Not common Big Earthquake Hit Haiti

As horrible as this is, death toll numbers are are usually not accurate especially right after disasters. I am guessing we won't know the real figures for months.

It will probably be more than what they are saying.....
Hubby suggested to me that America should send the unused "Katrina" mobile homes to Haiti for temporary housing. They can ship them over in the hangar bay of a Navy carrier or use a commercial container vessel.

FEMA Mobile homes been recalled, and considered inhabitable...
Northeast USA always have very minor earthquake. Last time quaked in New Jersey (not far from New York City) on Dec 26, 2009. It was 2 Magnitude


January 06, 2010 and 2 Magnitude
Too far from New York City

Let you search for your state:
US Earthquake Information by State
Click on your state then please scroll down to see "Recent Earthquakes"

Remembered hearing about it... but was not sure how true it was... :ty:
We got word that Frank Garlock, an American minister of music, is safe in Haiti. He's 79 years old, and was in Haiti as part of a missions team.

We've known him for many years. Some of his extended family are members of our church, and other family members live in other parts of our state. Many of the hymns that he wrote are in our church hymnbook.

It seemed like a long wait to find out he was OK this morning.

The brother of another church member was in Haiti during the earthquake but he was able to notify his family that he was OK sooner.

Our locally based non-profit organization, Water Missions International, will be providing water purification equipment and services. They do that for every natural disaster, and for poor areas of the world. That is the group I prefer to send support to for emergencies because I know how the money is used.

I continue to pray for those people who still need to be rescued and supported in Haiti. Also, I pray safety for the rescue and support teams who volunteer their services there. It's a massive undertaking, and a lot of stress for many people.

He is the one that slept in an empty swimming pool?? If he is his story has traveled to Tampa bay area.
Manhattan: 1,634,795 (2008 population)

New York City: 8,363,710 Population (July 1, 2008)

New York metro: 18,815,988 (2007 est.) Current - little over 19 millions

If, Manhattan will have minor earthquake 4 magnitude. Just crack the wall, break glass, subway lost control.... Small number of death people.

Recently, I asked my wife about her family resident in Bogota, Colombia. Sometime, they had up to 7 magnitude in Colombia. Her parent's Historic house was building in 1920's. Many time, her house cracked then fixed the wall. My wife never forget that she was teenager. It was very strong one - 8 magnitude. She said that most cheap buildings always collapsed.
She made me curious about her teenager - it was strong quake. I found information Historic Earthquakes
Oh I see..... only one killed and small numbers injuried from 8 magnitude

I am not worry about NYC. If, they have earthquake like less than 5 magnitude. Just stay away from older building's bricks and windows & glass.

NYC's buildings (structure) are not like Haiti. Probably, Haiti has lack of building code or safe.

NY Times: Designing Buildings to Resist Earthquakes

If, serious happen in NYC then probaby less than 20,000 dead. I doubt 15 million dead people

curious - have you ever lived in NYC for some time?
we had something like that in 2007 and people help us a lot, now we're making the same for them! I wish I could go to help!! :(

My brother was there.. happened in Dec of 2007? I think.. but I remember him calling me telling me about it
curious - have you ever lived in NYC for some time?

I know you are from North NJ.

World Trade Center Towers - they always had little shake by stronger wind. No reason to have worry about collapse. (not count on terrorist attack).

Sometime, we visited in NYC. We took Bolt Bus or Megabus to NYC from our near hometown. Just shy 100 miles from my hometown. My son was college students at Rutgers. He oftens visit there. This monday, my son will come down to NYC from Vermont. My brother-in-law works in NYC, Miami, Bogota and LA, Calif. Last year, he quit one company (NYC) which had Madoff!!!!

I was in Bogota, Colombia for a month, suburb of Venice, Italy for 6 month and 3 months. Also, I lived in Seattle for 5 years. I was there that's time Mt St Helen erupted on May 18, 1980. It was big erupted made me woke up in morning.

On May 18th (Sunday), I did not know why I woke up too earlier than I expect 10 or 11am. It was little quake in Seattle from Mt St Helen's erupted. Not feel any thing. Went to visit my former girlfriend's place. I saw many dirty grey on cars/trucks at I-5 highway. Not know why some cars/trucks got dirty from off road or what. I did not know until 3pm. My friend's mom called (TTY) me, "how is weather in Seattle?" I said blue sky. They told me please look at TV. I saw TV's special report then I shocked!!!

My in-law's friend was architect & design earthquake proof. I met him at Rome, Italy. He showed me some of blue prints, pictures and explain me about tech about Earthquake-Resistant Design (high-rise buildings). He does not speak well in English. Just very little knownedge in english. He did design taller building in Bogota, Rome and Naples. He lives two different condo at Rome and Naples. Where we stay with in-law's friend's place.
I know you are from North NJ.

World Trade Center Towers - they always had little shake by stronger wind. No reason to have worry about collapse. (not count on terrorist attack).

Sometime, we visited in NYC. We took Bolt Bus or Megabus to NYC from our near hometown. Just shy 100 miles from my hometown. My son was college students at Rutgers. He oftens visit there. This monday, my son will come down to NYC from Vermont. My brother-in-law works in NYC, Miami, Bogota and LA, Calif. Last year, he quit one company (NYC) which had Madoff!!!!

I was in Bogota, Colombia for a month, suburb of Venice, Italy for 6 month and 3 months. Also, I lived in Seattle for 5 years. I was there that's time Mt St Helen erupted on May 18, 1980. It was big erupted made me woke up in morning.

On May 18th (Sunday), I did not know why I woke up too earlier than I expect 10 or 11am. It was little quake in Seattle from Mt St Helen's erupted. Not feel any thing. Went to visit my former girlfriend's place. I saw many dirty grey on cars/trucks at I-5 highway. Not know why some cars/trucks got dirty from off road or what. I did not know until 3pm. My friend's mom called (TTY) me, "how is weather in Seattle?" I said blue sky. They told me please look at TV. I saw TV's special report then I shocked!!!

My in-law's friend was architect & design earthquake proof. I met him at Rome, Italy. He showed me some of blue prints, pictures and explain me about tech about Earthquake-Resistant Design (high-rise buildings). He does not speak well in English. Just very little knownedge in english. He did design taller building in Bogota, Rome and Naples. He lives two different condo at Rome and Naples. Where we stay with in-law's friend's place.

cool........ a long ass post with almost no substance.
He is the one that slept in an empty swimming pool?? If he is his story has traveled to Tampa bay area.
I don't know about the pool. I hope to get an update at church tomorrow (Sunday).

This is the update from the family:

Now In: Dr. Garlock Update

We are praising the Lord that Dr. Garlock, Sarah Bennett of Mission for Haiti, and Pastor Cherubin of Hosanna Baptist Church in Jacmel, Haiti have been found unharmed. Cheryl Reid of Majesty Music did an internet search late Wednesday evening hoping to find someone in Jacmel who would help us locate Dr. Garlock. The Lord led her to a website for Joy in Hope Children’s Home. Cheryl sent a brief e-mail asking for help. The email went to the US office, where it was forwarded to Leann Pye, house-mother of the home in Jacmel. Cheryl received a reply from Leann early on Thursday, stating that she knew where the church was, and that she would go search and let us know if she found anything. That gave us hope; we knew that someone was looking for him.

At about 3:00 Thursday afternoon, Cheryl received the news. Leann had found them!
I found Pastor Cherubin, Sarah, and Frank. They are all doing well. It was a total God thing that I found them. I was looking for another pastor for someone else and they parked right behind me. I guess I parked in front of the team housing, no where near the church. Frank asked for some help. He left his car in the Ramada Inn and doesn’t know when he’ll be back. He also said, Tell them I am hung up in Haiti due to the earthquake. We are fine!!! Please call my wife and daughters. Sarah Bennett says Hello and to please call Cheri Jimenez, her daughter. And tell her she will not make it to babysit.

Attatched are pictures. Glad I could help.

It is obvious by Sarah’s and Dad’s concerns that they have no idea of the magnitude of their situation and that their faces are plastered all over the world with people praying for their safety. We know that God orchestrated the entire miraculous event of them being found, from directing Cheryl to the right website, to the miracle of Leann’s internet actually working, to the exact moment that she, Dr. Garlock, and Sarah ended up at the same location. As far as Leann can tell, she is the only one in that area who has internet service. Humanly speaking, no one in Jacmel should have internet since the earthquake. Leann is praising God as well. What a great God we serve! Leann even sent photos with her email, so there would be no doubt that she had located them! We will post them at the end of this update.

This whole event has been an emotional roller-coaster ride for the Garlock, Hamilton, Greene and Majesty Music families. My dad, Dr. Garlock, has many funny sayings he repeats often. Our friend Carole Blythe said as she prayed continuously for dad the last few days, she kept remembering him saying, “Everyone’s got to be somewhere.”:) Mom and Dad left Greenville for Florida to help my sister, Gina move last Monday, Jan. 4. Dad drove back up to Atlanta to take off for Haiti; Mom stayed in Florida to help Gina. Dad was afraid with her serious health problems that she should not go to Haiti with him. The last thing Mom told me before Dad left for Haiti was, “I don’t want him to go without me. If anything happens to him, I want it to happen to me too.” If you know what a hoot my mom is, you can just picture her “tongue-in-cheek”response yesterday when she found out that my dad was safe—“That man has an awful lot of explaining to do.”:)

We know that your prayers have made a difference, and we are so grateful to you for your faithful prayers for our loved ones. Please keep praying! Food and water are scarce and we are told that Port Au Prince and Jacmel are in chaos. We also ask that you pray for all the details to come together soon for their safe return. Tom Bennett, Jan Flinte, and I are working feverishly on a flight from Jacmel to Port Au Prince. Julie Wilson from Bob Inglis’ office and with the US State Department is working with me to arrange the flight from Port Au Prince to the US. The airport is crowded, commercial flights have stopped going in, and military flights are having a hard time landing as well. There are many people who are trying to leave Haiti, and the arrangements are very involved. We just learned that chaos is getting worse and we need to get them out immediately. We are very busy trying to get a helicopter into Jacmel right away. Everything is falling through. The situation is desperate to get anyone out.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your concern and prayers for Dr. Garlock and Sarah Bennett.
Shelly Hamilton for Majesty Music
Dr. Garlock Update
curious - have you ever lived in NYC for some time?

One more question. Have you ever been in Cayman Island?

Few times, I have been in Cayman Island. I seem that many building is similar to Haiti. It is not like NYC or my in-law's house in Colombia or my wife's condo in Venice, Italy.

In NYC, Almost all old/new skyscapes do have Iron I-Beams. That's why I doubt that won't kill 15 million people by earthquake unless giant tsunami (300 feet high wave).
One more question. Have you ever been in Cayman Island?

Few times, I have been in Cayman Island. I seem that many building is similar to Haiti. It is not like NYC or my in-law's house in Colombia or my wife's condo in Venice, Italy.

In NYC, Almost all old/new skyscapes do have Iron I-Beams. That's why I doubt that won't kill 15 million people by earthquake unless giant tsunami (300 feet high wave).

If a plane can bring down a tower, i think weakened steel structures on the bottom will do the trick as well.
In NYC, Almost all old/new skyscapes do have Iron I-Beams. That's why I doubt that won't kill 15 million people by earthquake unless giant tsunami (300 feet high wave).

I never said an earthquake in New York would kill 15 million people. I said a nuke.

Think... Cloverfield or Hiroshima in term of the aftermath.
I guess a trailer is worse than sleeping under a tarp.

if I recall correctly - the trailers were making people sick due to formaldehyde inside.