy replied because his email was quite questionable. It looks like a scam, and I wasn't falling for it. :P I simply said, "I appreciate your prompt reply, however looking back now, I question the stability of this job. Once again, thank you for replying." or something along those lines. Then I searched up the company and it is questionable by numerous other individuals if it is a scam or not. They wanted me to get a PayPal account as this would be how they would "pay me" and they wanted $10 for the inital training. :roll: Pretty soon they'd be rolling the cash right out of my bank account. I mentioned in my first email that I was 16 years old. It amazes me that they'd still send me the email attempting to scam me. :roll:
I just got offered a job, but I declined when the guy replied because his email was quite questionable. It looks like a scam, and I wasn't falling for it. :P I simply said, "I appreciate your prompt reply, however looking back now, I question the stability of this job. Once again, thank you for replying." or something along those lines. Then I searched up the company and it is questionable by numerous other individuals if it is a scam or not. They wanted me to get a PayPal account as this would be how they would "pay me" and they wanted $10 for the inital training. :roll: Pretty soon they'd be rolling the cash right out of my bank account. I mentioned in my first email that I was 16 years old. It amazes me that they'd still send me the email attempting to scam me. :roll:

Wow! It is unbelievable. I am not sure what you mean above the bold letters. Are you saying that the company is getting your money out of your bank account?
No, I mean that if I had taken their "job offer" they'd probably end up taking every last cent I had with their scam. And they would have probably used that PayPal account to take my money.
Hey guys. how is everyone? :P

eating the most greasy and fatty high-cholesterol curly fries at this moment. and meanwhile - I'm annoying somebody :D
eating the most greasy and fatty high-cholesterol curly fries at this moment. and meanwhile - I'm annoying somebody :D

lol i wonder who... I been helping people lately. right now they kinda shove it right back in my face. Man this sucks
eating the most greasy and fatty high-cholesterol curly fries at this moment. and meanwhile - I'm annoying somebody :D

Wow, you are so heavy and you must be very difficult to walk. I had to call an ambulance to take you to a local hospital. I discovered some new problems. Here is the timeline:


This ambulance cannot bring you in because it would cause to damage the motor due your overweight.


Above: I called this company service, and they said that it is too far and won't able to reach you on time. Then...


Finally, U.S. Army volunteered to take you to the hospital. Somehow, the motor was having a problem. They decided to take you a special place.


Last, the Chinese will be more happy to take care of you. It will save our taxpayer. Finally, a standard ambulance able to take you to the hospital.

Whew! You must feel a lot better! Right, Jiro ? :D
hey everyone haven't been here in awhile thought i'd check in and see what's up
I guess everyone enjoys the hot weather! :lol: Or staying cool right next to A/C!
Tyler's last day at school today. He is THRILLED!

he got in trouble for leaving his stuff on the floor destroyed the DVD case grrr but not DVD...whew! I told him starting tonight....if I see anything on the floor will go to trash every night. He GULPED! And keep his room clean, I hope he stick with it!
Love to feel the baby kicking! He'll get bigger and moves more....oh I am looking forward to it! I do miss being pregnant till finally I got pregnant. :) I am enjoying it as much as I can! I cannot wait for my hubby and Tyler feel baby moves on my tummy when he's getting bigger! Maybe in few more weeks....almost 21 weeks! :)
It has been hot and humid here this week! Today was slightly cooler, whew. I don't mind the heat but I hate the humidity!
Oh, and my icemaker broke. Gotta make ice the old-fashioned way with ice cube trays :lol:
I am doomed to death! :lol: it is hot and overheated. I AM DOOMED!
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