Not common Big Earthquake Hit Haiti

We got word that Frank Garlock, an American minister of music, is safe in Haiti. He's 79 years old, and was in Haiti as part of a missions team.

We've known him for many years. Some of his extended family are members of our church, and other family members live in other parts of our state. Many of the hymns that he wrote are in our church hymnbook.

It seemed like a long wait to find out he was OK this morning.

The brother of another church member was in Haiti during the earthquake but he was able to notify his family that he was OK sooner.

Our locally based non-profit organization, Water Missions International, will be providing water purification equipment and services. They do that for every natural disaster, and for poor areas of the world. That is the group I prefer to send support to for emergencies because I know how the money is used.

I continue to pray for those people who still need to be rescued and supported in Haiti. Also, I pray safety for the rescue and support teams who volunteer their services there. It's a massive undertaking, and a lot of stress for many people.
we had something like that in 2007 and people help us a lot, now we're making the same for them! I wish I could go to help!! :(
Now the scammer is set the fake donation to help Haiti. Thing went like crazy at online.
Do not forget Ratio and population density - persons/square mile or people per building.

I doubt that +15 million people dead in the USA.
Please look Rank #30 vs #178 List of countries and dependencies by population density - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Puerto Rico People: There are about 1,000 people per square mile, a ratio higher than within any of the 50 states

Haiti do not have many Quake-Proof Buildings.

Compare to 1989 Earthquake in SF Calif. Less than 65 people dead.

What size of building and populars in Australia?

WTC had approx 50,000 workers and visitors before 8:40am. 2700 people are not success to get out from building. (+18 people death out of 500 people)

If, planes crashed WTC at 10:30am or 2pm. More like more than 4000 dead.

Bali's nightclub bomb by Bin Laden - 200 people dead. That's building is about same as Las Vegas's Hotel.
2002 Bali bombings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He's just doing a population ratio... comparing how many people would have to die in the States to reach the same scale in Haiti.
He's just doing a population ratio... comparing how many people would have to die in the States to reach the same scale in Haiti.

I checked at wikipedia (Port-au-Prince vs San Francisco Bay Area)

1989 Loma Prieta earthquake - 6.9 magnitude
San Francisco Bay Area - 8,757 sq. miles
population in San Francisco Bay Area. They had over 6 millions in 1990

City: SF
San Francisco city - 46.7 sq mi
San Francisco's population - approx 700,000 plus special event at World Series
63 Killed.

Country: Haiti
2010 Haiti Earthquake - 7 magnitude
Haiti has over 10 million people
Haiti's land - 10,714 Sq miles.

Port-au-Prince's Population (2007) - metro 1,728,100 people and City 1,082,800 people
City's area 14.7 sq mi

Great than 50,000 killed.
Techies unite to brainstorm help for Haiti

*it's a pix of woman wearing headphone, looking at monitor with Haiti map. Caption - A worker at a crisis reaction center in Berlin, Germany, on Thursday views a map of Haiti

(CNN) -- Call it Techies for Haiti.

On Saturday, groups of programmers, Web developers and other assorted technophiles will meet in Washington and other cities to brainstorm ways computer technology can help in the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake.

CrisisCamp Haiti will bring together professionals from tech companies, universities and government agencies for a free-form session of firing out ideas, then turning those ideas into action.

The result, they hope, will be tools that will help rescue workers find victims and help family members find loved ones, along with other kinds of computer-based assistance.

"It's a way to provide technological tools and expertise to help those who are on the ground in Haiti with their humanitarian relief efforts," said Gabriela Schneider, whose group, the Sunlight Foundation, will be hosting the Washington meeting. "It's kind of like the way Doctors Without Borders might go and help, or people from afar might get together to send goods."

The eight-hour event is being coordinated by Crisis Commons, a group which, according to its wiki page, "is meant to capture knowledge, information, best practices, and tools that support crisis preparedness, prevention, response, and rebuilding."

A similar get-together was scheduled Saturday for Silicon Valley, California, and organizers were trying to plan others in New York, Los Angeles, California, London, England, and Denver, Colorado.

As of Friday afternoon, nearly 100 volunteers had publicly registered to attend the Washington event. Their employers ranged from Internet startups to universities to government agencies, including the State Department and U.S. Geological Survey.

"It's a growing community that should not be underestimated," Schneider said. "They're tech-savvy and they know how to use networks well."

For Jonathan Nelson, a programmer and product manager who lives in Atlanta, Georgia, but telecommutes for a company in Washington, CrisisCamp Haiti is a chance to take some small action in a situation that otherwise felt overwhelming.

"You watch the news and it's like post-9/11 trauma again," he said. "Haiti is so far away -- you've got obligations here, but you want to contribute. I just thought, 'I've got to get up there.' "

Among the possible projects that participants plan to tackle:

• Building an open-source base layer map of Haiti that can be used by nongovernmental groups and others working in the country

• Creating an online locator system for families seeking lost loved ones

• Setting up an online communications tool similar to Twitter that would allow relief workers and others to talk with each other in real time

Other ideas could emerge. The group uses what's called the BarCamp model, which allows conversations and projects to develop organically and without hard and fast agendas.

"This is getting out of the red tape -- getting out of the corporate inefficiency -- and just having one common purpose and being very agile," Nelson said. "It'll all be a continual process."
My ex boyfriend is from Haiti..he told me that he lost a few family members. I feel sooo bad for them. I plan on buying supplies and donating them. I think they want just the basics...
Haiti population... from CIA's website: 9,035,536
Projected death toll: 500,000
Percentage of population subjected to the projected death toll: 5.5% (rounded down) of the population

United States population from CIA's website: 307,212,123

5.5% of US population is: 15,360,606.2

So yeah... PFH is right. The effect of the earthquake on Haiti would be the same as if someone nuked New York City.
My ex boyfriend is from Haiti..he told me that he lost a few family members. I feel sooo bad for them. I plan on buying supplies and donating them. I think they want just the basics...

yes - they are in dire needs of basic supplies - basic first aids kits, water bottles, food, and blankets. Much less than half of Haiti population has access to clean water and there is very very very limited area that still has electricity. Director of Salvation Army's disaster service was there during the earthquake. His car got tossed around like a pinball. He is ok but in his blog - he's pleading for help.

btw - I'm very sorry to hear about your ex-bf's family.....
Haiti population... from CIA's website: 9,035,536
Projected death toll: 500,000
Percentage of population subjected to the projected death toll: 5.5% (rounded down) of the population

United States population from CIA's website: 307,212,123

5.5% of US population is: 15,360,606.2

So yeah... PFH is right. The effect of the earthquake on Haiti would be the same as if someone nuked New York City.

if earthquake as small as 4.0 hits NYC... may god have mercy on us. NYC is tightly condensed together with all these buildings and skyscrapers. We have tons of aging bridges, tunnels, and subways. Majority of them are NOT rated for earthquake. For past few years - we've already had several old buildings collapsing suddenly. Tons of buildings in NYC are very old... 2.0 earthquake will certainly wreck them.

so NYC has over 8 million people..... and probably 15+ million during busy daytime. I wouldn't be surprised if there were 5 million causalities in NYC earthquake.
if earthquake as small as 4.0 hits NYC... may god have mercy on us. NYC is tightly condensed together with all these buildings and skyscrapers. We have tons of aging bridges, tunnels, and subways. Majority of them are NOT rated for earthquake. For past few years - we've already had several old buildings collapsing suddenly. Tons of buildings in NYC are very old... 2.0 earthquake will certainly wreck them.

so NYC has over 8 million people..... and probably 15+ million during busy daytime. I wouldn't be surprised if there were 5 million causalities in NYC earthquake.

Thanks for the correction. When I looked up the population of the metro area, it said 19 million.
Thanks for the correction. When I looked up the population of the metro area, it said 19 million.

yes that's population of entire NY state + NYC
Found history old world map.
Very interest to see old map but I have no idea what year they designed like this map.

I noticed black line at Haiti.


Link: pre-earthquakes-history-data
Thanks for the correction. When I looked up the population of the metro area, it said 19 million.

Manhattan: 1,634,795 (2008 population)

New York City: 8,363,710 Population (July 1, 2008)

New York metro: 18,815,988 (2007 est.) Current - little over 19 millions

If, Manhattan will have minor earthquake 4 magnitude. Just crack the wall, break glass, subway lost control.... Small number of death people.

Recently, I asked my wife about her family resident in Bogota, Colombia. Sometime, they had up to 7 magnitude in Colombia. Her parent's Historic house was building in 1920's. Many time, her house cracked then fixed the wall. My wife never forget that she was teenager. It was very strong one - 8 magnitude. She said that most cheap buildings always collapsed.
She made me curious about her teenager - it was strong quake. I found information Historic Earthquakes
Oh I see..... only one killed and small numbers injuried from 8 magnitude

I am not worry about NYC. If, they have earthquake like less than 5 magnitude. Just stay away from older building's bricks and windows & glass.

NYC's buildings (structure) are not like Haiti. Probably, Haiti has lack of building code or safe.

NY Times: Designing Buildings to Resist Earthquakes

If, serious happen in NYC then probaby less than 20,000 dead. I doubt 15 million dead people