Should Looters Be Shot On Sight?

*Looter defines: 1 a: A person who steals everything they can get their hands on, regardless of the fact that the stolen item may be totally useless or broken

Loot: anything*taken*by*dishonesty,*force,*stealth,etc.:

Robber: any one who commits robbery

Robbery: the*act,*the*practice,*or*an*instance*ofrobbing.

Robbing: to*take*something*from*(someone)*by unlawful*force*or*threat*of*violence;*steal from.[/QUOTE i can read looter not say steal from someone but Robbing said take something from someone. they are same stealing but looting and robbing are same differences.
you looter could commit that murderer not looter..... you say looter could commit kidnapping assault and battery, arson, rape and other crime while in acting looting. that's kidnapper, assaulter, battery, arson, rapist and other crime while in the act of looting but still it not looter.
The person's original intent was to loot a business with a few thug friends. During the looting, an opportunity happened where the looter could rape or snatch a woman he finds in the building. Or, he could beat up or shoot the store owner who tries to stop the looting. Or, in the process of looting, the perp causes a fire that burns down the building (remember the CVS building?). That person can be charged with all the crimes in addition to looting.
But you do not know what they are what they want or what they will do until they do it....
Should one just wait to be raped, beat, or murdered before saying oooh shoot I should have popped a cap in his butt before he did this?
what ??? wait to be raped??? what ? how about give them a warning before you regardless to STanding on Ground defense smh
I wouldnt want killing someone over a tv, garden gnome, playstation, i pad, on my conscience.....

I can understand that...but how do you decide if you disable them or not? You have skills as an instructor that others do not. So say you do not have those skills... Someone breaks in.... Family and friends in different rooms sleeping... What do you decide?
I can understand that...but how do you decide if you disable them or not? You have skills as an instructor that others do not. So say you do not have those skills... Someone breaks in.... Family and friends in different rooms sleeping... What do you decide?
Thats not what this is about. Thwts a home invasion,
Looting in natural disasters. Is very different.
kill on sight to protecT property being taken by someone,is a far different.beast then killing on sight to protect a human biengs whos life is in danger...
what if beat them, assaulter , what if rape, rapist, and what if they threaten with guns, that armed-robbery. not looter
Actually, one can commit assault, rape, robbery, etc., and be charged with those crimes but is not an assaulter, rapist or robber until convicted of the crime.

A person can be charged with looting, assault, rape, robbery, etc. There's no limit to the charges. A person can also be convicted of more than one charge, such as looting and rape, for one event.
Thats not what this is about. Thwts a home invasion,
Looting in natural disasters. Is very different.
kill on sight to protecT property being taken by someone,is a far different.beast then killing on sight to protect a human biengs whos life is in danger...

But looting can travel in to is not only businesses. They are the more likely target I grant you. And some business owners live in their shops with their families.
Sure It can.
But if ones going to support killing on site, we better really define those terms.
If looting can mean anything from stealing a garden gnome, to home invasion rape and murder and everything in between the word becomes so broad, kiling on site is a ticket to allot of dead people who may not even fit what ever the pick of the day catch phrase for looting is...
Did the op mean by looting home invasion rape?
What looting is the op discussing?
what ??? wait to be raped??? what ? how about give them a warning before you regardless to STanding on Ground defense smh

I find the barrow of a gun and the sight of my dogs teeth (personal protection trained) all the fair warning a person needs or gets. It is a two fold step...a warning and perpetrations of defending myself. The next warning they get is I will release my dog.... No third warning they do not run from dog I will happily pull that trigger then call 911 if I did not have time to before hand...
See I provide fair warning. :)
But looting can travel in to is not only businesses. They are the more likely target I grant you. And some business owners live in their shops with their families.
smh sound like you wanna making up your own define so you still baffle.

steal thing from house that burglary
steal thing from person by FORCE that robbing
steal thing from person without FORCE that thief
steal thing from store that shoplifting
steal someone that kidnapping
steal and damage property that looting
travel on some property without permission that trespassing

stop pretending or boasting yourself like you know more than someone. get yourself straight out. smh
Sure It can.
But if ones going to support killing on site, we better really define those terms.
If looting can mean anything from stealing a garden gnome, to home invasion rape and murder and everything in between the word becomes so broad, kiling on site is a ticket to allot of dead people who may not even fit what ever the pick of the day catch phrase for looting is...
Did the op mean by looting home invasion rape?
What looting is the op discussing?

As for the looting took place because the national guard were present... However looking at looting during national disasters as a whole these things do happen. I do not agree that the government should have that right. They do not know enough, what if the guy running from the house with a television is actually a homeowner who want to save his last item from his grandfather who past.
But a homeowner or business person would know and should have and use any means available to them.
Sure It can.
But if ones going to support killing on site, we better really define those terms.
If looting can mean anything from stealing a garden gnome, to home invasion rape and murder and everything in between the word becomes so broad, kiling on site is a ticket to allot of dead people who may not even fit what ever the pick of the day catch phrase for looting is...
Did the op mean by looting home invasion rape?
What looting is the op discussing?

Is that a joke?
As for the looting took place because the national guard were present... However looking at looting during national disasters as a whole these things do happen. I do not agree that the government should have that right. They do not know enough, what if the guy running from the house with a television is actually a homeowner who want to save his last item from his grandfather who past.
But a homeowner or business person would know and should have and use any means available to them.

thr gov shouldnt be guven that wide range, if a peeson decided to kill another or his graden gnome being looted or his t.v. thsts on thst person.
And not some 19 year old kid in the nationwl guurd instructed to kill on sight those he feels may be looting..
thr gov shouldnt be guven that wide range, if a peeson decided to kill another or his graden gnome being looted or his t.v. thsts on thst person.
And not some 19 year old kid in the nationwl guurd instructed to kill on sight those he feels may be looting..

Ok we agree on that...I am curious though. You mentioned you would not want someone's death on your conscious for stealing petty things. If you take government "assistance" out how to you determine if you protect yourself through deadly force or not? How do you determine if they guy(s) who have came into your home or business during natural disaster just want to cause raucous or to actually harm you and those around you...granted be silly at your place of business but you get the gist of the question...
I wouldnt want killing someone over a tv, garden gnome, playstation, i pad, on my conscience.....'re a male. And most looters and robbers are male....we women are no match for a robber or a looter. And we most likely would get raped in the process of the crime. Simply becuz we are no match for a male, even if we do know or learned how to protect ourselves, the only thing we could do was cause "some" bodily harm, and hope to get away....but in most cases, the looter/robber overcomes a female....unless we have a gun...better yet, a double-barrel shotgun.

Plus the fact is. if you actually see the looter/robber, then kiss ur behind goodbye...they don't want to leave any witness...and believe me, a looter or robber wants more than a tv or a garden gnome!....$$, electronics are their main targets, and if a female is there?...:hmm:...rape is another target.
Ok we agree on that...I am curious though. You mentioned you would not want someone's death on your conscious for stealing petty things. If you take government "assistance" out how to you determine if you protect yourself through deadly force or not? How do you determine if they guy(s) who have came into your home or business during natural disaster just want to cause raucous or to actually harm you and those around you...granted be silly at your place of business but you get the gist of the question...

I wont kill a man for steaking my gnome, sorry...
But ill just accept that,and get another gnome.
I wont kill a man if when returned f home i see hmi, running up the street with my favourite lamp in his hands.back to me fleeing...
But ill accept that and get another lamp.
So on for any property.
I will kill if my life is at stake, and the lives of those i love.
Xbox or my toothbrush i wont kill for
Home invasion and looting in natural disasters are different in my mind. If im not home and looting occurs. sucks but i dont want the state to paint my walls red with some chumps blood to save my china, nice holes along my wall streaks of even that china got blown away...well at least the looters were stopped!!!!
Let it go
Really is how i see it.
If im home and one decided to enter that is an entireky different thread.
I dont support killing anyone on site. Period. I need more then a mere look to kill a man..
I need to be certain its him or me and those i love...
If im home and somekne enters i asume he is a threat to me and mine,and i will act..if i see some dude running that way with maybe my ipad, in not sure could be someone elses...i, not gonna kill him.
Thats how i see it...
I wont kill a man for steaking my gnome, sorry...
But ill just accept thst,and get another gnome.
I wont kill a man if when retueninf home i see hi, running up the street with my favourite lamp in his hands.
But ill accept that and get another lamp.
So on for any property.
I will kill if my life is at stake, and the lives of those i love.
Xbox or my toothbrush i wint kiLl for.
Home invasion and looting in natural disasters are different in my mind. If im not home and looting occurs. Cuks but i dont want the state to paint my walls red with some chunos blood to save my china,
Let it go
Really is how i see it.
If im home and one decided to enter that is an entireky different thread.
I dont support killing anyone on site. Period. I need more then a mere look to kill a man..
I need to be certain its him or me and those i love...
If im home and somekne enters i asume he is a threat to meand mine,and i will act..if i see somw dude running that way with maube my ipad, in not sure coukd be somekne elses...i, not gonna kill him.
Thats how i see it...

Agreed...'re a male. And most looters and robbers are male....we women are no match for a robber or a looter. And we most likely would get raped in the process of the crime. Simply becuz we are no match for a male, even if we do know or learned how to protect ourselves, the only thing we could do was cause "some" bodily harm, and hope to get away....but in most cases, the looter/robber overcomes a female....unless we have a gun...better yet, a double-barrel shotgun.

Plus the fact is. if you actually see the looter/robber, then kiss ur behind goodbye...they don't want to leave any witness...and believe me, a looter or robber wants more than a tv or a garden gnome!....$$, electronics are their main targets, and if a female is there?...:hmm:...rape is another target.

How is having the gov kill on sight even help you in the above situation?
Will the kid from the nat guard be in your home beside you?
If not
Then what?
How does having solders kill on sight help you in the above