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Reba got good posts here, JMO.
they have a boot party

oh jesus... I'm very glad that you finally found a positive group. I wish I have a good advice to tell you but I don't. Best I can do for you is to pray for your safety. Boot party... jesus.... I applaud you that you finally recognized it yourself about them and you wanted to leave them. What's even bigger is that you came forward to us about your involvement with a despicable hate group.

Good luck and be safe. stay alive, dude. :cool2:
If they all know where you live, my best guess at how to get out is to move to a different part of the country, maybe one that's different from Texas, like New England or the Pacific Northwest.

I wonder how they'd react to one of their group disappearing on them. Would they care enough to track them down? Better not give them contact information for the new location and be careful about what you put online so they can't Google you and invade the nice new place. I won't want these types running around anywhere in Vermont. :nono:

Maybe tell them you've landed a job in another state? That might make them want to know where you're going.
How to Leave a Gang - Associated Content or you could try contacting former skinhead members for advices - their contact info can be found on: Former skinhead addresses student, faculty - News .

My little cousin in Pennsylvania joined a skinhead group since he was in middle school. His mother (my deceased cousin's ex-girlfriend) had tried everything to get him out of it, but he is on his own, he is over 18 now.

Good luck and be safe, Babyface!
I won't want these types running around anywhere in Vermont. :nono:

They're not running around in Vermont without a fight. My brother nearly got into a fight with a skinhead at a concert years ago. I imagine he would have wasted the skinhead if they'd been allowed to go at it. The argument was over my brother's t-shirt, "Nazi Punks Fuck Off!"
not when they might feel betrayed by it and somehow try to seriously fuck you over perhaps.

Maybe he should just ease his way out....get a girlfriend, play it like its a serious thing and they'll buy it ultimatly forgetting about him in the process. Something of that nature. Get a job, go to school....something to take up more of your time. Just something....Gangs, cliques, all that crap isnt like a crappy mcdonalds job you can tell the manager to shove it up his ass and walk out scot-free. American History X w/ edward norton is probaly a perfect example of this kids dilemma. And if i was him id probaly just move.

American History X is a movie. A very disturbing movie, but a dramatization, none the less.

And what you are recommending is exactly what I was reccomending. Walk away and go on with your life. These people are not due an explanation one or another. To offer them one is to continue to give them power over you.
American History X is a movie. A very disturbing movie, but a dramatization, none the less.

And what you are recommending is exactly what I was reccomending. Walk away and go on with your life. These people are not due an explanation one or another. To offer them one is to continue to give them power over you.

easy for you to say that. didn't you read what he said? Boot Party. 7 skinheads???
easy for you to say that. didn't you read what he said? Boot Party. 7 skinheads???

Yes, dear, I read what he said. And you are simply granting them the power they want through your fear.
7 skinheads that kick a man while he's down? Sounds like a bunch of sissy cowards that will never grow up.
Yes, dear, I read what he said. And you are simply granting them the power they want through your fear.

and you are simply granting a death for him. Not exactly a smart move. Let's see if you can do that if you were in his place. Try walking down the street to home from school or wherever. Yea good luck with these skinheads and their steel-tipped boots waiting for you at the corner.

Moving out would be better choice for him but unfortunately he's broke. He'll find the way. we always do. certainly not by your advice.
I can move to new york on a transfer job wont be rich but ill make enough to get an apartment I doubt theyll come after me halfway across the country
and you are simply granting a death for him. Not exactly a smart move. Let's see if you can do that if you were in his place. Try walking down the street to home from school or wherever. Yea good luck with these skinheads and their steel-tipped boots waiting for you at the corner.

Moving out would be better choice for him but unfortunately he's broke. He'll find the way. we always do. certainly not by your advice.

Please, jiro, if you wish to live your life in fear and grant underserved power to hate groups, then by all means, do so. But don't recommend that others live in the same cowardly and dependent fashion.
and jiros right they will find me and will attempt to beat the shit out of me however ill lookinto the ex skins stuff
I can move to new york on a transfer job wont be rich but ill make enough to get an apartment I doubt theyll come after me halfway across the country

hey dude that sounds good. better make sure you don't give them any bit of information for your next location. if you have to - just say you're moving to Hollywood to try out for American History X part 2 :laugh2:
I can move to new york on a transfer job wont be rich but ill make enough to get an apartment I doubt theyll come after me halfway across the country

I doubt they would come 10 miles for you, if you show them that they have no power over you.
and jiros right they will find me and will attempt to beat the shit out of me however ill lookinto the ex skins stuff

You can't spend your life running from a bunch of hate filled cowards. You are allowing them to dictate your life. That is exactly what they want.
hahaha but yeah what im saying its easy to be brave on here where no one can touch you, but out there imagine having 7 grown guys most of them built to the bone and served time a couple times in the past staring down on you, its kinda scary, im built too dont get me wrong but still its 7 on 1, but yeah new york with no contact info.....or amer history x 2 hehe
hey dude that sounds good. better make sure you don't give them any bit of information for your next location. if you have to - just say you're moving to Hollywood to try out for American History X part 2 :laugh2:

Yeah,that's a great solution. Give them exactly what they want, and reinforce their mistaken idea that they have control.:roll: You'd be an easy mark.
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