Is anyone who had this experienced seeing Jesus?

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darkflare83 said:
then hilter from germany war should be an woman too if you disagree where s y our proof supporting that hilter was an man? ya know from germany ww2 man with freaky mustach anyway the point is jesus exist in history and there s an written document it s the same as you all never met hilter before yet yo u know it he exist if you dobt believe in jesus then ww2 never happens wanna know the truth just get to isreal you ll see the cross and the tomb in person that s proof an historical proof think about it there s an written docuement about jesus that thje fact he exist is just teh same as hilter or henry ford for that matter there s no physcial proof that he actually exist s same as jesus if you think jesus dont exist then henry ford doesnt exist because both of them have an writen history

For your information, my MIL saw Hilter real life when she was 12 years old. Of course Adolf Hilter is a man. My hubby´s Uncle also saw him, too. I has no idea why make you say this "where´s your proof supporting that hilter was an man?" Huh? Everyone in the different countries saw him in real life and also orginal picture of him, too.

It´s impossible to compare Jesus with Hilter because everyone knows Hilter is a man.

Where´s proof of Jesus either he is really exist or not. No orginal photo of him etc. but I beleive in my heart that he is man.
WOW!! Thank you SO MUCH, Heath!!!!!!! I'll be back...I've been SO BUSY all day today!!!! I'll be back.:)

Hi Heath:wave:

Oh my!!!!!! Oh that's the BEST NEWS!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCHHHHHHH for helping me!!!! God found you that you can help me!!!! Thank you so much - I really mean it!!!!! After I read your post, it REALLY lifted me up SO MUCH because I've waited and waited for almost 7 years - this February - it'll be 7 years that I had a dream that I saw Jesus in my dream and said that God made me deaf. The problem was that my 5 siblings did NOT believe my dream and they did not hear this verse of Exodus 4:11. I tried to tell them the truth but they did not buy my dream at all. I struggled for a very long time. I asked MANY people "Who made me deaf??????" It bothered me so much because of my dream with Jesus. Jesus's message in my dream was VERY POWERFUL. So, that's why I did NOT give up to find the truth. Somehow, it was YOU, Heath, who told me about Exodus 4:11. This is the answer what I was looking for!!!!!!!!!!! I thanked to God many times today and I really thank you SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!! I am SOOOOO HAPPY!!!! WOW!!

Guess what???? My kids read this verse and they are sooooo happy!!!!!! My 12 year old daughter already showed my bible book to her Sunday school teacher and the teacher was VERY SHOCKED and he did not know about this even though he knows a lot about the bible but not on this one. He was very very excited and he demands to show this verse to the minister that we just got a new minister and I have not met him yet. I was looking for him but I missed him. But I will meet him at Christmas time. That my kids are involved in the Christmas Pageant on Christmas Eve at 4:30pm.

Heath, thank you so, very, very much for telling me about this verse!!!!!!:)

Warm Regards,
Hi Cheri:wave:

My siblings tried their best to include me and my husband but it is still very hard. It's not easy.

Hi Heath,:)

Exodus 4:11

"The LORD said to him, "Who makes a man able to talk? Who makes him unable to hear or speak? Who makes him able to see? Who makes him blind? It is I, the LORD."

It means that God made people to be blind and deaf.

Ok, God did not say anything about mental retarded, crippled and handicapped. Does it mean that God did NOT make people to be mental retarded, crippled and handicapped? I have no idea about this. If you know the answer, please tell me.


Heath and others,:)

Now, I know about Exodus 4:11. I already told my 5 hearing siblings in the email yesterday that I realized that God did not make me deaf. But this morning, I read Heath's post about this verse and I was SOOOOO HAPPPPY. I still have not told my siblings about this verse, Exodus 4:11 yet. Should I tell them about this verse or not? Actually, I told my siblings about my dream and God made me deaf and I think they were jealous of me because of my dream experience. I tried to explain to make them understand because I'm deaf and I struggled to understand. Then they became kind of mistreat me - not so terrible but like not nice, mean like that. My daughter thinks that I should not tell my siblings about this verse - just wait - maybe after Christmas or much later????


Hi Momoftwo,

You are welcome. Yes, I can answer your question concerning the Biblical verses about the blind also, God excepts people to treat everybody with respect and diginity and God will hold people accountable for their cruel acts towards people with Down Syndrome etc but please remember God forgives when the heart is truly repentant ( that person is truly sorry and turn away from sinning old ways ) and please read what happened. Pay attention to verses 1 through 3 ....then the rest......:)

As for telling your siblings... Please pray about this and ask the Lord for wisdom to bring up this issue at the right time. Let the Lord lead you and if necessary go into fasting with prayer for the answer of how and when to tell your family siblings ( brothers and sisters ) about the Biblical verses and lead them to want to treat you better and to know Jesus Christ in a more personal way :) God Bless and Merry Christmas, I pray for more blessings to come your way in Jesus Christ's Name Amen.... God Bless You Momoftwo, From Heath:)
Hi Heath!:)

Oh, thank you so much for answering to my questions!!!!!!:)

First, that's what I heard God's message that He said, "wait....much'll patient." I have no idea when my siblings will find out about this verse "Exodus 4:11". I don't know which way that my siblings will find out... from me or what??. So, I have to be patient.:) Interesting, my 3 siblings were more kind to me after they got my email yesterday that I told them about God not making me deaf. yeah you are right that God needs my siblings to treat me kindly and He wants me to humble and say nothing to my siblings about Exodus 4:11 for a while....maybe for a short time like after Christmas or a year or 5 years. I don't know. God knows the answer and I have to be patient!:)

Thank you so much for telling me about John 9. It says about the blind man. Ok...Exodus talked about blind and deaf. John talked about blind...same thing for deaf because Exodus said deaf and blind. Ok but I don't see anything about crippled, mental retarded??? It sounds like God did not create people to be crippled, mental retarded??? Am I right? I am learning...:)

Thank you so much for helping me with this!!!!!

God Bless You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

Warm Regards,

Oh opps sorry I forgot to add....:)

Merry Christmas to you, too!!!!:) I pray for you for many more blessings in Jesus's name Amen!!!!:)


Hi Momoftwo,

You are welcome and Christmas time should be a time of peace, happiness and joy celebrating the birth and arrival of the Lord Jesus Christ from Heaven where God lives. I pray that you will have the best Christmas ever :) :thumb:

Yes God sent Jesus Christ to heal the lame ( the crippled and I am sure Jesus Christ healed the mentally retarded too ).

It is not their fault that they are crippled or mentally retarded and I always try to pray for them from time to time when I see a crippled person or a mentally retarded person. I told God to heal those who need the healing most first and I would love to be healed too and see you healed too and many Deaf people to be healed too but there are many people much worse off that need healed. I want to show you something else that shows clearly that healing is done for free and not for money like what Benny Hinn on TBN does with asking for money. ( FYI Benny Hinn is a fake healer and is out for money. )

Jesus Christ never asked for money now you are about to see what Paul in the KJV Holy Bible did in obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ on authority from Heaven where God lives......Notice how Paul says he does not do it for money.... 3;&version=9;

I pray this answers your question in Jesus Christ's Name Amen. Your Deaf Brother in Christ, Heath
Hi Heath:)

Thank you very much for telling me about the verse related to disabled (crippled). It seems clear to me that God did not create people to be crippled and mentally retarded. Something caused the babies to be crippled or mentally retarded like something the mother took like drugs or too much drinkings, or something. Is that right? If yes, I feel so bad for the people who are crippled and mentally retarded. Yes, that's right they need more prayers to heal them. I feel so bad for them!:(

Hope you will have the best Christmas ever too!!!!!:)

It's getting late for me so I must go to bed now. zzzzzzz with a great sleep zzzzzzzz :)

I have to say, from my own experience anyway, that God does have a purpose for those who are crippled or mentally retarded. I know I can't back this up with Scripture because of my lack of knowledge, but I can back it up with the effects I saw in my own life.

When I was in high school, our teacher could not afford to have someone at home to care for her daughter Linda who was mentally retarded and had about the intellect of your average kindergartener. So, she brought her daughter to class each day. This when she was already struggling with teaching 4 different levels of Spanish in the same room at the same time due to the school district's lack of adequate funding. Anyway, I can tell you that Linda was quite an example of morals and selflessness. Unfortunately, not many people bothered to learn from her, but I have rarely ever met anybody so in tune with an immediate impulse to do good things for others as if by instinct. Even if she couldn't have read the Bible to you or held any kind of theological discussion, she had the most clearcut, practical understanding of how people deserved to be treated that I'd ever seen.

Not long after I moved away from that place, my faith went through a real low. But at that time, one of the few religious items I still kept around was a cross she made and gave me as a gift, out of yarn and plastic mesh. And I always remembered her example as (in my STRONG opinion) a true child of God, following her given purpose in life.
am i the one here?

am i the only one to have a life saving experience, not from a dream or a trauma induced vision?
Hi vfr, some people do have an experience and some people do not also there are long time Christians who go through life and never have the experiences that another people have. God has a good reason for each and every person and His purpose will be made clear through Jesus Christ. You can ask God to show you who what God is really like and who and what Jesus Christ is like also if you do not have a Holy Bible .... You can read one here online for free as the Lord provides....

May God Bless You and Please have a Merry Christmas !!!!! Heath

the question of this page is " have you seen jesus?" maybe a better title would be "have you a religious encounter?"

as for the bible.. i have many,and the torah,and the koran and the books of budda and zoraster.
i have gone to the holy land, and to japans great temples,i have turned the chimes in china to send prayers to heaven and gone on a vision quest in arizona.
and my question was i the only person here who has had an imediate in "RIGHT NOW !!" life saving encounter that could only be from god,budda ,allha, shiva or what ever you chose to call the big guy? not a dream or near death experence.. but a vision or a voice, a sixth sence thing???
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Hi vfr,

I remembered in a long time ago, I heard someone who said that he heard someone who saw Jesus in his dream and I thought he was :crazy: . Years later, I saw Jesus in my dream. I was SHOCKED. I felt bad for what I said about other person that I thought he was crazy. Not everybody have the same experiences. Just like what Heath just explained. I had a very good reason so that's why Jesus came to my dream and told me. Ahhh, I'm at peace.:)


i am a very religious person....just not a to a certain one..but ALL. i do not think god would pick a small group and only talk to them..even though i am jewish ..i think god spoke to the asians as budda,and to the americas as the thunderbird.....ect,ect.

my own brush with, god, an angel, whatever..came in a voice! to deaf guy!

i was riding my motorcycle in arizon and i got a little lost.i love getting lost! i get to ride around and see more.
<<<<<<<the pic at the left is same bike i was riding.

in any case.. i stopped for gas and soda,streched my legs and checked the map.i choose a little used route and just cruised...soaking up the desert and the sky. it started to dark real fast.. so i sped up. i was going about 100 mph .(top speed is 172 with a turbo)
the desert has no road lights... no bill boards no nothing.. and was BLACK out! the high beem just showed the yellow line on left and that was it.....then it started to rain real hard. a serious freaking thunderstorm. no big deal.. i ride year round even in the i followed my instinct and slowed down to about 50mph and just kept the yellow line on my left as it rained even harder.. i could feel the rain drops hit me like a penny..right through my leathers.
that is when i "heard " this little voice in my head..." speed up.".. i told my self the rain was fucking with me... nobody drives fast when you cant see 40 feet ...and not rain like this.
that little voice got louder.. " speed up!".....ok! i am dehydrated! i am hearing things..pretty soon i will be seeing pink cows with green dogs...atleast that is what i told my self....
then it hit me so hard it blurred my vision and felt like it buzzed my brain..kinda like standing next to a rock concert amplifier it just vibrated my whole body.
so i thought fuck it! time to go fast! i gave it some gas ..hit 100 then shifted to 5th gear as the turbo kicked in.. the front wheel came up about 6 inchs from the road. and i just kept on the gas, 5 seconds later i was about to shift to 6th when i felt this HUGE bang! the front wheel dropped the rear wheel was in the air and i was holding on to a 400 pound 140 mph bucking bull.
once the i got the bike stopped, i took out my flash light to see what happened.. the bottom of my bike was smashed,,plastic chunks were missing, the rear rim was dented but holding air. so walked back to see what the fuck i hit so i could pull it out of the way.....what i saw was big freaking gap in the road! 4 feet wide 12inches deep..big enough to drop by bike into and become street pizza !
that is when i realized that by going so fast and getting my front wheel up i skimmed the hole... i called out thanks..but got no i called out " so now that heard you you dont wanna talk!?"", how about stoppoing the rain?"
it still poured..for two more days.. and i never did get a chat going with whom ever spoke to me.
Hi Heath:wave:

You said that it is not their fault (people who are mentally retarded and crippled). Do you mean that God did not make people to be cripped or mentally retarded?

God said "Who makes people to be deaf?" and "Who makes people to be blind?" "It is I, your LORD". Ok, we understood what God was saying but God did not mention about mentally retarded and crippled.

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