"Judge not, that ye be not judge"

Magatsu said:
If Jesus did that, I bet you a million dollar that they'd crucify Jesus within milliseconds.

That's already been done, Magatsu. :)
Tousi said:
Or I could have said, "Does Howdy Doody have wooden balls?"


:shock: I never thought of Howdy Doody having those.

Anyway, I believe the best way is to stay away from topics like politics or religion....those two are the biggest debate topics.....that way people won't think you are judging others. :)

Just my two cents. :)
It doesn't really matter how you view it or how I view it; the important thing is how God views it.

Proverbs 12:15
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.
Agreed.....but, Christians don't universally agree whether or not God views it as a sin. That's why there is so much debate and dissent over this issue right now. Even among many conservative churches! Every church has their own *right view* of what God wants or how God views things.
The thing is.....since there's debate and discussion going on about it, it's CLEAR that it's not a black and white issue. There are deeds which are *obviously* sins....and that don't get bandied around and debated.
It's like......every sect of Judeo-Christianity sees killing as a sin, or adultery as a sin or stealing as a sin or sex with animals as a sin or sex with kids as a sin......but not every Christian church believes that homosexuality is a sin.....
It's the way some Independant Baptist Churches believe that women wearing pants is a sin or the way that Catholics used to believe that eating meat on Fridays was a sin.
US Racism,.. No whining, Just the facts.

Somebody told you, I don't hate anyone, Again, fix the ignorance before you can judge. I never said "I don't hate anyone". because I don't want my heart being lie to you, as you known I actually hate somebody.. I knew every aders have hating others. Gay people are very prejuduce against straight people at their will and the straight peoples are very prejuduce against gay peoples, they are not big difference! but I've patience of what you preach or bring it! I'm waiting for you to prove otherwise that means put up or or shut up! I have no problem saying exactly what i mean.

::Scratches head::

I'm not attacking your opinion because it may be true in some instances but I will give you another point of view.

Sadly, they never acknowledge any accomplishments or merits of the people who are targets of their hatred even when that target does something that the bigot says their incapable of doing. Even though many blacks have contributed major inventions and breakthrough's in science, some hate groups believe that blacks are not capable of that kind of intelligence.

But they still find an answer and twist the facts to suit their theories. The most common statement by these groups are that deafies that have stood out in the academic fields must've had a ancestor.

Bigots can always find someone else to blame for anything. These same people don't don't worry if they are logically supported, they just know what's "right". The idea of a conspiracy is easy to grasp when the truth is hard to swallow. More importantly, since the bigot has found theories easier than fact, they will twist - and sometimes fabricate - facts to suit their theories.

Secondly, causation in racial issues usually dwells in the superior. Arabs hate Jews, blacks hate whites, whites hate blacks, Serbs hate Bosnians, Nazi's hate Jews, citizens hate immigrants, and everybody is allowed to hate the gays and fat people. Regardless of the combination, there is an underlying basis of feeling superior and therefore more deserving of rights and logic becomes a casualty to corroborate their stand. America is more divided than ever.

Superiority starts early in an adolescent's environment. It is a fallacy that children are taught to hate. Most children that lack guidance are selfish and anyone with a child will agree. Children need to be taught how to respect others and the differences that we all possess.

::Scratches head::

why not you learn spanish lanugage, usa might be take you into mexican and latino countries.. oh wait a minute look how could they torlaet with you because of your gay? better think twice!! I still stick within english for the rest!
Depend on kind of judgement what we make or not. Remember that nobody are prefect.

Yes, I judge the parents who drive their children to death.
Yes, I judge the people who rapes and murder innocent children/adults.
Yes, I judge stupid laws/rules.
Yes, I judge sexually abuser/domestic abuser/horror parents who neglect their children to death.
And any more lists...................

No, I don´t judge German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder who had been married 4 times. Who cares? It´s not just him but everyone´s private life, too because it´s their business.

No, I don´t judge President Clinton who had sex affair with Monica. Who cares?
No, I don´t judge President´s private background. Who cares?
No, I don´t judge President or anyone´s past. Who cares?
No, I don´t judge to find out about anyone´s past. Who cares? because I know everyone can change and improve their past mistakes.
No, I don´t judge gays lifestyles. Who cares?
And any more lists........

I notice the people judge US and British President´s background to make sure that their background are clean before they can elect them. *sigh*
Why? *sigh*
Honestly, I really don´t care about their backgrounds because it´s not my business.
So, how can we live with each other's differences when we have the urge to judge one another for these differences?
Liza said:
So, how can we live with each other's differences when we have the urge to judge one another for these differences?


Is it because something has happened in our lives and we judge others, subconsciously, as a form of redemption for our past trangsressions or grave errors of our ways towards mankind?
deafdyke said:
It's the way some Independant Baptist Churches believe that women wearing pants is a sin ...
I am a member of an Independent Baptist Church, and we have never been told that women wearing pants is a sin. I know many other members of other Independent Baptist churches, and they don't claim that women wearing pants is a sin. We do believe that women should dress appropriately for the occasion, humbly and modestly, in good taste, and set apart from worldly ways. Our Christian school has a dress code but that doesn't mean non-code clothing is a "sin". For example, women and girls can't wear slacks to school, but slacks are appropriate for doing yard or garden work, or playing sports.

I grew up attending PUBLIC school, and PUBLIC school used to have dress codes that didn't allow girls to wear pants at school. It had nothing to do with "sin". It had to do with professional appearance (for the staff), and orderliness and modesty for the students.
Reba said:
I am a member of an Independent Baptist Church, and we have never been told that women wearing pants is a sin. I know many other members of other Independent Baptist churches, and they don't claim that women wearing pants is a sin. We do believe that women should dress appropriately for the occasion, humbly and modestly, in good taste, and set apart from worldly ways. Our Christian school has a dress code but that doesn't mean non-code clothing is a "sin". For example, women and girls can't wear slacks to school, but slacks are appropriate for doing yard or garden work, or playing sports.

I grew up attending PUBLIC school, and PUBLIC school used to have dress codes that didn't allow girls to wear pants at school. It had nothing to do with "sin". It had to do with professional appearance (for the staff), and orderliness and modesty for the students.

:gpost: I agree. :)
Oceanbreeze said:
Wake up, Magatsu! That's already been done, dear!
Nancy said:
That's already been done, Magatsu. :)
No, I was talking about Religious Right who would crucify Jesus within milliseconds if Jesus claim that there is no sin against homosexuality or homosexuality is natural as kuifje75 stated in his post.

My apology for not clear about what I tried to say in my previous post.
Reba said:
I am a member of an Independent Baptist Church, and we have never been told that women wearing pants is a sin. I know many other members of other Independent Baptist churches, and they don't claim that women wearing pants is a sin. We do believe that women should dress appropriately for the occasion, humbly and modestly, in good taste, and set apart from worldly ways. Our Christian school has a dress code but that doesn't mean non-code clothing is a "sin". For example, women and girls can't wear slacks to school, but slacks are appropriate for doing yard or garden work, or playing sports.

I grew up attending PUBLIC school, and PUBLIC school used to have dress codes that didn't allow girls to wear pants at school. It had nothing to do with "sin". It had to do with professional appearance (for the staff), and orderliness and modesty for the students.

My mother was raised baptist and they told her if she cut her hair real short, she goes to hell. No wonder she left Baptist Church, too many bad memories for her.
Reba said:
I am a member of an Independent Baptist Church, and we have never been told that women wearing pants is a sin. I know many other members of other Independent Baptist churches, and they don't claim that women wearing pants is a sin. We do believe that women should dress appropriately for the occasion, humbly and modestly, in good taste, and set apart from worldly ways. Our Christian school has a dress code but that doesn't mean non-code clothing is a "sin". For example, women and girls can't wear slacks to school, but slacks are appropriate for doing yard or garden work, or playing sports.

I grew up attending PUBLIC school, and PUBLIC school used to have dress codes that didn't allow girls to wear pants at school. It had nothing to do with "sin". It had to do with professional appearance (for the staff), and orderliness and modesty for the students.

Same here. I'm a member of Independent Baptist Church, too. The Bible has teaching me about many thing and I learn everyday. I agree most of this. :)
Reba....i was simply putting through an example...Well maybe the pants example wasn't that great....a better example would be that Baptists think that dancing is a sin or not honorable to God.....but you see where I am going with that.....No church has a monopoly on what God wants. If homosexuality was an obvious blatent sin, then I would just shut up about it, and not even try to get you to see someone else's view on this.....But it IS a controversy right now b/c it's not clear whether or not God sees it as a sin. It might be sort of like the way some extreme churches believe that interracial marriage is a sin or is against God.....I have TONS of friends who are all pretty devout....they go to church regularly and they go to Bible Study....God my friend Lis is so into Jesus, that she has tons of Bibles in her dorm room at school. Most of my friends are from deonominations that don't outrightly say homosexuality is OK.....but, my friends who I'm out to, say that they think homosexuality is OK....as long as it's in the context of a healthy loving relationship.
Eve said:
Actually, Miss P. it is. "Judge not, lest ye be judged". We are not the judges, God is. It is, however, our duty to spread the gospel and those who decide not to follow after hearing God's word, that is on them. You have spoken, it is well known your position on the matter, and now it is to the point where we need to back off and let God sort the rest. All sins are equal in the eyes of the Lord, therefore it doesn't matter whether it is someone else's choice to continue with a homosexual life style or your choice to judge him/her for it. They are both sins.

:gpost: Amen Eve!

We cannot read hearts and minds of others, so it doesn't give us a right to judge others. Only God knows what's in our hearts and mind, so leave the judging of others to God. We all committed sin against God's words in the bible. It's the truth, We have lied, Some had done adultery, Some steal, Some murdered, and etc.

But, Why does it give us sinners rights to judge even through some already preached the word from the bible what's right and what's wrong. I don't think it is necessary to continue rubbing it in. It's time to let go and leave it up to God. It's just plain wrong to force, pushed and kept on judging numeric of times. ;)
*cough* errr... Excuse me,
Can I say sumth'n?
Can I squeeze you everyones , Everyone are debating...

Be try remmy, There's no body perfect on EARTH as living like you have.. which there's sins.. Still counts.. Everyones are still on judge or not judge them..

Jesus is only the ones who can judge you of your life time.

Let it be....

Accept it.
No agruements further...

:D ~ Peace.
jazzy said:
My mother was raised baptist and they told her if she cut her hair real short, she goes to hell. No wonder she left Baptist Church, too many bad memories for her.
That is bizarre. I have very short hair and I only get compliments at church about how cute it looks. :confused:
jazzy said:
God created homosexuals.
Contradict with Genesis 1 -- nonsense! God did created a man and a woman -- NOT a man with a man -- NOT a woman with a woman.
kuifje75 said:
WHAT IFFFFFFF.... Jesus is here and told the world that homosexuality is natural?
If so, He would contradict Himself with the Word of God.

What the Bible said is the God-SPEAKING!!!! The God-speaking is what Jesus spoke! Jesus NEVER contradicts Himself with it.
Reba said:
Thank you for the verse.

"...Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast the mote out of thy brother's eye."
As the verse shows, Jesus did not say that we are not to judge at all. He said that we must judge ourselves first, repent our sins, and THEN we can judge other brothers' (fellow Christians) sins. He is showing the sequence. Judge self first, clean up self, then judge others.

In other words, make sure that your own Christian life and heart is pure before criticizing another Christian's behavior.