Just curious.. anyone with night blindness?

I can't drive at nights anymore ,it just got harder in the past few years . I have 20/20 eye vision , it was 20/15 when I was younger . I hate not being able to drive at night.

It is frusterating at times. Having to rely on someone else to take you to places at night. What makes it harder for me is I live in a rural area. So it is not like I can take a city bus or a taxi.
Ask Santa Claus for...


Night Vision goggle

Try driving around with Night Vision goggle in a big city and I bet you'll get pulled over!
Wirelessly posted

I have bad night blindness, I first noticed I cant see well in night at age 14. I'm wondering if I have usher's too my light sensitivity been getting worse too and I cant tell if my peripheral vision is getting smaller, I've been experiencing weird issues like little floaters and flashing in my peripheral vision, sudden bright light in my eyes I get "white out" where everything turned into white fog and intense pain in front of my head and have migraine for rest of the day. I have appt with regular old eye clinic for new glasses how do I get referral to opthalmologist for RP/US diagnosis/check
Wirelessly posted

I have bad night blindness, I first noticed I cant see well in night at age 14. I'm wondering if I have usher's too my light sensitivity been getting worse too and I cant tell if my peripheral vision is getting smaller, I've been experiencing weird issues like little floaters and flashing in my peripheral vision, sudden bright light in my eyes I get "white out" where everything turned into white fog and intense pain in front of my head and have migraine for rest of the day. I have appt with regular old eye clinic for new glasses how do I get referral to opthalmologist for RP/US diagnosis/check

You can ask your Optometrists to refer you to an Opthalmologist when you go for your eye exam. They also can look in your eyes and refer you for further evaluation.

Just be sure when you see the Optometrist you express your concerns so they can look into it.
My husband has always had problems with night blindness. He always did his best and luckily had no problems. I am now beginning to experience night blindness and it is scary for me.
I am night blind but didn't have problems before with night blindess. My husband has to hold my hand when we go down the steps at night if we're heading out for the evening or he'll have to shine a light on the steps so I can see them if he forgets to turn on the porch lights. I also cannot drive at night, especially if it's raining because I cannot see what lane I'm in due to the dark and the reflective surface of the roads. I did see a doctor about this and was not told I had ushers syndrome. I do however have 20/300 in my left eye and 20/40 in my right eye. I will be going back to ask about ushers...
had no idea.

forgot to add that I didn't start having problems with night blindness until I was around 23, 24 years old. Before then it was very good. I could drive without my headlights on if I wanted to. Now? They must be on bright if I'm able to put them on. Also, it is very scary not being able to see in the dark with being Deaf. I feel like an easy target. I cannot hear what's behind me or who is behind me ( serial killer for all I know!) and I cannot see who it is either. So either way I'm screwed. LOL
Wirelessly posted

update: no usher's syndrome, the night blindness and mild vision issues were from my medicine, eye strain from not wearing glasses, and ocular migraine
Found out my night vision issues were due to weak glasses.