Is anyone who had this experienced seeing Jesus?

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Cheri said:
What I've heard that people who were in near death experience had shared their stories about how they supposedly saw Jesus, the light and heaven, also out of body experiences which contracted by deceased loved ones, That I believe it can happen but regular dreams? I don't know because, why would a few would be chosen to experience a dream about Jesus when there are millions to billions of people nationwide? This is the first time I've actually heard a few experienced a dream of Jesus without being near death experience. :dunno:

Yeah, I heard about this, too. The people who have an experience and said that the dying people can see the angels... Interesting...

My hubby´s Grandma was lied dying, that´s time... She suffered ulcer cancer. The doctor examined her eyes and told my MIL that she will die anytime today or tomorrow. My MIL sat with her until she wake up and look something to make her smile & said "Yes I will come to you", then again "Yes I will come to you"... then sleep peaceful. My MIL is sure that she spoke to her dead husband or Angel behind her back. We are doubt either it´s really dream or sleepwalker with dream? (She wake and spoke to somebody, not direct to my MIL... :eek:
Momoftwo--you're welcome. :)

Liebling--That doesn't surprise me at all...I would imagine that when the connection between body and spirit starts to break down, the spirit would become more sensitive to all sorts of thing that the body will not perceive (filters out, in a way).
I guess these testimonials prove that the "Experts" don't know everything! :)
Jesus is whoever we see him as. Since we've never actually saw him, it could be anyone... even a woman! ;)
VamPyroX said:
Jesus is whoever we see him as. Since we've never actually saw him, it could be anyone... even a woman! ;)
The Bible clearly states that Jesus is male. It just doesn't describe what He looks like.
then hilter from germany war should be an woman too if you disagree where s y our proof supporting that hilter was an man? ya know from germany ww2 man with freaky mustach anyway the point is jesus exist in history and there s an written document it s the same as you all never met hilter before yet yo u know it he exist if you dobt believe in jesus then ww2 never happens wanna know the truth just get to isreal you ll see the cross and the tomb in person that s proof an historical proof think about it there s an written docuement about jesus that thje fact he exist is just teh same as hilter or henry ford for that matter there s no physcial proof that he actually exist s same as jesus if you think jesus dont exist then henry ford doesnt exist because both of them have an writen history
It was in Song of Solomon where he described of what Jesus looked like. :)
I found this page on images of Jesus. Here is a story on the reconstruction based on a first century skull from the region. It's meant to be closer to what someone from there back then could've looked like than middle age and Renaissance art was, rather than an actual reconstruction of Jesus.
One time on the History channel, I saw a show that showed early images of Jesus as a bloude and said that it was hard to tell the difference between early Jesus images and Apollo images.
I'm really sorry if this disappoints you.

I kept reading the quote in the bible "Leviticus 19:14" over and over and over. I kept thinking what Jesus said to me in my dream over and over and over. I was trying to make it to a point. I think I finally understood.
God did NOT make me deaf. Something made me deaf - something happened to me that caused me deaf. Leviticus 19:14....God said about deaf and blind means that when someone happens to people to be deaf or blind, God does NOT want people to make fun of deaf people and blind people. Jesus was in my dream because He wanted me to get started to learn about God and the truth of God (bible) and He said in my dream that He has plans for my life - like when I happened to be deaf and God is very sad, so He made the plans for my life. I think that's what God meant. Yes, it's very difficult his meanings. It was very hard for me to understand His meanings of what He told me in my dream. Yes, Jesus was in my dream for real. He simply wanted me to see the proof that God is real and He wanted me to start to read the bible. That's all. God did NOT make me deaf. Something who or what caused me deaf. (devil who did it to me or something else) I was born deaf by unknown cause.

At first, after I understood, yes I was very upset and I cried but now I'm okay. Sure, it hurts me. You may call me "low self-esteem" and that's ok and it is NOT very easy. I have to overcome after I understood what this verse meant and my dream meant. Before I thought I understood but I was wrong. That's why it is so difficult to understand God's meanings. Yes, I accepted my deafness for many years but when I realized and I understood, it hurts me but I overcome.

If the devil who caused me deaf, the devil - GET OUT OF MY LIFE!!!! :pissed:

:ugh2: Satan did not made you deaf, You're deaf for a reason just like the rest of us who are deaf. Being deaf is not all that bad, I don't understand why some people are so upset about being deaf? Just accept who you are, and live with it. If it was meant to be, let it be. :)
Cheri said:
:ugh2: Satan did not made you deaf, You're deaf for a reason just like the rest of us who are deaf. Being deaf is not all that bad, I don't understand why some people are so upset about being deaf? Just accept who you are, and live with it. If it was meant to be, let it be. :)

Hi , I had an experience at a low point in my life. I was about ready to take my own life and right before I was about ready to do that then I saw New Jerusalem ( Holy Heaven ) open up in the spiritual mind and really visualized, I saw Heaven Holy and Pure just as described in Revealations in the KJV Holy Bible and I thought I better live and I am happy I made the right decision to live and not take my own life commiting suicide. It showed me the KJV Holy Bible is real....God is real The Lord Jesus Christ is real and The Holy Spirit is real and Salvation in Jesus Christ is real. Please give your hearts and life over to Jesus Christ then God will take care of the rest ... God Bless....

I'm so sorry that you had a difficult experience with yourself.

For me, I'm really FINE with my deafness. (no problem!!):)

It's just that it is very hard to understand what Levicitus 19:14 really means -God's own meaning. I wish everyone has the same understanding of what this verse means. Some people think that God made people to be deaf, blind, etc on purpose and some other people think that God did not make them to be deaf, blind, etc. So, it's just that I would like to know the answer. Oh well! Actually, I'm very happy for who I am. It is just frustrating to get the 100% truth. That's all. It doesn't matter to me anyway because I am very happy with myself. :)

Momoftwo said:

I'm so sorry that you had a difficult experience with yourself.

For me, I'm really FINE with my deafness. (no problem!!):)

It's just that it is very hard to understand what Levicitus 19:14 really means -God's own meaning. I wish everyone has the same understanding of what this verse means. Some people think that God made people to be deaf, blind, etc on purpose and some other people think that God did not make them to be deaf, blind, etc. So, it's just that I would like to know the answer. Oh well! Actually, I'm very happy for who I am. It is just frustrating to get the 100% truth. That's all. It doesn't matter to me anyway because I am very happy with myself. :)


:wave: Hi Momoftwo,

Do not worry. Do not let your hair turn into grey from worryin'. Just have faith in God and He will take care of you. He choses you than sparrows He watches over everyday. He is always there for you, no matter if you are deaf, or blind, or cripple or sittin' in wheelchair ( unable to walk )...
I don't complaint about bein' deaf. I became deaf when I was 3 months old. My eardrums were damaged by altitude ( air pressure by an airplane - high altitude ) My eardrums were underdeveloped at that time. I prefer bein' deaf than losin' one limb or losin' one eye.

You are lucky to have 2 legs to be able to walk. You are lucky to have 2 eyes to be able to see. Why worry about not able to HEAR ? You can write/ type with your hands God gave you to use. Do not worry. Some day, you will be able to hear when you are in Heaven - that's if you are faithful to God. Just be patience with Him. :)

I would love to be able to hear while I live on this earth -- but, naw. I would prefer to wait until I am in Heaven to be able to HEAR their beautiful songs for the FIRST TIME in history. I want the Heaven to be the FIRST to sing their songs. I am sure you will live. :hug:
Hi CyberRed:wave:

Oh thank you so much for your wonderful words!!!!!!! That makes me feel so much better. I think the problem is that I look at my 5 siblings laughing, talkings, etc beautifully but me being trying to understand what everyone is saying so that hurts. It's the communication frustrating part with a large group.

Thank you so much!!!!! :ily:

Momoftwo said:

I'm so sorry that you had a difficult experience with yourself.

For me, I'm really FINE with my deafness. (no problem!!):)

It's just that it is very hard to understand what Levicitus 19:14 really means -God's own meaning. I wish everyone has the same understanding of what this verse means. Some people think that God made people to be deaf, blind, etc on purpose and some other people think that God did not make them to be deaf, blind, etc. So, it's just that I would like to know the answer. Oh well! Actually, I'm very happy for who I am. It is just frustrating to get the 100% truth. That's all. It doesn't matter to me anyway because I am very happy with myself. :)


This will open your eyes ..... 4:11&version=9

God Bless....
Here is a picture of my tattoo.... I wish I did not get the tattoo of Jesus Christ healing a Deaf boy because tattoos are forbidden and I asked God if I get healed of deafness by the Lord Jesus Christ to have that tattoo taken off so people know tattoos are a no-no. It is my first and last tattoo. It cost me $100. and 4 hours to have the work done.

I never have been comfortable with the catholic tradition of Jesus Christ because I knew the Hebrew Israelites forbid long hair according to the Biblical Torah so it is very much an Israeli / Protestant tattoo which obeys the Torah because Yeshua which means in Hebrew, Jesus Christ would not have had long hair according to the Torah which both Israelis and Protestant Christians will instantly recongize clearly obeying the Torah on the issue of hair length for the men.

The webcam makes it grainy but if you met me in person then upon seeing the tattoo you would be saying that is a nice tattoo even the boss will admit it is really a nice tattoo compared to what tattoos are shown out there. That is for sure.


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Momoftwo said:
I think the problem is that I look at my 5 siblings laughing, talkings, etc beautifully but me being trying to understand what everyone is saying so that hurts. It's the communication frustrating part with a large group.


I understand how it feels to be left out on communication between families and yourself. I'm sure every deaf person feels the same way if they got hearing parents/reatives too. But, think about hearing children having deaf parents/deafrealtives, I'm sure those children felt the same too. Why don't you tell your family how you feel about being left out on conversations and you would like to be involved knowing what they are laughing about, discussing about. Maybe they will realized that your feelings are hurt, and maybe they will turn it all around. It wouldn't hurt to give it a try. What do you think? ;)
Redfox , I got my tattoo done then a few months later, I saw that on History Channel about Jesus Christ which confirmed my suspcisions about what Jesus Christ would have looked like according to the Old Testament or the Torah.
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