Prove me wrong, Cast/Crew

no, it isn't porn.

no it isn't scary or freaky.
Every story that can be told, has already been told. It's just the details that are different.

I guess if you won't give us a plot summary, I'll have to guess.

hmm .

is it..

radioactive/toxic trash turnes garbage men into zombies? (the lesson we learn is to never grow up to be a garbage man, and be a truck driver like your mamma wanted you to be) ?

a sappy love story where a "poor little rich girl" falls in love with a garbage man? (we learn that even garbage men can love)

How about the pretty girl in the story first rejects our hero because he's a lowly garbage man, but then one day he finds the winning lotto ticket in the trash and he's an instant millionaire. then when the pretty girl comes to him wanting him now, but he turns her away and runs off with the bag lady that truly understood him.

I'm still guessing it's a porn flick. The garbage man character is important, we can teach people about proper disposal of used prophylactics, (don't flush them!) Educational and erotic! ;)

:giggle: Either she said it is, or it isn't. I don't think she had made one up. She pry copied it from somewhere. And besides no one will steal her work, if she get it copyrighted.
You deaf people are just hypocrit...

You don't want hearing people to think you can't do anything... because you are deaf... and they think deaf people are dumb...

So why you deaf people treat me the same?

I can write a script and I can make a film....
There is something wrong with my face, not my mind.
You deaf people are just hypocrit...

You don't want hearing people to think you can't do anything... because you are deaf... and they think deaf people are dumb...

So why you deaf people treat me the same?

I can write a script and I can make a film....
There is something wrong with my face, not my mind.

Me, hypocrit? :giggle:

I don't let hearing people think we can't do anything. Deaf people can do just about anything they want, even get famous...Don't ever let yourself think what other hearing people think. Being Native won't solve your problem.

You can write a script and make film...well go for it. What's stopping you?

I won't let anything or anyone stop me from writing my novels. I am good at it so I stick with it. You can do the same...prove the world you can do it.

You can't get fame just like usually takes me.

And what about your face? My brother is scarred for life, he doesn't look like he used to be, to me he is still beautiful. He never hides, he still go out there to enjoy life. over 10,000 for a graph surgery. Well, so he cannot afford it. He went on with his life and deal with it. What is the deal about what you look, or how you hear....none is so important, really.
You can write a script and make film...well go for it. What's stopping you?

MONEY, I need MONEY to make movies... I gotta feed my crew and actors, I gotta lodge them, I gotta pay for transportation. Even $50,000 or $30,000 isn't enough... Not even $100,000. That is why you gotta have distributors to be willing to help you out financially. And if your movie is lousy and boring, they ain't paying for that crap. Good for you that you're a writer

And what about your face? Nothing.... I just want to look better... what is wrong with that. Many people even Michael Jackson want to look better,
don't we all? I don't want these dark circles around my eyes, and old surgerical scars and unwanted hair on my face and all... I wanna look great.
I don't want to date a cute man and show my yellow teeth filled with plague.
I can't kiss the cute man with my bad breathe...
And nappy hair tuck under my hat....

I gotta look great.
You can write a script and make film...well go for it. What's stopping you?

MONEY, I need MONEY to make movies... I gotta feed my crew and actors, I gotta lodge them, I gotta pay for transportation. Even $50,000 or $30,000 isn't enough... Not even $100,000. That is why you gotta have distributors to be willing to help you out financially. And if your movie is lousy and boring, they ain't paying for that crap. Good for you that you're a writer

And what about your face? Nothing.... I just want to look better... what is wrong with that. Many people even Michael Jackson want to look better,
don't we all? I don't want these dark circles around my eyes, and old surgerical scars and unwanted hair on my face and all... I wanna look great.
I don't want to date a cute man and show my yellow teeth filled with plague.
I can't kiss the cute man with my bad breathe...
And nappy hair tuck under my hat....

I gotta look great.

well, make a script, and another, then another to make money. They will pay you for your scripts. Then...when you have tons of money, make your own film, even your own scripts. What is wrong with that. I knew a few does scripts and get paid for it without making their own films.

And why would want to look like Michael Jackson? Ewww...cant you see, his face is so fake and not pretty. He covers himself with too much make up pry to cover his scars.

I don't see why famous wants facelift, boobs lift, wrinkle-free, and all these craps...all is don't wanna go through that. I can tell they are fake, can't you see...Just be yourself.
And what about your face? Nothing.... I just want to look better... what is wrong with that. Many people even Michael Jackson want to look better,
don't we all? I don't want these dark circles try hemriod cream that will solve the problem even for swollen eyes too.around my eyes, and old surgerical scars try coco butter cream, and cover with cover up till it fade away.and unwanted hair on my face plunk the unwanted hair, or use Nair. and all... I wanna look great.
I don't want to date a cute man and show my yellow teeth filled with plague.Go to the dentist and work with him to make your teeth beautiful or get denture as well.
I can't kiss the cute man with my bad breathe...look above/dentist
And nappy hair tuck under my hat....go to salon/hairdresser to make the change.

I gotta look great.

That wont cost much really.
I don't want to sell scripts. I wrote many film scripts... especially the script
I scanned and showed on this thread. Don't accuse me of violate
copyright, you aren't the only one with talent. I got talent even Ray Charles
got talent.

I didn't say I want to look like Michael Jackson, I said I want to look better.

You don't understand... cause you don't have a face like mine...
People treat me awful because the way I look... and don't be telling me
I don't know what I am talking about, cause you haven't been in my shoes.
Restless has a good point there Ms. P. Heres a quote I think you should take to heart.
" Be who you are ... because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
-Dr. Seuss

There are too many mean people out there... especially people like
DeafScuba's friend and Mosdeass told me to go away because of the
way I look...

So stop with this remark. I want to look good so I can be more
acceptable in society.
That wont cost much really.

I am allergic to most medicine, especially nair... I did put Nair on my face, but I get blisters cause my face is too sensitive...

Stop telling me what to do.

It is my life and it is my decision. I don't need you or anybody else
to CONTROL my life. Please back off.

Go look at your own life. You need to deal with your life.
I am sorry that i am not interested. Because I am shy. I dont want all world people know me because I rather be humble and private.

All you do is whine and put yourself down.. STOP IT! You can't control your looks, but you can control your attitude. ENOUGH! GROW UP! Your looks don't make you who you are.. your attitude and who you are on the inside are more important than your damn face! I'm tired of people acting like their looks are more important than their brains. Geez! Stop it!

IF you want to make a film, MAKE ONE! Don't complain about people not wanting to work with you. Geez. I can see why they don't want to work with you. You have a LOUSY attitude and they picked up on it. Are you planning to act in this film? if not, then who cares about your looks. it's your work that matters not your looks. I mean, Look at Albert Einstein, Woody Allen, or Steve Irwinn... they're not the most handsome guys but they succeeded. Or Betty Ditto(she's a singer), Rita Pearlman, or Helena Bowman Carter.. They're not raving beautiful women, but they succeded..

You do not have to be beautiful to succeed... Just Get out there and DO IT, instead of coming to a forum complaining about your damn face. For all I know, you could have a beautiful face, but hate it because you think it's ugly.
SO GROW UP and DO it, instead of whining. Geez.. you remind me of a 3 year old half the damn time.

And I won't help you with your film.. for one simple reason.. YOu're acting like a 3 year old.
:gpost: and :ty:


All you do is whine and put yourself down.. STOP IT! You can't control your looks, but you can control your attitude. ENOUGH! GROW UP! Your looks don't make you who you are.. your attitude and who you are on the inside are more important than your damn face! I'm tired of people acting like their looks are more important than their brains. Geez! Stop it!

IF you want to make a film, MAKE ONE! Don't complain about people not wanting to work with you. Geez. I can see why they don't want to work with you. You have a LOUSY attitude and they picked up on it. Are you planning to act in this film? if not, then who cares about your looks. it's your work that matters not your looks. I mean, Look at Albert Einstein, Woody Allen, or Steve Irwinn... they're not the most handsome guys but they succeeded. Or Betty Ditto(she's a singer), Rita Pearlman, or Helena Bowman Carter.. They're not raving beautiful women, but they succeded..

You do not have to be beautiful to succeed... Just Get out there and DO IT, instead of coming to a forum complaining about your damn face. For all I know, you could have a beautiful face, but hate it because you think it's ugly.
SO GROW UP and DO it, instead of whining. Geez.. you remind me of a 3 year old half the damn time.

And I won't help you with your film.. for one simple reason.. YOu're acting like a 3 year old.
I mean like Respond to me if you would like to make a film...

I've got 3 hearing people who said they will help me make a film so far
but no deaf people... see that is why Deaf people don't succeed.
You're asking the wrong audience.

That's like going to deaf people in a hospital for the physically disabled and challenging them to prove you wrong that deaf people can't participate in the Olympics.
You're asking the wrong audience.

That's like going to deaf people in a hospital for the physically disabled and challenging them to prove you wrong that deaf people can't participate in the Olympics.

Seem like Deaf people have this... "I can't" attitude.

And I am just sweet enough to encourage deaf people to be optimistic.

But you guys are being mean cause you feel you can't
Not all of us have that attutide. some of us just don't like people who act like 3 year olds hanging onto mommy's leg
Seem like Deaf people have this... "I can't" attitude.

And I am just sweet enough to encourage deaf people to be optimistic.

But you guys are being mean cause you feel you can't

No way you can direct the film.... you did not finish the film school.. you went bome back to your mama's apron... you are still a baby...