Random Vents.....

If she's using IE8, I believe it. Mozilla, not so bad.

I had that problem with Chrome, and Travis sent me a link to a newer version . Getting rid of the old and installing the newer version fixed everything.
I tried using Chrome, but I never could get used to it the way I got used to Mozilla Firefox. I will NEVER go back to IE.
Uninstall and reinstall your browser with a newer version?

If she's using IE8, I believe it. Mozilla, not so bad.

I had that problem with Chrome, and Travis sent me a link to a newer version . Getting rid of the old and installing the newer version fixed everything.

I tried using Chrome, but I never could get used to it the way I got used to Mozilla Firefox. I will NEVER go back to IE.

May have to do what Botti suggested about Chrome. I detest IE in all ways. Daughter and mother use it, but I don't like it. I tried FireFox and did not like that. Just as I was about to reboot, I noticed there were updates for Windows to be installed and so that's what it's doing now. Then I will see about the Chrome issue.
FF just runs faster and so much smoother than IE does IMO. Chrome is about the same as FF in terms of speed. I wish there was a FF mobile browser for iPhone, but no.
Well - I just ran the download for the updated Chrome, and it got rid of the problem. Also, my Windows update are finally installing. They are almost half done.
Watch out for the vents. Toom's gonna getcha.

This reminds me of PFH's avatar for some reason.
Well - I just ran the download for the updated Chrome, and it got rid of the problem. Also, my Windows update are finally installing. They are almost half done.

Wait until the reboot. That's where it takes FOREVER. Especially on Vista. :barf:
Well - the problem came back again. Got the reboot done and whamo!! It's back. Almost as bad a Carole Anne in that movie. "They're Baaaack!!
Well - the problem came back again. Got the reboot done and whamo!! It's back. Almost as bad a Carole Anne in that movie. "They're Baaaack!!


You know, some of those windows updates are pointless and just clog up your system with useless stuff. Try restoring it to when it WASN'T giving you these pop-ups. That might be the solution.
Turns out, it is related to a plug-in from Skype. I had to disable it and now, It's working fine. We will see how long it lasts.

Luckily, with my Windows updates, I don't have it automatically installing. I have it let me check them out first. I keep getting one for my brand of monitor, but it actually for a Notebook PC and I have a Desktop PC.
Speaking of Skype, I installed it some two or three months ago, and I still haven't been able to try it out. Shame. If I don't use it by the end of the year, I am un-installing it on all of my devices as it is pointless to have something I don't use.
I all of a sudden feel depressed and feel like bawling my eyes out. Maybe it's a sign I need to go to bed.
Gawt dang it, my right foot hurts a lil after I ran. Must be those new expensive running shoes my bro got me.Grrrrr....
I won't wear anything for running besides New Balance. Anything else is just for fashion.
Wirelessly posted

Mintee said:
OMG I'm sooo full... one more bite and I will explode into a million pieces. LOL

LOL I know how you feel
Dixie, I hope you don't have Vista on your system! When I worked as a "Rent-a-Network-Admin" for the county gov't we always replaced Vista. It's that horrible. Even us tech get rid of it immediately! I use XP on older hardware, and Windows 7 on the all newer stuff that can handle it.

As for web browsers, I use FF most often. But where I can't, like on my phone, I use Opera Mini - Works a lot better than the old "Internet Exploder". :D
I live in California and think its cold. Can only imagine how others feel in the mid west and east coast. I have a friend that moved from California to Wisconsin. She tells me how she must dig her car out to get to work. OMG, I couldn't do it. I like being able to drive about 45 minutes to the snow and know I can return to my driveway without a shovel. Good luck my snow bound friends!!!!
Grummer, control freaks make me crazy. I spent Thanksgiving day with control freaky relatives. I gotta laugh. They freaked out because my kid and I spilled a little sugar on the dining table. Then, kid dropped a buttered roll on the dining room carpet. I suggested that they let the dog in. lol Seriously, who carpets their dining room?