Iran will do military exercise on how to close Strait of Hormuz

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Feb 26, 2008
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Iran army declines comment on MP's Hormuz exercise remarks - Yahoo! News

It is the world's most important oil channel where so many oil tankers pass to carry oil out of Gulf of Persia.

Imagine this: If Iran runs in a deep dispute with one or more of their neighboring countries or enemies, they can decide to close the strait. What does it mean? Skyrocketing oil price which translates to skyrocketing gas price. :eek3:

Iran has their largest naval base in Bandar el-Abbas which is on edge of Strait of Hormuz which is about 34 miles wide between Iran and United Arab Emirates.
Iran army declines comment on MP's Hormuz exercise remarks - Yahoo! News

It is the world's most important oil channel where so many oil tankers pass to carry oil out of Gulf of Persia.

Imagine this: If Iran runs in a deep dispute with one or more of their neighboring countries or enemies, they can decide to close the strait. What does it mean? Skyrocketing oil price which translates to skyrocketing gas price. :eek3:

Iran has their largest naval base in Bandar el-Abbas which is on edge of Strait of Hormuz which is about 34 miles wide between Iran and United Arab Emirates.

I hope the US will learn their lesson from launching a war on Iraq on the false assumptions. Anyone remember the aluminium tubes fiasco? Bush started a war despite his own department telling him those tubes were not designed for nuclear bombs manufacturing which was proven when no one could find any nuclear facilities in Iraq. Search in Iraq Fails to Find Nuclear Threat

so, I hope this time, the US govt will take great care to make sure they have accurate information before making any decisions vis a vis Iran. One thing to keep in mind for sure, if Iran closes off the Gulf, they stand to lose trillions of dollars which would in fact, affect their nuclear bomb manufacturing (if indeed there's any truth to this) and they can't afford to do that so I consider it a somewhat mild threat. I find it very interesting that they are choosing to use a non-violent reaction to any attack on their country.
I hope the US will learn their lesson from launching a war on Iraq on the false assumptions. Anyone remember the aluminium tubes fiasco? Bush started a war despite his own department telling him those tubes were not designed for nuclear bombs manufacturing which was proven when no one could find any nuclear facilities in Iraq. Search in Iraq Fails to Find Nuclear Threat

so, I hope this time, the US govt will take great care to make sure they have accurate information before making any decisions vis a vis Iran. One thing to keep in mind for sure, if Iran closes off the Gulf, they stand to lose trillions of dollars which would in fact, affect their nuclear bomb manufacturing (if indeed there's any truth to this) and they can't afford to do that so I consider it a somewhat mild threat. I find it very interesting that they are choosing to use a non-violent reaction to any attack on their country.


West has no evidence of Iran atomic bomb program, senior Turkish diplomat says - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

| The Australian - A second Iranian nuclear facility has exploded, as diplomatic tensions rise between the West and Tehran

BBC News - Image captures Iran military base explosion damage


I love how headlines get so dramatic:

Russian General: "Iran does have nuclear weapons", General Yuri Baluyevsky, the Russian Deputy Chief of Staff told journalists, adding: "Of course, these are non-strategic nuclear weapons.

What does the Iran military base have to do with nuclear bombs? it was an explosion of ammunitions. And that article was nothing but pure speculation, brings back memories of Iraq and the aluminium tubes.

And finally, that Australian article mentioning the nuclear facility explosion - it seems to imply Israel was responsible for this.

so, what's your "hmmm..." all about? I said I hope the US gets their facts straight before making any moves. So far, there haven't been proven evidence of Iran's intent to bomb Israel. None. Unless you think speculation is that that's needed to justify a trillion dollar war.
I love how headlines get so dramatic:

Russian General: "Iran does have nuclear weapons", General Yuri Baluyevsky, the Russian Deputy Chief of Staff told journalists, adding: "Of course, these are non-strategic nuclear weapons.

What does the Iran military base have to do with nuclear bombs? it was an explosion of ammunitions. And that article was nothing but pure speculation, brings back memories of Iraq and the aluminium tubes.

And finally, that Australian article mentioning the nuclear facility explosion - it seems to imply Israel was responsible for this.

so, what's your "hmmm..." all about? I said I hope the US gets their facts straight before making any moves. So far, there haven't been proven evidence of Iran's intent to bomb Israel. None.

Yeah, no real desire to remove Israel off the map.
Yeah, nothing here. Move along. Nothing to see.

Iran's Nuclear Program - News - The New York Times

New Evidence on Iran?s Nuclear Aspirations - Graphic -
The Iranian government denounced the moves, but focused much of its ire on Britain, moving to downgrade diplomatic relations. The next day, dozens of Iranian protesters screaming “death to England!” stormed the British embassy compound in Tehran, tore down the British flag and ransacked the office in what appeared to be a pre-orchestrated event sanctioned by the Iranian authorities that may have gotten out of control.
Iran's Nuclear Program - News - The New York Times
Yea, they have nukes, but that doesn't answer the question of shutting down the straight.

I admit religion might drive them to bomb Israel, but even then there would have to be a purpose to it. It would not destroy all of Israel and certainly not all it's people, most of most of whom don't live in Israel.

I agree with Caroline, it's all speculation just like Iraq.
Your version of "proof" would be the smoldering ruins of Israel.

I've been reading about Iran/Israel for the past two hours and as far as I can tell, the world is more worried about israel bombing iran than the other way around.

so, steinhauer, are you saying all we need is a rumour to bomb a country? Or would it be prudent to uncover solid evidence that Iran actually planned to bomb Israel before fucking up big time like Bush did with Iraq?

but hey, if you think speculation is good enough reason to spark a nuclear war...
I've been reading about Iran/Israel for the past two hours and as far as I can tell, the world is more worried about israel bombing iran than the other way around.

so, steinhauer, are you saying all we need is a rumour to bomb a country? Or would it be prudent to uncover solid evidence that Iran actually planned to bomb Israel before fucking up big time like Bush did with Iraq?

but hey, if you think speculation is good enough reason to spark a nuclear war...

It is more than speculation and rumors that Iran wants Israel destroyed.
It is more than speculation and rumors that Iran wants Israel destroyed.

Um, even Washington is uncertain about Israel's claims and you happen to possess more information than they do?

Please provide any credible viable source that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Iran plans to bomb Israel.
It is more than speculation and rumors that Iran wants Israel destroyed.

False. Talk to your Iranian friends and ask them.
Whoops, you do not have any. :giggle:
They will tell you they want a regime change in Israel.
Um, even Washington is uncertain about Israel's claims and you happen to possess more information than they do?

Please provide any credible viable source that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Iran plans to bomb Israel.

Maybe we can ask nicely to Iran if they are making nuclear weapons and allow nuclear inspectors unfettered access and visit their nuclear facilities? That worked pretty well when Obama asked nicely to have their drone back.
It is more than speculation and rumors that Iran wants Israel destroyed.

I don't think it is speculation that they want to. I think it is speculation that they could/would actually do it.

They are also supposed to be placing ships in the Panama Canal, but unless they get help from South America they don't have the logistical ability to keep them there.
Maybe we can ask nicely to Iran if they are making nuclear weapons and allow nuclear inspectors unfettered access and visit their nuclear facilities? That worked pretty well when Obama asked nicely to have their drone back.

What??!! He didn't bow low enough??? Why, that socialist!
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