Iran will do military exercise on how to close Strait of Hormuz

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About Iran and the Strait Hormuz...ahem...just saw this today: Iran squeezes UAE with stopping imports - Tehran Times

"Experts say the cut of trade relations will harm the UAE largely as the Arab state’s exports to Iran are four times greater than its imports from the Islamic Republic.

According the statistics released by Iran’s Customs Administration, the value of trade ties between the two neighbors over the last eight months stood at around $15 billion, of which 12 billion dollars were the United Arab Emirates’ exports to Iran. The figure shows that a loss of Iran’s market would harm the UAE economy.

Iran’s punitive measure against the UAE, although is said to be temporary, shows that the Islamic Republic has the capability to take pre-emptive steps against any hostile activities. "

Reba, I have never, not once, on AD stated that I don't believe in God. (Though I object to the term "atheist" being referred to almost as a dirty word.) I just don't believe in a Christian construction of God in man's image. I challenge anyone to find a post where I have said otherwise.

Why I changed your wording(aside from the tongue-in-cheek aspect) is because I do not like how you took ownership of the verb "believe." Your diction suggested that anyone who didn't believe in what you believe in is not just someone who believes differently, but does not believe at all; ss not on the same level as you; spiritually inferior, if you will. That's just not the case. I know your religion teaches you otherwise, but you will just have to accept that you are only allowed to think that in your own house of worship and amongst those who feel the same way. To call anyone a "non-believer" because they do not believe what you believe is bigotry and ignorance. I will not tolerate it, and I will be aggressive at attacking that anywhere in a public forum. To do otherwise would be to disobey one of the categorical imperatives by which I live.

Bingo. Those who tolerate such contribute to such.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

My family could be on the learning channel, each person for his or her own specific mental disorder. Hoarder, eating disorder, ocd, etc. It's a medically interesting group of people. lol
Wirelessly posted (droid)

My family could be on the learning channel, each person for his or her own specific mental disorder. Hoarder, eating disorder, ocd, etc. It's a medically interesting group of people. lol

No moonshiners or lady hoggers?
Wirelessly posted (droid)

My family could be on the learning channel, each person for his or her own specific mental disorder. Hoarder, eating disorder, ocd, etc. It's a medically interesting group of people. lol

Interesting that all 3 that you mentioned are anxiety disorders. Excellent illustration of the interplay between biology and environment. Genetics makes your family predisposed to increased anxiety reactions, the environment determines how that manifests in the individual.
Is that show with the "Lady Hogger" who tried her hands on hunting alligators? I think I saw that show once.

Probably.... I saw some of it once. Pretty gutsy....those hogs don't play
Probably.... I saw some of it once. Pretty gutsy....those hogs don't play

LOL The last time I went hog hunting, I ended up climbing a tree. I have seen my Uncle get his calf sliced open by a hogs tusk.
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